Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1108 Spoilers Discussion

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Luffy since the beginning did nothing also. People wanna forget that but sento got damaged because of Luffy's incompetence. He didn’t do anything this arc lol. And this chapter once again, nothing, the ennemies are still doing what they want.
no need to point fingers in sentos case because he didn't make any promise...but vegapunk? yeah...he was incompetent on that part...
Luffy since the beginning did nothing also. People wanna forget that but sento got damaged because of Luffy's incompetence. He didn’t do anything this arc lol. And this chapter once again, nothing, the ennemies are still doing what they want.
It really is so annoying to watch Luffy just let others get hurt while he’s laughing and doing jack all. Like I get Luffy doesn’t want to be hero; but now he straight up seems like a psycho.
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