Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars

but Kansaro doesn't have that going for him either yet you constantly keep hyping his non impressive martial showings and portrayal
Yeah it’s not confirmed but he seems pretty comparable to Jiaga lol. Now we even find out they have a past together.

Now you're downplaying Gyou'Un and Bananji to upscale Batei's equal
You have yet to feel the full power of the Battle Axe Bros. Join us now before it’s too late.
I still don't get why Hara did this
Even if he's a bum atleast have him do something before he dies
Maybe they advance with Shibashou and get close to Ousen and in a desperate situation he is taken down not like this at the start
Same reason he introduced Da Rin and Shin Kaku Gaku.

He gets to claim a high kill count for the arc without killing off too many (anyone?) he and the audience cares about.

It's a cop out.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
I already have giga-axe Batei above Ji Gag don't worry

But memes aside, this is sending the likes of Shiryou, Ji Gag and Batei to the shadow realm
It is criminal to compare these guys to someone like Gyou'Un lol
You don’t have to convince me of Gyou’Un hype, I am the original high-priest lol.

But there is little point in denying that his Shukai self loses to Jiaga.
No one would have minded if Hara would stop with these hyperboles like "this new x general has the strength of Moubu" etc.

Or have it not be strict head to head confrontation

Similarly was the problem with the entire Houken fight, a half dead shin beating him was straight up garbage, have Kyokai noticeably nerf Houken at least beforehand.

Actually I change my mind, this isn't as worse as that, but kind of wild still someone under Souou to pull off a feat like this, the Houken fight was still garbage, and Hara fucked up, from that also stemmed the aftermath bullshit also with Kyokai and everything
Honestly don't know what Hara was thinking with offing Ji Aga this early into the battle, was it a last minute decision? Or planned ?

I can't tell but given that these two commanders already started receiving hype many many months ago this was among the last things I expected.

If this serves a purpose (having SBS wreck havoc) alright but even then killing Seika's strongest warrior just like that....Hara has balls.