Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1105 Spoilers Discussion

Who won kitty bowl? (Losers get threadbanned)

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Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
I feel bad for Kizaru ngl, but dude if you dont like this shit do something, Fuji wouldve already pimp slapped Saturn to the shadow realm.
Lmfao right? Gravity yeet his ass into the ocean if possible or send him "back to hell" or better yet, crush him with a meteor at least or two madara style.

Akainu would try to kill Saturn too, he already gave them shit to their faces with no fear and hesitation. I need that military coup so bad.
Kuzan either has aCoC or can match aCoC with a tiny bit of ice.
You pick your poison.

Either way there's no world in which Prime Sengoku is stronger than Akainu. Narrative relevance gap + Oda statements make it clear

Likewise Sengoku isnt mid diffing any Admiral so they're all at worst one tier below him

And no Gorosei can match Roger so none of them are Sengoku lvl either

The literal translation is garps strength has "completely diminished" the Google translate backs it up.

Kuzan matched a 10 percent Garp who had a stab wound.
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