Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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Even if Jiaga was going to die an underwhelming death.... Hara could have chosen to feed him to Ouhon or Kyoukai. They deserve a third and second general kill respectively

This is what I was I saying:
Part of why the reception to this battle has been so polarising - I believe - is because the feats of Shi Ryou especially, but also Shin Kaku Gaku and San Shuu, have come at the expense of Ji Aga in a big way, and Kan Saro to a lesser extent. It's been surprising but also disappointing and anticlimactic to see these Seika warriors made to look so mortal so soon.
Like, yeah Shi Ryou’s stock has risen a lot, but it wasn’t worth diminishing Ji Aga.

Hara built up entirely different martial expectations for Kan Saro and Ji Aga. This battle has betrayed those expectations big time.

If Ji Aga was to fall here, why not at least give us a worthy battle and opponent?
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