I am not out to attack or disagree with you for the sake of disagreeing with you
Oh sorry !
It was meant as "I do not believe in merit" lol
It was not an attack at all.


Like I would really rather be in an environment that agrees with what I say rather than live in an environement where I need to constantly defend my point of view. But here we are. In reality, i'm not attacking you, I'm not really interested in that kind of behavior, I just want people to understand why I'm talking the way I am and potentially make them de-learn pressupposed mythical ideaologies and fallacious teachings about reality.

Meanwhile the impression I get from you is that you have to be right and can’t seem to accept that in certain situations that there is no true right or wrong answer.
Oh but yes ! I can of course be wrong sometimes ! In fact, I'm one of the rare person that can instantly change my point of view if presented sufficient evidences here (you will see that its not a common behaviors on this thread)

Its just that I come from a really problematic startpoint, I've therefore realized that I was wrong a lot, and I mean MASSIVELY wrong, over the years.. and this was more than 15 years ago. So I had time to change drastically myself and my point of view when presented clear evidences and good reasonning.... so now... its really hard to find grounds on subjects that I'm familiar with where I can be wrong as I base all my reasonnings on scientific and militant knowledge and the words of those who are concerned by the subjects.

I'm still subject to biases a lot (sexism, racism, individualism, psychophobia even tho I'm quite literally mentally ill) but those are now reduced to the minimum.

But do try to change my mind ! I love to learn new things.

Well then, if this is the approach you’re taking you will have to define what the word politics means to you, because I am under the impression that we aren’t talking about the same thing
Let me explain:

In our lives, there are what we consider as core beliefs on the way we must act in the world. We call them "value"

For example when we consider that we should be helpfull to the community this is one value, when we consider that animals are not to be considered as human this in another value, when we consider that we should always help the poor, its another value. Etc. We live in our lives with thousands and thousands of core "values". Those values are what shape our opinion on the way in wihch we should act upon the world. Those values can also become "value system", for example meritocracy is a "value system", its a big value and a big belief system that uncompass a lot of small similar values. Those values can be also value system and so on, like sub files if you want.

So.. now that we have values and value system, what happen when those values are entering in opposition with other opposite values Well, this create a conflict of opposition of values and value systems.

This is how I define a political paradigm.

Politic, for me, is therefore just the name I place on the conflict between opposite values. For example : Egalitarism VS individualism

Now that we understand that. What can be observed is that in the world values tends to follow two massive groups of value systems:

- A value system that consider that humans are the result of their own making and can control their environment
- A value system that consider that humans are the product of their environment and must live in adequation with it

In the entire history of mankind, in every cultures and every myths or political conflict, you will observe this opposition. Sometime, like in native north american culture, the value system that consider that we must live in adequation with the environment will be dominant. but right now, one system is dominating the other in the world and its the opposite.

And of course, only one of those value system can be really accurate with reality.

So.. The belief that we are free or can free ourself from the "shackles" of the the influence of our environment is hegemonic.. Its almost everywhere... but one specific discipline : sciences.

Indeed sciences is meant to make us understand reality with the least possible biases as possible. So it's the discipline that has the potential to make us understand best the world.. But even this discipline can be influenced by biases coming not only by our natural evolutions but also by one of the two big value system mentionned above.

So we must always be careful to keep the scientific biases as reduced as minimum. And sometimes, it means injecting the opposite values system into the mix to balance the domination of a core belief system. For example, its hard to understand social sciences if we believe in merit, so we will need to balance that with value system that indicate that we are indeed influenced by our environment and therefore that merit is not a reality. And sadly, most of the time, we will need to reduce the impact of the hegemonic value system, the value system that consider that we are free from our environment and can control it.

I don’t appreciate that your first reflex is to cast doubt
Sorry about the missunderstanding, I wasn't clear in the reply.

Do you guys think in the world as it is today a civil war is possible?
The question is, do we want a civil wars ? And, until what point can we old the belief system that a civil war is preferable than welcoming illegal immigrants ?

