Go to a 3rd World Country first before talking shit.
Country comparison: Brazil / United States (worlddata.info)
Brazil vs USA
Unemployment rate: 9.5 % vs 3.6 %
Inflation rate: 9.28 % vs 8.00 %
Cost of Living: 49.78 % vs 100.00 %
Commercial taxes and contributions: 65.10 % vs 36.60 %
Average income: 8,140 US$ vs 76,770 US$
USA has near 1/3 of unemployement. Less inflation. Althought cost of living is the double of Brazil the average income is around 9,5x. And way less taxes (current governament is increasing those taxes absurdly lately in Brazil).
Let's see Quality of Life
Political stability: 50 vs 67
Civil rights: 42 vs 83
Health: 56 vs 71
Climate: 56 vs 66
Cost of Living: 37 vs 42
Popularity: 40 vs 87
Now I ask you what is your idea of 1st World Country that USA doesn't fit?