Great chapter. We judged it way too soon. We can trust Hara he is a good Mangaka.
Whether it was character motivation or powerscaling he handles it right.
- We get to know more about Seika's mindset, they're about peace it seems. Talking before fighting despite being from enemy states.
- "FIRE of Seika" Yeah. SBS is the instinctual type.
- Also this depends on translation but has SBS confirmed he is holding back ?
Basically Seika was still holding back but Qin got worked nonetheless. Ji Aga doesn't wanna kill a woman. Shiryou looking like a beast ofc.
Bananji and Gyou'Un were out for blood against Akou in comparison.
Really like this chapter. I think Ji Aga might survive.
this chapter will be good if the seika general did something next like killing all of ousen generals , but if they keep on the same disappointed level or just did slightly better then this chapter is garbage as well or disappointment.
so let's wait and see
Jiega has to move blood to his neck veins and destroy the sword by only his muscles 💪 😤.
kansaro in one swing kill those 2 retards from denermi army.
while sbs has to do better than mobu vs chu when they circled him
sbs army break the encirclement from all sides at once and kill denermi and sou ou along the way.
from previous chapters akkakin and ako are on their way to ousen .
so sbs reach ousen as kanki did with rbk
sbs kill akakin and ako easily and make ousen out of the game and this war but not the manga .
and the qin main army is fully destroyed.
maybe ohon who gonna save his dad and retreat.
other than that it a little meh
cuz even ako and shiryou are just corpses moving it's not really that achievement to take their lives now.