Kizaruber Eats

Gladly waiting for the death of the red haired rat
He leaks Imu's browser history.

1. "How to tie shoes - Velcro edition"
2. "Best disguises for secretly ruling the world"
3. "How to make Gorosei laugh"
4. "Fashion trends for ancient monarchs"
5. "Is it normal to talk to statues? Asking for a friend"
6. "Can you eat Devil Fruits without side effects?"
7. "Secret admirer tips"
8. "Imu's Got Talent auditions"
9. "World's oldest memes"
10. "How to throw a surprise party for the Revolutionary Army"
11. "Gorosei gossip forums"
12. "DIY hairstyles for mysterious overlords"
13. "Is it okay to cry during Straw Hat Pirates' adventures?"
14. "Funny cat videos to lighten up the throne room"
15. "How to deal with imposter syndrome as a ruler"
@SmokedOut you might like this too.

Here's a playful interpretation of what Smoker's browser history might look like:

1. "How to catch Luffy - for real this time"
2. "Best ways to quit smoking cigars"
3. "Logia devil fruit weaknesses"
4. "Garp's secret training regimen"
5. "Justice vs. Moral Compass: Internal Debate"
6. "Latest crime statistics in the Grand Line"
7. "Yoga for Logia users"
8. "Coolest sunglasses for Marine officers"
9. "Pirate bounties leaderboard"
10. "Recipes for smoke-themed desserts"
11. "How to handle Tashigi's sword obsession"
12. "Is it possible to arrest a rubber man?"
13. "Marine Code of Conduct revisions"
14. "Best fishing spots in the New World"
15. "DIY projects for a smoke-filled office"