Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters
Don’t think World Gov will get destroyed if it doesn’t happen at Marejois

too much secrets Oda has left there

I wonder though if that will be end of fighting marines. Oda could do Akainu going to Elbaf and essentially being Surtur and causing Ragnarok
Yeah I’ve said for. While now that Sakazuki will be the Surtr of Norse myth and I feel like the other gorosei will follow them.

The final fight being against imu and in Mariejoa is still happening imo, the world government just won’t be the rulers there.
Oda repeatedly said Wano was 2 years too long

Still can’t see it ending before 2028 though tbh

Cause even this arc he wasted 10 chapters on York and Vegapunk satellites that haven’t done anything
I’d say just the lenght of Kuma’s flashback is pretty telling. If oda truly wanted it could have seen done in 3-4 chapters max.
Imu is the final villain, but the world government as it is isn’t lasting till the end.

Whitebeard said that the world will be turned on its head. Imu will be the final villain, but Cross Guild will be the final villains. The underworld becoming the new leaders of the world will literally be the world turning on its head.
Nah you trippin.

Cross guild will probably be in the race for op. Laughtale is as far as they go at best.

Imu wont be alone lol. He will have gorosei, god's knights and seraphs and shit.

The navy is not gonna lose and get thwarted. Oda already said through Revo's that only WG is the target, not marines.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
We got 32 chapters in 2023 lol

and Oda has been consistentely making less chapters per year
Welp, I suppose due to the month break too? So we lost 3 chapters at least then? Oda took at least 1 extra break for the live action too?

Man....this is just ominous, especially with Odas aging and health issues too....

I dont understand why he keeps adding new elements and characters to the story, he needs to tone it down drastically, not do the opposite. He can always save stuff for movies, novels, a sequel series, plays/live shows or w/e else.

I kinda feel Elbaf will be the battleground of the final war due to the heavy themes of warriors and war with them but also because it should be the biggest island in the series, the most "giant sized" so should be perfect for all potential factions and forces to get involved and just have it out? The biggest, bloodiest battle royale ever?

But idk, Im very concerned for the future of the story and where Oda is gonna go with this. Thats probably why Oda has been offscreening a lot of stuff too, to whittle down the story and speed it along, he said he was gonna do that too, prior to the final saga starting, he was gonna "restructure the story" to streamline it down or w/e?

I really hope One Piece doesn't get a Bleach style ending, that would be far too heartbreaking and brutal. It needs to sail smoothly for the finale, let it end well at least Oda.