Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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Nika enjoyers loving that Nika is out there laughing without a care in the world while Vegapunk, the man he swore to protect, is lying on the ground bleeding out.

Truly the peak of One Piece.​
Insert chad yes meme. This is the culmination of the entire smile fruit plotline and from Loguetown even: Nika smiling through it all, even his own death.


Lead them to paradise.
Insert chad yes meme. This is the culmination of the entire smile fruit plotline and from Loguetown even: Nika smiling through it all, even his own death.

Damn such smiles much wow, clown ass motherfucker.

There is a difference between smiling in the face of death and the retard shit we have right now. Luffy knew when to take things seriously back then.​
I won’t let it affect my enjoyment, but I can be disappointed that Franky has felt lackluster in an arc based on science and Vegapunk despite him spending 2 years studying Vegapunks machinations.
I can't be because the stuff it's made way for has been great. They don't have time to sit around and talk shop, they can do it after they escape. And I do expect at least one Vegapunk to make it out. If that doesn't happen, then I'll be disappointed.
Yeah their main argument is “if you want to like a character who gets moments just be a Nika fan” literally means don’t like characters because of who they are, just do it for the agenda of knowing a character you like will always look good.
Then accept the side character you stan will never look better then Nika, AKA the MC, who will always get the best and biggest spotlight, don't cry about it 80% of the story in, Wano should've made it clear to anybody that Oda will go to any lengths to have Luffy looking the best at the end of the arc. Simple as that.

Some people here thought (and still seem to think) that anybody else is gonna steal Luffy's thunder, like the Bonney kills/beats Saturn thing, you'll just be setting yourself up for disappointment. :suresure:
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