Who will be the next SH?

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Momo might appear in the last war (I don't think so) so we might see Yamato as an simple ally also (I don't think so either)
You think Momo reappearing is an if? Then how come Oda invested so much panel time and focus in this character? Yamato has bigger chances to leave Wano independently since she is not the Royal heir that the whole country has been waiting for 20 years.
No lol
There is no such thematic or the story would have clearly took the time to stop on the specific attribute and show that Yamato is specifically obsessed in the act of guarding stuff. Which didn't happen.
Yeah she has no such themes of guarding stuff, it's not like she bases her life on a man that also lived to protect wano and sacrificed himself for it, it's not like she can turn into a dog which is universally an animal associated with guarding. it's not like she spent half the raid protecting Momo, it's not like her devil fruit is literally the beast that's the "GUARDIAN deity of wano" and it's not like she literally stayed behind to guard and protect Wano.

Yeah no themes whatsoever

I forgot how allergic you are to facts you dont like.
You think Momo reappearing is an if?
Then how come Oda invested so much panel time and focus in this character?
No, he will reappear most probably before the end, but the most likely is that he reappears in Wano and not in the place of the final war/climax.

Yamato has bigger chances to leave Wano independently since she is not the Royal heir that the whole country has been waiting for 20 years.
If Momo gets a lot stronger, if there is some kind of new weapon and if an army appears in Wano magically then yes, Yamato might wanna leave. I don't think it will happen in the time of the current story tho.

Yeah she has no such themes of guarding stuff

it's not like she bases her life on a man that also lived to protect wano and sacrificed himself for it
Then the theme is "reappropriation of legacy" and "inheritance of will", not "guarding stuff".

it's not like she can turn into a dog which is universally an animal associated with guarding.
A wolf actually.

it's not like she spent half the raid protecting Momo
Which was just a mission assignated on them by Luffy.

it's not like her devil fruit is literally the beast that's the "GUARDIAN deity of wano"
This one is indeed the only point that could help a potential theme of "guarding stuff", but its FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR from enough to create a consistancy and a real global thematic

and it's not like she literally stayed behind to guard and protect Wano.
Which they did because of reasons, not because of a personnal urge to protect stuff.

I forgot how allergic you are to facts you dont like.
No, I just know how a post is constructed in One Piece narratively, and "guarding stuff" isn't one. At least, not right now.

Let me tell you how Yamato becoming a ship guardian COULD be written in the context of One Piece to make you understand the difference between someone who just guarding stuff because they have to and someone who is guarding stuff because its their reason to live and how they are written:

- First you would need to create Yamato as a character very protective about any kind of stuff and people. This would be a character with potential deep trusting issues or completely over protective. But yet, you would make her overally adventurer in the same times.
- You would need to give her a treasure to protect, the best would be to be something alive, somone meaningfull and innocent
- Since she needs to have a link with Oden, you could linked her act of protection of her treasure with Oden in some way, your choice
- You would need to rewrite her entire story in a way were this treasure fits the relationship between her and Kaido.. hey ! Maybe you would make the treasure Yamato's young sister. Maybe its the sister who is fan of Oden in that story and Yamato is over protective of her and her dream. Maybe Yamato sister had a mother that Kaido massacred over time.
- You would also need to create a setup where there is a third child
- You would need to rewrite Yamato's flashback in order to make Yamato loses her sister in the very moment that she left her to seek for adventure and when she thought her sister was safe... maybe to the hands of Kaido.. You would therefore creates a character completely traumatized by the fact of not being able to protect her treasure even if it wasn't her fault.
- You would give her the dream to protect the entire world from bad people
- You would need to make Yamato eats a new kind of fruit during the present story, the "split split fruit" a mythical zoan fruit that allows Yamato to split herself character into two separate guardian entities that can transform (no just clones, but two entities with one that can dies while the other lives) and that can reform and therefore add their knowledge - the same way the clone of Naruto was were giving the added knowledge of all the clones. You would make one entities forever over protective and the other one completely thursty for adventure, thus exploring the two sides of Yamato's personnality.
- You would need to introduced a character, alien to the story that would come and protect Yamato and Momo
- At the same time, you would need to reintroduce the notion that the Sunny is inhabited by a "soul".
- During a moment of hardship - your choice - you would make the actual kauberterman literally SAVE Yamato by giving the Sunny the appearance of her late diseased sister.
- You would be of course ties Yamato story with a character arc for Franky as both love for the Sunny would become important
- Then, you would create an story arc (integrated in Wano) centered on the notion that must overcome her grief, stop blaming herself for her sister's passing and seek actual revenge on Kaido. You would of course make her fight to the death to Kaido and you would let Luffy watch until she actually ask for help in tears. Then, you would make Luffy defeat Kaido not only for Tama, Momo, Pedro and Kinemon, but also for Yamato.
- During the arc, you would make of course Kaido completely wreck the Sunny. Which would be devastating for Kaido and Yamato.
- In an emotional you would let Yamato have a final conversation with the klauberterman taking the shape of the sister of Yamato transforming this moment in a moment of grief overcoming where Yamato actually accept to let her sister go for who the klaubertman really is: the Sunny.
- This act of Kindness would forever change Yamato and pushes her not only to follow Luffy but also to forever protect the Sunny and the klauberterman, that would now randomly pop out because of her link with Yamato.
- You would need to reveal that the "alien" character is actually the third child, a sister/brother of Yamato and the late sister. That would stay behind while Yamato chooses to follow Luffy.
- Later, when Yamato is facing on multiple side an overpowerwing ennemy that can also duplicate his body and therefore attack the strawhats while they are also fighting other ennemies, as a final act of bravery, you would actually make Yamato awaken her power and make her multiply to infinity in order to protect everyone. This would act as the shining Nakama action

