If the objective is to convince the average people, the current actions will never work
You understand and yet you criticize their actions.. It illogical. Either you understand why we fight the way we do, or you don't.
In reality no actions really works.
We can't debate with the far right (despite what I'm doing in this thread) beacuse its will automatically strenghten them.
We can't discuss with conservatist because our ideology is "too much"
We can't convince liberals because they have the power and they will do everything to prevent anyone from changing the status co
So the only way we can't fight is through time.
A leftist that understand why women call men trash perfectly understand the importance of saying that and the fact that there is absolutely ZERO mysoginy behind that statement.
We are not here to convince the average people. The average people are enabling the power, the average people have no interest in the change of the status co. You don't see calling men trash here and you never see me insult anyone. And yet, even when I bring scientific evidences to convince with reason and not emotion, those evidences are simply ignored.
So here, I'm not really talking to the far right, I'm talking to leftist people who could appear on this thread and see that there is a contradiction of the far right and stay in the process.
This is what we must do : unite and strenghten the left. This is why having strong and clear values based on clear evidences is important.
What i seem to notice from the left, is a lack of empathy for anyone who disagrees
Understanding why someone think the way they think doesn't mean that we must have empathy for them. There is no empathy to have in front of someone denying a genocide or denying the impact of capitalism on world wide poverty.
I understand why they think that way, but I don't have to empathize with them. They don't deserve my feelings just yet.
One thing you you start to look for is moments where the left actually aknowledge the change that someone is making. We are not hating because we must hate. We are hating because its the reasonnable and only viable answer to toxic ideologies. Once people understand that they are wrong, we recieve them with open arms (well, relatively to what they were defending before of course)
do you think that's gonna take us to a good future?
The left, right now, is the only wall between democracies and the fascization of society. What is happening in Palestine and Israel right now is only but the beginning. What you can hear from Israelian leaders, you can expect to hear 10 times worse when the reality of climate change will hit and when there will be a real migration of people around the world.
The water wars... The rise of far right ideologies all around the world.. The dehumanization of minorities.. If if we going the way we are now, its gonna be a bloodbath. And it will be too late to blame the real culprits behind those situations.
If you're not considered a minority
shut up and don't talk anything about you think
No one says that. That only how the right think about the left.
and if you are considered a minority, but dares to think against any single idea of the movement, you also deserve another label and be set aside
No mate.. A lot of people are thinking against the movement, even in the left. They are not labbeled because of that. They are wrong, but not labbeled.
Those who I labbel here are those who are depicting real toxic ideologies. Someone who defend far right laws and governement and value will be called a far right. Someone that denies the existence of trans people will be called a transphobe, someone who says that there is not a right side and a left side will be called a confusionnist or a apolitical depending on the discourse etc.. There is always a reason behind those labels. I don't use them for nothing.
Those two tribes you mentioned were (are actually) Central America tribes
Well if you consider the carabbeans as part of Central america then yes. The point was to give you the starting point of the genocide that extended all over the american continent.
The 70 million figure is associated with the genocide of natives of North America
Hm no. it also uncompass everything that happens in south america. 70 Million dead is already more than enough, let's not add more death on the counting table.
Columbus definetily didn't abuse anyone because his adventure was short lived
Personnally I don't know if he did, its not mentionned, but his men absolutely did. In any case, he ordered some massacre to happen.. And I tell you that despite the fact that I was a huge christoper colombus fan when I was young.
The population of South and Central America is composed of a mixture of Europpean-Native-Black people.
Because everyone else was killed yes.
Portuguese and Spanish pretty much created a new Ethnicity/race
You probably never researched shit by yourself and is probably spewing shit you heard on your fancy french school.
I'm literally reading a sociological research 300 long book about the genocide of America detailing how people were killed but also how people resisted. Created by two sociologist in collaboration with anthropological works.. but yeah... i don't do my researches..
You really think a couple of thousands* of europpeans could kill millions of natives with fucking black powder guns?
Especially when those native are welcoming at first..
The rape accusations are even more ridiculous
Well I didn't say anything about rape, but this was definitely a thing yet. This genocide was absolutely horrible.
Am i denying there were ponctual episodes of violence in the colonization of Latin America?No,of course,they happened.
Wow.. genocide denyers.. between you and Herrera I'm really touching the epicenter of of monstruosity.
The British did systematically wipe out the natives,just look at those kid cartoons were they depict Natives and Europpeans slinging lead and arrows,but of course revisionists will equal the Spaniards and Portuguese to the British.
The british did do that. But they were not alone. And the south Europeans already did quite the genocide when british settlers arrived in the far west.
So you are giving me a source proving you wrong ? How peculiar...
Well, for better or worse, you're definitely a forum legend
Hope you find what you're looking for
Thanks mate