Another character loyal to Oden’s dream... It seems that most of Wano’s problems stem from infighting, lack of education, and unequal wealth/goods distribution rather than lack of outside knowledge or resources. I understand Wano is supposed to be a parallel to Edo Japan, but what good does opening up borders do when the country itself is unstable and most of its inhabitants are impoverished and live under a fairly strict social hierarchy? Oden has impressive feats, but I don’t understand why other characters just want to “open Wano’s borders” vs “let’s make Wano a better country (which means eventually opening up its borders and figuring out the best way to do so)”. Overthrowing Orochi is definitely a step toward improving Wano, but what exactly is the step after that? Why has no one thought about it? Maybe I’m just dense in the head and overthinking everything or forgot stuff from the flashback chapters.