Then.. and only then would you have created a story where the notion of "protection" is at the center of Yamato's development.

You see, when you write a story like Oda is doing, the post of a character not simply something that "she can do", its a literal extention of who they are as a character. Its an extention of their entire journey as a character.

A post must be related to a real thematic and real characterization parameter of said character. It must be obvious from any point of view.
Strategist/chief of staff 😉 It's much more important for the story.
There is no need for such a post in the strawhats.
The strawhats are pretty much flat in term of hierarchy beside Luffy being the captain and one of the purpose of the story is to make them create plans as they go.
Plus Jinbe already has those qualities if we look deeper.
There is no need for such a post in the strawhats.
The strawhats are pretty much flat in term of hierarchy beside Luffy being the captain and one of the purpose of the story is to make them create plans as they go.
Plus Jinbe already has those qualities if we look deeper.
Yes please, look deeper for me. I want to know in what way Jinbe fullfilled that post.
I want to know in what way Jinbe fullfilled that post
While entering Onigashima Robin and Jinbe have a moment and Jinbe states how important it is that someone like him keeps his head cold while the others are fighting and that he wants to help the crew as he can.

On the other hand, Jinbe demonstrate a strong sence of team management when he gets all the strawhats up from their grief for PEdro in this scene.

Do you remember my last post where I explain that a post is just an extention of the character's story and characterization ?

Well, this is the case of all the strawhats and this is also the case for Jinbe.

Jinbe is thematically linked to the notions of abnegations and guidance.

From the moment jinbe appeared to this days, Jinbe has been a guiding figure for the strawhats but most of all for Luffy. Its him who guiding him out of Impel Down, its him who guided him to be the "savior of the fishmen", its him who guiding him toward the alliance with Bege, its him who guided the crew out of their grief, its him who guided his crew to safety from Big Mom later on, and of course... its him who guided Luffy out of his grief of Ace and his self depreciation.

This is why, when I talk about the shining Nakama action, I always say that this action is one of the most decivive action of the protagonist because it is both linked to the post, the place in the crew, the character's journey and the thematic behind the character.

The theme of guidance can be found in Jinbe even when we look at his capacities:

Jinbe is not only the helmsman of the crew, he is the helmsman of the story !

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While entering Onigashima Robin and Jinbe have a moment and Jinbe states how important it is that someone like him keeps his head cold while the others are fighting and that he wants to help the crew as he can.

On the other hand, Jinbe demonstrate a strong sence of team management when he gets all the strawhats up from their grief for PEdro in this scene.

Do you remember my last post where I explain that a post is just an extention of the character's story and characterization ?

Well, this is the case of all the strawhats and this is also the case for Jinbe.

Jinbe is thematically linked to the notions of abnegations and guidance.

