Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1108 Spoilers Discussion

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Who would he fight? Kizaru Is luffys opponent and the only ones below the admirals are warlords and vice admirals.

So naturally... luffy will get the glory and sanji will keep getting shit on. Along with the rest of the crew who's been shelved also
Sorry i cant help you if you think this way .

This is what happens if you let comments from Zoro fans gets to you .

Remember Rest of strawhat crew hardly get fight panels since timeskip . This is an issue with Author he keeps pushing Luffy because he is main character you have to accept inevitable .

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Vegapunk message to world :

LMFAO, AMEN! Vegapunk would become my MOST FAVOURITE character in any series to ever exist, if he did that LMFAO!

Oda is the Wizard of Oz IRL I swear. I thought Vegapunk was gonna be that and he kind of is, since most of his knowledge comes from his devil fruit and reading up on tons of Oharan books about the ancient kingdom and its technology and such.

If I could go back 14 years ago or whenever, to when the timeskip happened or around that time and tell myself to give up OP, stop following it, its not worth it, I would do it in a heartbeat. Assuming I keep all the memories I have right now too ofc. No matter what, I would convince or even force myself to give up the series for the "greater good" for myself, because nothing is worth all the shit Oda has put us through and especially for myself these past 14 or whatever years now.

6 years on 2 arcs alone. 6 fucking years. 4 for one of them especially.

Egghead is now 1.5 and might hit 2 years at least before it ends most likely. At least 2.

Just how massive and long will Elbaf be too then? I'm absolutely terrified of that, given all the hundreds of plotlines/new elements/characters and stuff that are gonna be involved if not at Elbaf but in future in general too.

I feel like taking a break from OP for a few months at least and see how it progresses because this isn't it at all. This writing is just so abysmal, Oda is really fluctuating between highs and lows, its a rollecoaster. Sometimes there are parts where it levels off and its "mid" but its generally alternating between extreme highs and lows for me.

I've never had issues with any arcs like this pre TS, even with their flaws and such too. This is just so egregious and obnoxious, so forced and pedestrian.

I think Oda is trying to simplify the story by offscreening fights and giving the SHs less fights and focusing on story more too ofc but then he adds 100s of new characters (literally) and tons of new plotlines/mysteries/curveballs and w/e else so its like hes decluttering but then replacing that clutter with other types of clutter and its just a different kind of mess that he prefers instead. When hes meant to be streamlining and being more concise/focused instead.

Sorry I'm ranting again, I'm just so fed up. As soon as we returned to Egghead, the story really got shit again, not a coincidence.

Do you know what gonna happen? When sh depart from egg head, they will remember who died (vegapunk, stussy and shaka), then sanji will pathetically cry: "stussy-sama, nooo"
All dying offscreen and being forgotten, with no proper tribute/grievances for them, peak fiction. Sasuga Oda-sama, I could never write a better story than this. Me and AI-chan/GPT-kun are gonna go cry now. Never forget Kiku bathing and having a great time as they buried her dead brother who she hasn't seen in 20 years and both expected the other to be long dead potentially, naturally.

I have no memes left and must scream.

One Piece is really suffering from its own success, its own hubris. The bigger they are, the harder they will fall and everthing that goes up, MUST come back down sooner or later.

This is a Yonko crew btw. But then again, we had part of a Yonko crew unable to even get past a fucking waterfall TWICE! And then vanished out of the story. With said Yonko being on the ship the first time too and thus should have drowned to death but conveniently survived with amnesia too. And thus leading to the best of Odas writing and "carefully paced" buildup so far /s.

Oda has lost his mind and I'm losing mine too, trying to take his story seriously and actually give a shit about it. I feel I care more about it then he does ffs. I'm blowing my own horn a lot ofc but at this point I really don't care anymore.

I'm gonna go get some sleep now, sorry for all the ranting and negativity, I get much grumpier when I'm tired too. But I'm still being completely earnest in what I said too ofc.

For all my bitterness, it really hurts and upsets me to see One Piece fall this hard and become something it's not. Its losing more and more of its soul over time but there are still occasionally moments of greatness like Kumas AMAZING montage running scene in his flashback BUT these are gonna become more rarer in time too.

I've said before, Odas writing, even before the Gear 5 reveal but especially after it that it feels like Oda is having a HUGE midlife crisis and given hes been working on OP for most of his life now (hes 49 this year and has been working on One Piece for 27 years now and he was meant to finish before he turns 50 on new years in 2025 so he can travel the world and retire too) , I'm not surprised if hes having a midlife crisis as his entire life has revolved around OP for decades now and its success has both been the best thing that could ever happen to him or anyone potentially but also the worst thing too, as hes also a "cog in the system", a "corporate slave" doomed to keep drawing this series for WAY longer than he ever wanted (OP was meant to be ONLY 5 YEARS LONG) and hes gradually killing himself with overworking himself and being a mule to drawing and writing this series non stop for decades on end now. Almost 3 decades in fact.

The midlife crisis would explain why hes suddenly insisting on a far goofier story, more fucking around and nonsense literally, a desperation to return to his extremely long gone childhood now, getting back in touch with his lost inner child that is getting futher away/fading out of existence more and competing with his unavoidable mortality and getting older too.

I suspect Oda is purposely being made to make the story darker, edgier for more shock value and if you look at other series in Shonen Jump, look how fucking edgy Chainsaw Man, MHA (when it wants to be) ,JJK, Hells Paradise and w/e else. That rapid change in tone, the extreme contrast with Sabaody onwards was unforgettable and Ive noticed similar stuff with post TS especially in Dressrosa, somewhat in WCI at least and especially in Wano like Dressrosa too. Also Egghead due to Kumas flashback especially too.

I wouldnt be surprised if Shuiesha is telling their slaves I mean authors to make their series more darker/brutal/edgier because that appeals to teenage boys and well readers in general, that it sells more etc.

I will say though btw, I am loving the Kuma and Bonney storyline at least. It has its issues ofc but as it stands right now, I'm really enjoying it. Vegapunk is gradually redeeming himself although he'll never truly be redeemable I think, but its a massive improvement on how Oda has handled his reveal, role and such before.
In other words, thanks to Kizaru G5 was made totally exhausted. And he didn't even have to attack :myman:
It means Luffy was KO'd via his own powerup, and good thing too because if such nerf didn't exist, Luffy would casually solo all three Admirals at once and I'm not kidding in the slightest.
He would need ashura for that
He's not beating Lucci with 1 landed hit
maybe dragon damnation will do the job? Ashura is big move and it was able to leave perma scar on kaido....I don't think Oda will bring Ashura against Lucci...or maybe he will use some new move in KoH?
Sanji vs Kizaru
Zoro vs Kizaru
Sanji and Zoro vs Kizaru
Kizaru dead from WSG

Those were all your takes :kobeha:

Dw the Iron Giant is coming and given his size I dont think he'll be fighting Kizaru :kobeha:
He's deflecting because he knows his agenda is potentially broken here.

The fact is. Luffy taking two people as the arc boss is likely what's happening.

Saturn PLUS Kizaru are maybe a little bit stronger than Kaido when you add their powers.
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