No. Eugenics is about selective breeding.
Therefore the ideas that we should only select the one that are not presenting any kind of "conditions" and blaming opposite choices on immorality is eugenistic.

But this still doesnt have anything to doneith science working. So not sure why you are so desperate to deflect from that with this stupid attempt of accusing dawkins that he supports eugenics
This was a point meant to explain why we should be careful when we share the vision of people like Dawkins's.

Diversity of opinions has nothing to do with superficial traits like sex or ethnicity
Actually it does. Gender and ethnicities also have an impact on the way we see the world and the way we can interprate it. For example, gender diversity in medecine can greatly improve the way we approach treatment for women and ethnical diversity in social sciences can often help the reduction of biases considering racialized and ethnical groups and therefore deepens the researches. In hard sciences, the simple fact of having more diverse gender can equate to a addition of a more diverse pool of background and potentially more efficient and different results.

Studying medicine would be impossible without experimenting on animals and humans
You are entitled to your value system, I do not have the same. (And when I say experimenting on someone, I mean a living someone, not just dead people)

Studying medicine would be impossible without experimenting on animals
Is it really tho ?

(but that just an example of value in the scientific process)

But well ultimately you cant.
Yes you can. By increasing ethical and progressive value system in the scientific process. For example, you can prevent people playing with nuclear war heads to test climate just with political restrictions and ethical interdictions.

we should reconsider researching evolutionary biology because nazis could exploit the findings.
No one is saying that mate
Therefore the ideas that we should only select the one that are not presenting any kind of "conditions" and blaming opposite choices on immorality is eugenistic.
Aborting fetuses is not the same as selective breeding. Selective breeding is about prohibiting people to reproduce if they have undesirable traits.

In his many statements about this topic he literally said the peeps should try again. Thats not selective breeding at all
Once again you are just talking out of your ass
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You are entitled to your value system, I do not have the same. (And when I say experimenting on someone, I mean a living someone, not just dead people)
This isnt about my values. I would love if we didnt need to experiment on animals or people to make progress in medicine, but thats simply impossible.
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Go to a 3rd World Country first before talking shit.

Country comparison: Brazil / United States (worlddata.info)

Brazil vs USA

Unemployment rate: 9.5 % vs 3.6 %

Inflation rate: 9.28 % vs 8.00 %

Cost of Living: 49.78 % vs 100.00 %

Commercial taxes and contributions: 65.10 % vs 36.60 %

Average income: 8,140 US$ vs 76,770 US$

USA has near 1/3 of unemployement. Less inflation. Althought cost of living is the double of Brazil the average income is around 9,5x. And way less taxes (current governament is increasing those taxes absurdly lately in Brazil).

Let's see Quality of Life

Political stability: 50 vs 67

Civil rights: 42 vs 83

Health: 56 vs 71

Climate: 56 vs 66

Cost of Living: 37 vs 42

Popularity: 40 vs 87

Now I ask you what is your idea of 1st World Country that USA doesn't fit?
Why take seriously what trolls say though?
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The question is, do we want a civil wars ? And, until what point can we old the belief system that a civil war is preferable than welcoming illegal immigrants ?
Sometimes wars are just necessary like the independence war and the previous civil war. Looks like is not only Texas but half USA now is in favor of closing the borders.
Idk what your country is but you defend Hamas going into war against Israel. Just a hypocrite
I defend the actions of resistance against Israel that is colonizing and oppressing Palestinians, not specifically what Hamas does mate. But I can't ask a genocide denyer to understand the defense of any kind of actions of resistance :shocking:


I defend the actions of resistance against Israel that is colonizing and oppressing Palestinians, not specifically what Hamas does mate. But I can't ask a genocide denyer to understand the defense of any kind of actions of resistance :shocking:
Then you will have to call the international court a genocide denier too since they denied all allegations of South Africa.