From the moment jinbe appeared to this days, Jinbe has been a guiding figure for the strawhats but most of all for Luffy. Its him who guiding him out of Impel Down, its him who guided him to be the "savior of the fishmen", its him who guiding him toward the alliance with BG, its him who guided the crew out of their grief, its him who guided his crew to safety from Big Mom later on, and of course... its him who guided Luffy out of his grief of Ace and his self depreciation.

This is why, when I talk about the shining Nakama action, I always say that this action is one of the most decivive action of the protagonist because it is both linked to the post, the place in the crew, the character's journey and the thematic behind the character.

Jinbe is not only the helmsman of the crew, he is the helmsman of the story !

I know what you mean. Jinbe is the fatherly figure and has the emotional insight to help emotionally.

I also know what you mean by "guide". But this is not, what Jinbe meant, when he told Robin that the SHPs need someone, who observes the battle. Strategizing is something entirely different that guiding. With strategizing, you have a plan in the back of your mind and you position your side of the board the way that you are able to win. Guiding is pushing someone emotionally into a direction without having necessarily a plan in mind.

So, no. Guiding and strategizing are not the same. Jinbe is therefore not fullfilling the position he hinted at is still needed in the crew.
But this is not, what Jinbe meant
In this case, Jinbe meant that someone must be able to observe the battle with distance. Which is literally someone who strategize does.

Strategizing is something entirely different that guiding.
Fair, but like I said, there is no need for a real strategizer on the crew. Jinbe's cold mind in battle is enough and the strawhat are making plan as they go (if not you will take down one of the key aspect of the story)
Then the theme is "reappropriation of legacy" and "inheritance of will", not "guarding stuff".
Yeah the inheritance of the will to.. *checks note* protect Wano

A wolf actually.
Thanks for the correction, this mattered imensly.

Which was just a mission assignated on them by Luffy.
Literally irrelevant but sure.

This one is indeed the only point that could help a potential theme of "guarding stuff", but its FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR from enough to create a consistancy and a real global thematic

Which they did because of reasons, not because of a personnal urge to protect stuff.

"because of reasons", no i'm pretty sure it was her own personal "urge" aka decision to stay and defend Wano, you don't even seem to present arguments to refute the claims.

But yeah you got it buddy, a person with a devil fruit that's deemed the guardian deity of Wano and that effectively stays behind to guard Wano, as said guarding deity has ZERO connections, to the theme of being a guardian.

What was i even thinking.:smart:
Post automatically merged:

Oh and also

"The Ōkuchi-no-Magami—or simply Makami/Magami (真ま神かみ・真ま神がみ?)—is the deification of the now-extinct Japanese wolf, which was traditionally worshipped as a sacred beast in Japan, in places like the Yamato Province. For centuries, the Makami was held as a guardian deity that understood human language and protected humans from misfortune, fire and theft, their crops from despoilment by animals, etc. "

Oda: I'm going to make Yamato a fruit that's based on a guardian deity in real life and also make it a guardian deity of Wano.
C4N: That doesn't mean she has any themes of being a guardian
Oda : :(
Yeah the inheritance of the will to.. *checks note* protect Wano
Which is only the result of the theme, not the theme itself.

Literally irrelevant but sure.
No, this means that this is not the core theme of the character.

"because of reasons"
Because of her personnal reason* sorry , in other word her sence of responsibility. The thematic used to justify this reason is therefore the importance of responsibility, not because of a urge to protect things

But yeah you got it buddy, a person with a devil fruit that's deemed the guardian deity of Wano and that effectively stays behind to guard Wano, as said guarding deity has ZERO connections, to the theme of being a guardian.
It has SOME, but not enough for it to be considered as a post.

Like I demonstrated, to create a post in One Piece, you need to center the characterization and journey of said character directly on the thematic you want to give to your character.

For Yamato to be linked with the notion of protection, you would need to completely rewrite her story.

"The Ōkuchi-no-Magami—or simply Makami/Magami (真ま神かみ・真ま神がみ?)—is the deification of the now-extinct Japanese wolf, which was traditionally worshipped as a sacred beast in Japan, in places like the Yamato Province. For centuries, the Makami was held as a guardian deity that understood human language and protected humans from misfortune, fire and theft, their crops from despoilment by animals, etc. "
Good i didn't knew that. But again, this is not enough.

