Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 984: My Bible [Break Week]

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Ever since Marco's too easy arrival to Wano I have been interested to see Weevil comes to Wano as well to spice things up for him and the rest of the alliance and because it would be funny for Weevil to have gone to Wano in order to find Luffy only to directly meet the one he's really after.
Maybe the shadow in the sea is him and Bakkin arriving.
"But but Yamato > King because he can one shot distracted Ulti!!! (Let's pretend to forget what King did to Big Mom Pirates)"
Reality: #IToldYou Ulti is okay, waking up and furious

"But but Yamato is Ace of Beasts thus he > King!!!"
Reality: It's a she and she is just another Ace's damsel friend.

"Current post Udon Luffy mid diffs King, and low difd Jack!!!!"
Reality: He is getting trolled by even Yamato who is below Jack/Pica/Cracker.

RIP Luffy and Yamato's fanboys
The former kept getting embarassed since Act 3 started and the latter will slowly turn into damsel. Remember, Rebecca also looked strong once with Undefeated Gladiator title and "will kill Doffy with Mera Mera" speech.
Oh the classic new character mean new nakama -_- people never learn.

So the important announcement is about new onigashima. Looking forward where this will lead. Also Jack is the tallest lol

Why Izo still using pistols instead a sword, this is not a samurai. Marco seeing shadow figure must be Perospero right? So Marco vs Perospero? :tchpepe:

Yamato fangirling Oden and want to inherit his will and fighting her dad :whitepress:

People salty that Ace got mentioned again. I dont have problem with it, he is important character after all.
"Current post Udon Luffy mid diffs King, and low difd Jack!!!!"
Reality: He is getting trolled by even Yamato who is below Jack/Pica/Cracker.
How do we know this? what even implies this?

The former kept getting embarassed since Act 3 started and the latter will slowly turn into damsel. Remember, Rebecca also looked strong once with Undefeated Gladiator title and "will kill Doffy with Mera Mera" speech.
This is the sorta comments I expected when its revealed Yamato to be a female, typical female character downplay.

I can't even blame you though, it just how Oda choose to represent them, however I'm hoping Yamato is different from all the others and is actually really strong.
The whole chapter was great, but the ending of the chapter was fucking fire. Hopefully we finally get some more insight on Ace's time in Wano. Back when Wano first started Otama mentioned Ace was in the Country for weeks, so I knew it was only a matter of time before we get to learn more about his exploits on the island. Now I am starting to wonder if Ace himself challenged Kaido. I wouldn't put it past him as he's not the type of person who would sit idly by and let shit like what's going on in the Country fly. Kaido isn't the type of person to kill off someone he sees that has potential, so perhaps after he defeated Ace he told him to come back when he was stronger. Maybe Kaido thought this was the guy who could potentially kill him one day. Pure head cannon, I know, but man would it be nice if something along the lines of this happened.

I also love the fact that Yamato backed what most fans have been saying for a long time now. Luffy is not being serious at all, and Yamato can see that. What I want to know is if she knows about Luffy from Ace, or if she just knows about him because of his infamy and exploits. So far it doesn't seem anyone from Wano knows that Luffy was Ace's brother. He didn't even bring up that fact to Tama. So if Yamato doesn't know, then I am looking forward to her reaction, and the reactions of others from Wano who knew Ace, when they find out. Those kind of reactions are always some of my favorite panels.

Another thing that dawned on me this chapter, which sadly further indicates to me that the raid is going to end in failure, is that we still know barely anything about the plan to kill Kaido. On WCI, Oda laid the plan of how they were going to crash the wedding out to the readers before anything ever took place. Yet here we are going deeper and deeper into the raid, and we still know barely anything. There will be a success factor of this raid, and that will obviously be the rescue of Momonosuke, but at what cost is it going to come at? Shit is really starting to ramp up, and I can't wait to see how all this plays out.
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