[FNZ] Super Role Madness Re:Zero: Starting Life in Mafia

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Mr. Reloaded

Professional backstabber
i guess that makes sense.

1. immune to abilities
2. immune to investigation changes, always appears as self
3. can alignment check player
4. can check number of guilty players om wagon
5. can investigate dead body and get list of 5 people who couldve killed the dead person
And you’ve not used any of that this game or brought anything forward?
no actions cause i didnt read my rolecard

13- @The Orca
15- @MangoSenpai
16- @Gambit
17- @Yoho
18- @HeWhoHasNoEqual
19- @Kiku
20- @Naomi
21- @xenos5
23- @Alwaysmind
Pot Goblin
Revived and confirmed indie.
Has a ability that makes sense as an indie as compared to anything else given it's game wide, and I can't see a scum having a game wide ability like that with zero downsides for negatives. There reads were on point all game and the frustration when the game didn't go how they wanted with there reads and villagers flip they get genuinly frustrated, as well as the fact that there flavor makes sense as indie and I don't believe they fake it.
I have Prof as fairly town, they're the only census in the game, there ability makes the most sense as town from what I've seen of it, they're hard vouching for Mango which is a weird thing to do as mafia and I trust Prof's read on them, which makes me lock them as indie. The only other possibility is that Prof and Ratchet are exactly factional SvS however I kind of doubt that due to the afformentioned Ratchet defending Mango, and Prof being townie.
Town Confirmed Kings!/Queens!
They flipped town, revived due to an ability.
I have mechanical information relating to them being town, not sure if it was outed yet. I also think they're frustration from what I've seen with being forced to claim is town, and if they were scum I would be extremely extremely heavily annoyed due to the fact that the host allowed me to mason a scum here which is the most bastard thing to ever happen. This is more me trusting host to not make there game actively unenjoyable than an allignment read.
Random Asshole
They claimed a red check on a player that was kind of town read by the thread, as well as being our only use of inifite cop probably just makes them V. Not much incentive for faking a red check in this game and I don't see why you would want to do it as a wolf over a much safer claim, also here because of the fact that the 3 vice captains of the army would be the watcher tracker and cop which i think is really cool flavor that i could see mashiro doing easily.
They Towning!!
Red Night
Shaky on this read, these lists aren't ordered. I do want to say they're town though, the only information against them was that the Roswall mansion kind of sounds like a masonry ability which is a stretch? I think there actions have been realtively pro EV and upon thinking of it the one thing putting me off is why they claim exactly what they do as wolf, I'm not going to out specifics but they claimed a few powerful abilities that I don't see the point in claiming as a wolf here. Another thing is that they're the main Roswaal canidate but as mentioned after Flower was defending them in thread Flower got day vigd, kind of making me just think that they're towning. I've also heard they have more motivation as wolf and I'm just not seeing it this game lol. If one thing is putting me off onl this read it's the fact that th ey don't have to much solving in the thread, but as mentioned I thnk that's >rand V for them?
Mostly due to the fact that after RA claimed the red on them there initial reaction was really tame like they didnt care, they didnt have any of the wolfy panic i would expect to see from a mafia here and they didnt just vote ra in turn for ra claiming the red check which i want to say is a villa reaction, as well as the same flavor speculation as meployed in the read on RA. I like there fairly anti town atttiude D1 just being so blatnet about it kind of read v to me given i cant see a scum incentive for making enemies of all of the vigilantes in the world, and i dont know why they would do that lol. they towning!!!
most of the reasons for me towning this slot arei n the mason chat, i promise its not just a volume clear! they tend to be sliding nicely tint othe kind of town leader slot, and i think they're doing a great job of it as well; i thinkl that they're super good with the mechanical information in this game and are not using it to push an agenda given you can very easily argue with them if you want it changed and all of there logic makes sense, i tihnk that there pushes are genuinly vilage allgined / have village incentives behind them and they were one of the main pushers of pein d1 iirc, as well as the fact that they're just really solving this game and puttting in the work which i find really easy to town. Kind of paranoid of this slot for no reason lol
Flavor read, I won't be elaborating. They have not been villagery on play in the slightest.
They Towning?
Mr. Reloaded
One of the reads I have the least confidence on here, but there's still some basis. One part of it is that I think I know there flavor and they used an ability a while back that looked good to me, as well as the fact that they just seemed to be in towns interests? If there is a deep wolf this is where I look since I completely and utterly lack confidence in this read. Another reason they're this high is that I've been getting alot of feedback during most of my town games to try to listen to other players more than I do, and most of them seem to V read Reloaded.Also, they're so nice I think it's literally impossible to scum read them TwT.
Like, this is a bit of a contensious one. I want to just call this V but I don't think I can in good faith actually fully town read this aside from giving it the equivelent of Lean Town, stll above reloaded for what it's worth. One reason that they're this hihg is the mechanical information to do with gambit which makes me lean more villagery than not, but at the same time this just feels like such a good canidate for another deep wolf. The questions that she's been asking have been fine but at SOD the main goal from what I've noticed was trying to cast doubt onj a bunch of towns without actually contributing who they think is evil in the players that they're casting doubt on? At the same time, I don't know if a scum would even attempt to do such a thing given the players they're casting doubt on are mostly universally read as town byt the entire thread. I also think I have a flavor read on this slot and that's another reason as to them being town, but it feels really iffy. I think this would be a tier higher if I put more stock into others reads here, and I'm trying to do that as you see with Reloaded, but I just. don't think I can do it TwT.
They wolfing?
I don't have to much to say about the slot to be honest, in a game where so much palyers are vilage a player whos both a high poster and isnt really standing out in any concievable away i think is good enough t obe a wolf. I know teres been a bit of disacussion about this player as of recent and I havent really read it so this take may be a bit mal informed, but from what i can recall they were just a very flip floopy slot. There are a few things i remember that read good to them like iirc d2 sod they were going into mech a bit that felt townie? i cant remember if it was this slopt or another but yeah, they were def doing that or somebody was at the very least. D1 there thoughts on Joygirls slot randed v, but thats really it and with such a high post count its a bit disgusting how only those posts i can remember as v pings. I can remmber off of the top opf my head theyve had a small pockety vibe the entire game? Like, Mango / Orwellion / HWHNE, it could just be there personality but it felt like pocket attempts as opposed to actually distrubintg compliments. I'm not sure though.

I finish reads tmrwo, kind of tired :)
@Michelle <3
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