Oda: I'm going to make Yamato a fruit that's based on a guardian deity in real life and also make it a guardian deity of Wano.
C4N: That doesn't mean she has any themes of being a guardian
Oda : :(
Its not ok to lie mate.

I clearly said that this was one good point. I simply explained that it was not enough.
Yes i know that when you decide things like " it's not enough", it automatically becomes law/reality.

I literally don't care.
I literally demonstrated why its not enough.

The reason is simple, if you transform Yamato into a ship guard with what we have in the story thus far, it will feel:
- Unearned
- Not thematically relevant
- Not impactfull
- Limitating for the story and her future characterization
- Completely out of the blue as there is no way to adress in the story how she can be a good protector
- Not emotionnaly relevant (why would she protect the ship and not the strawhat ?)

In short, it would be bad writing.

And Oda does not do bad writing when it comes to the strawhats
In this case, Jinbe meant that someone must be able to observe the battle with distance. Which is literally someone who strategize does.

Fair, but like I said, there is no need for a real strategizer on the crew. Jinbe's cold mind in battle is enough and the strawhat are making plan as they go (if not you will take down one of the key aspect of the story)
Well, here we agree. Someone needs not only to observe, but also to strategize.

But you feeling not the need for a strategist does not mean that I feel that the story does not need one and it does not mean that Oda is not planning to let one join. And I say: Oda has multiple times hinted that the SHPs need a strategist/chief of staff. There were Law, Bege, Pauli and Kinemon, who all failed to make a plan for the entire crew and were able to go through with it.

Now in Egghead, it is the first time we see the SHPs splitting up strategically intelligent. And it is the first time they are following a plan.:
- the heavy hitters are down there with Vegapunk and `take care of Lucci´, while the weaker ones are safely up there within the dome
- The communication amongst each other has immensely improved to a point, where it cannot be coincidental (Literally everyone is using Den-Den-Mushis).
- Luffy told Kizaru in chapter 1094 that he actually has a task to do and that is to keep the admiral away from his friends and occupied.
- Even Franky screamed at Luffy that “We are countin’ on you, Luffy!!” – I wonder on what he is counting Luffy needs to do? That sentence alone implies a task that Luffy and Franky well know Luffy has to do and because of this, they do not need to convey to each other what that task is – hence the weird phrasing.
- Saturn tells the SHP in chapter 1095 that they are a well-coordinated crew (though this is to be taken with a grain of salt, since the translation here is inconsistent), implying their underlying strategical approach this time.

If you want to include all posts that were possibly still in need to be occupied by the 11th SHP, than you also need to list the postition of strategist/chief of staff along with your look out.
I literally demonstrated why its not enough.

The reason is simple, if you transform Yamato into a ship guard with what we have in the story thus far, it will feel:
- Unearned
- Not thematically relevant
- Not impactfull
- Limitating for the story and her future characterization
- Completely out of the blue as there is no way to adress in the story how she can be a good protector
- Not emotionnaly relevant (why would she protect the ship and not the strawhat ?)

In short, it would be bad writing.

And Oda does not do bad writing when it comes to the strawhats

You don't demonstrate anything, you just assert things and consider yourself correct, there's literally nothing in that list besides your personal opnion.

We've been through this , you can disntinguish your opinion from a fact.
who all failed to make a plan for the entire crew and were able to go through with it.
Exactly.. because of the nature of the strawhat group. The strawhats are constructed to be the antithesis of order.

They are chaos. And this is why their ennemy is ALSO someone who wants to bring chaos. Simply because in storytelling, there is no better ennemy for a protagonist, than a character who ressembles them.

Now in Egghead, it is the first time we see the SHPs splitting up strategically intelligent. And it is the first time they are following a plan.:
- the heavy hitters are down there with Vegapunk and `take care of Lucci´, while the weaker ones are safely up there within the dome
- The communication amongst each other has immensely improved to a point, where it cannot be coincidental (Literally everyone is using Den-Den-Mushis).
- Luffy told Kizaru in chapter 1094 that he actually has a task to do and that is to keep the admiral away from his friends and occupied.
- Even Franky screamed at Luffy that “We are countin’ on you, Luffy!!” – I wonder on what he is counting Luffy needs to do? That sentence alone implies a task that Luffy and Franky well know Luffy has to do and because of this, they do not need to convey to each other what that task is – hence the weird phrasing.
- Saturn tells the SHP in chapter 1095 that they are a well-coordinated crew (though this is to be taken with a grain of salt, since the translation here is inconsistent), implying their underlying strategical approach this time.
Which is normal, the crew is better and better and despite their chaotic nature, they can still work together.

