Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1107 Spoilers Discussion

How shocked is Kizaru at "the Power of Love"

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"The crew is leaving soon", what is this for a headcanon excuse???

Kinyagi come on, you can do better than that

You are pushing Luffy and Sanji vs Kizaru but when I bring the very obvious Luffy vs Saturn, you say that the crew is leaving soon :milaugh:

"Saturn can't fight Luffy"

Saturn can fight Luffy better than Kizaru

Saturn > Kizaru and there is no denying that

He definitely can take hits but goddamn oda needs to stop with this regeneration nonsense
1.gives speech
2.stands there
3.gets sent flying
repeats step 1-4
Zoro's only saving grace rn is that he's still in base, cos if he was using KOH it really would've been Zorover

But this begs the question, why would you play around w Lucci in base when your crew is suffering? And at the very least use some named attacks instead of sparring forever.

Oda's basically using Lucci to stall Zoro so he doesn't help with Kizaru/Saturn, but also doesn't wanna make Zoro look too bad so he's given Zoro temporary amnesia identical to what he and Luffy had when they couldn't figure out how to hurt the seraphim lol.

If Zoro pops KOH and bodies Lucci then he's okay. If he pops KOH and still struggles then it's officially Zorover.
There is literally nothing similar in these scenarios
Apoo didn't last a minute, there were thousands of fodder acting as distractions
Apoo didn't bleed Zoro
Apoo didn't make Zoro weez to oblivion
Zoro didn't call Apoo tough
This is some insane cope lmao

During Lucci and Zoro's fight, this happened
Kizaru vs Gear4
Kizaru vs Nika lasted so long that Luffy was completely gassed out and needed a shit ton of food
Saturn chatting with Bonney
Kuma arrives at the island and fights his way through
Send Saturn flying
Convo between Kuma and Bonney
Buster call initiated
Franky vs Saturn and Kizaru
Kizaru and Saturn chat with Vegapunk
Luffy punches Kizaru
Giants arrive
Luffy sends Saturn flying
Sanji blocks laser

This is an unadultered 1v1, take your L
LA'S only way of taking an L is running away from the forum for a month only to come back having learnt nothing



Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
If Saturn can regenerate so quickly after taking Dawn Gatling like some hax then what luffy can pull to beat him to the point that he stops regenerating?
Zoro's only saving grace rn is that he's still in base, cos if he was using KOH it really would've been Zorover

But this begs the question, why would you play around w Lucci in base when your crew is suffering? And at the very least use some named attacks instead of sparring forever.

Oda's basically using Lucci to stall Zoro so he doesn't help with Kizaru/Saturn, but also doesn't wanna make Zoro look too bad so he's given Zoro temporary amnesia identical to what he and Luffy had when they couldn't figure out how to hurt the seraphim lol.

If Zoro pops KOH and bodies Lucci then he's okay. If he pops KOH and still struggles then it's officially Zorover.
I don’t think KoH is required for Lucci tbh he is no Lunarian or Dragon
This is why I just don't engage with Zoro haters. If the best you have to slander the guy at this point is that he's stalling a top tier that lost a clash with Gear 5 Luffy without taking any real damage, then... okay? Oda either stalls or nerfs Zoro in every arc; hell, Oda literally made one of Zoro's character traits getting lost TO ALLOW ODA TO STALL HIM.

If Zoro was using, like, his best attacks here, that would be really bad, but, until that happens, Oda's just stalling the fight. Why?

I keep saying, the Serpahim are right there. The Seraphim introduced the arc, and had their fights with the Straw Hats offscreened before. York, Stussy, Kaku and the Seraphim have just been written out of this arc. Oda has Zoro and Lucci placed outside the Lab to deal with whatever happens in it.Since the Blackbeard Pirates are now in the game here, I expect to see the Seraphim addressed in the next two chapters and for Lucci and Zoro to be directly involved.

Like I've said before, someone in the lab still needs to turn off the lasers on the Frontier Dome or Brook and Lilith and the Sunny are DEAD, too.

This is a really fun arc climax.
1 thing you can guarantee, coming from the Zoro haters on here, is for them to prematurely celebrate "Zoro's Ls".

When it all backfires, they'll play damage control, change the subject, or (their favourite) use memes and edited panels.
Come on bro show the next page where Luffy/Sanji is in front of Kizaru and Oda draws a "don" hyping up the fight with him lol....

Its clear that if Saturn fights, Luffy will just fight both of them at this point. Theres no use denying this
Can you start using your brain?

It is really exhausting to deal with people who are objectively wrong and are pushing the same nonsense again and again while thinking they are right.

Like I told @EmperorKinyagi like minutes ago, stop using "paneling" for justifying nonsense.

Akainu soloed all Whitebeard pirates?
Kuzan soloed all of Blackbeard pirates?

Luffy is not even standing in front of Kizaru, he is laughing his ass off after punching Saturn to the other side.
Kizaru is holding his head again and questioning his life choices.
Sanji is smoking his cigarette and chilling.

You seriously believe that Luffy needs Sanji to fight Kizaru? Are you stupid? Didn't you see Luffy defeat Kizaru once already and punch him AWAY with a unnamed punch?

On the other hand, Luffy used DAWN GATLING on fucking Saturn and dude is fine after getting hit by multiple GEAR 5 named attacks.

Luffy is going to focus on Saturn, there is no denying this.

Bonney will have her moment but she ain't defeating Saturn by imitating an attack that did nothing on him, start using your brain.

Sanji will stall Kizaru and maybe switch opponents with Zoro at some point.
"The crew is leaving soon", what is this for a headcanon excuse???

Kinyagi come on, you can do better than that

You are pushing Luffy and Sanji vs Kizaru but when I bring the very obvious Luffy vs Saturn, you say that the crew is leaving soon :milaugh:

"Saturn can't fight Luffy"

Saturn can fight Luffy better than Kizaru

Saturn > Kizaru and there is no denying that

Where did Luffy use ACOC on Saturn ?
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