Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1108 Spoilers Discussion

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Or it just means they're both not awakened:luuh:
I don't think that's the case tbh.

This arc is very centered around Zoan awakening: We've seen both Lucci and Kaku having the same dark clouds and theirs have no difference to Saturn's.
Oda's been using the same Zoan awakening pattern with the clouds.

In fact, nothing states Awakening is just a singular form, y'know? Especially Luffy's own Awakening can still reach new forms.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Bleach was my favorite when the BIG3 were still active and till this day my favorite shonen with zanpakutous being the favorite power system and ichigo my favorite MC.

With that said, kubo is a very flawed and limited writer, soul Society was the best he could write and everything went downhill from them.

He had the habit of taking asspulls from anywhere, using the same fighting choreography on every confront and creating dozens of characters only to never develop them and cast them aside.

Kubo broke my heart during my teens, but i learned to love bleach for what it is: extremely interesting universe that never got properly explored due to it's limited writer skills filled with hype moments and plot points that never go anywhere.

I remember bursting out laughing when i read that chapter where nanao takes that Deus ex machina sword from NO WHERE to defeat lily.

Not to mention the arrow that conviniently canceled all yhwach's powers.

At least, oda's power ups solve the fights. Final war bankais didnt do shit to the final villains lol, that blonde dude with the miracle took 3 of the strongest bankais in the show to the face and still had several rounds to go.

Auswahlen is the most disgusting plot device i have seen in any shonen show, kubo created it to get rid of the lesser quincies post zero squad fights and to finish the elite quincies fights since he made them too strong and didn't know how to get rid of them.

I followed all famous shonens from the 2000s/2010s and my last one will be one piece.

JJK is such a plagiarized piece of shit that the author went to the extent of copying all of kubo's mistakes lol.

Best one from current gen is chainsaw man.

Only ones i still follow are OP, jojo part 9 and CSM.

After they are done, it's a wrap for me.
Aye this is very relatable right here. You've taken the words right out of my mouth. Kubo had a reputation for being a troll too and it also led to this being created for example due to it, as well as many other similar memes ofc:

Ive been talking about some of these things with someone else just the other day, on here im sure it was too and I agree. TYBW drove me INSANE, the story made me have a mental breakdown worthy of Kinyagi and Wiwi or even my over 9000 words long rants on here too about OP lmfao.

I agree with this so much and OP is the LAST long running series I follow anymore, Ive given up on Jojo after Part 8 is finished with that damned ambigious, bait heavy ending, I cant cope with Arakis nonsense with monthly releases for god knows how many years this time round too, I expected him to retire after Jojolion ended but I dont think he will until he completes a SBR verse version of Part 6 too. Im guessing Part 9 will be not only Part 5 but also Part 6 and since 9 is an inverted 6, Araki would do some kind of clever parallel/nod to having Part 9 be the final part and the one that parallels part 6 or w/e. I just hope Part 9 will have a much happier ending than 6 sigh lol. I mean I love Part 6s ending after the anime now too instead of outright HATING it and not understanding it, it almost made me drop Jojo permanently but SBR/Part 7 made me far too interested to not carry on either.

BRUH, first the son of Gene Simmons HEAVILY plagiarised Kubo and now this?! Some American comic series plagiarised Jojo heavily too, I think it was even called STANDS with no fucking shame at all?!

Imagine being the lead singer of KISS and your SON is doing this shit?!

TYBW anime is trying to damage control the shitstorm of the manga as expected, seeing Shinjis and Senjumarus Bankais was AMAZING BUT the story is really gonna go to SHIT with this final cour/the final part of TYBW, sigh lol. I will have an aneurysm if I start thinking about it. OP has reached that level of awfulness since Wano now too, as I feared it would sooner or later, but closer to the end of the series rather.
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