But you feeling not the need for a strategist does not mean that I feel that the story does not need one
Oh but but I don't only feel that it is not needed, I KNOW that it is not needed. This knowledge comes from observing how the strawhats interacts in the story. When I say that the story doesn't need a strategist in the strawhat (it could in fact perfectly need a strategist in the opposite side), it means that if the strawhats had one, it would hurt the story.

The flow of event and plot knocks that leads to the resolution of the conflict (that we call peripeties in french, I find that word more feating narratively) are - in the case of the strawhats structured the same way the strawhats are structured:

From the outside > to the inside and in a chaotic yet extremely efficient manner.

This means that the fact that the strawhats are being chaotically moved in the story following a plan they constructs as they go is one of the reasons why the strawhats are the strawhats in the first place. The strawhats are the representation of order through anarchy. They are completely chaotic by nature but its this component that make them so fearless and so problematic for their ennemies in the first place.

Let's say that you add a strategist to the crew, a real one this time.
Well, you would completely obliterate the dynamic of the story and the path of the strawhats but also their interpersonal dynamic. Instead of creating a story were you have chaotic and funny character that are all working together for a common goal, you would create a story were one character leads all the other character and where there is no real chaotic nature to the group. ANd if you keep the chaotic nature, you would by essence negate the capacity for strategy of the character.

In short the chaotic nature of the strawhat and the storyand the post of a strategist are mutually exclusive. That's why you have a LOT more chances to see strategists in the ennemies's side.

Plus, you would need to create the NEED for a strategist in the first place and explain why the strawhat can't work together anymore.. which would negate a core element of the story.

The presence of a strategist in the strawhat crew is therefore not really possible.

Oda has multiple times hinted that the SHPs need a strategist/chief of staff.
No. He did the opposite. He showed that despite of their chaotic nature, the strawhats always manage to prevail.

you just assert things and consider yourself correct,
Mate.. At one point you are just choosing not to understand.

I explained clearly the difference between a story like the one of Yamato and a story were Yamato would be really a protector. THose two type of story (and you could change the elements, they are not set in stone) are completely differents. On one hand you have a character that is constructed with elements of the thematic of the guard and protection and in the other, you have the character that is literally centered around the thematic.

In term of writing its not even close.

there's literally nothing in that list besides your personal opnion.
.. and elements needed in the story to create a ship guard. REAL storytelling elements like:

- The deep connection with the ship
- The deep personnal reason pushing the character to be someone who wants to protect things
- The reason why the character wants to protect the ship and not something else
- The narrative tool to make the character relevant for the thematic of adventure of the story while keeping the character on the ship
- A way to make the character shine through their post
- The reason why Luffy is helping the character
- The flaws of the character
- The needs of the character

In short, BASIC narrative principle to transform a character like Yamato into a ship guard without hurting the story.

But I guess I can see that because I spend all my life trying to understand how storytelling works.. Maybe I simply can't make you see that.

So.. keep saying that Yamato could be a ship guard mate. If that's what make you happy, I'm happy for you.
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Ok and if you think it's story breaking to ocasionally have Yamato go to the ship or towards the ship in some arc and engaging in 1vs1 at the later point of an arc, then you can keep saying that, if that makes you happy, i'm happy for you.

You can also keep ignoring that her literal role is being a guardian, currently a guardian deity of Wano, but anything to apease your highness.
Oh my god you guys again with the Carrot and Yamoto shite. Vivi please come save us. :catcry: Or Law, actually. Folks are sleeping on him and I think they shouldn't. He is not a captain anymore and doesn't have a crew, and still denies that Luffy is his friend which gives a room to development in that direction.:catsure: Remove Caribou and add Law to the poll.
Yamato go to the ship or towards the ship in some arc and engaging in 1vs1 at the later point of an arc
You call that a role ?

When I'm talking about a role. I'm talking a goda's damn role, not just having someone jump in and out of the ship for fanzies. I'm talking about a REAL ship guard.

In other words:







If you want a real ship guard, you can't just make them leave the ship. They need to be there AT ALL TIMES.

Carrot and Yamoto shite
Not really, its more about the potential for future roles here.