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and call anyone who didn't agree with you a "pidgeon brain"
First, we find back here the reason and infamous technique why you guys - despite your number - will never appear credible in front of an objective observer : the lie.

So no, I never called anyone that disagreed with me a "pidgeon brain". In fact I never used the words "pidgeon" and "brain" together. What I said on the contrary, is the fact that I "had the impression of sometimes talking with pidgeon". Which was indeed the most toxic thing I said on this forum and I apologized directly upon saying that (contrary to you guys *wink* *wink*). In reality, this "attribute was an obviously too subtle reference to the famous quote "Never play chess with a pigeon, even when you check mate them, they just knock over the pieces, sh*t on the table and strut around like they've won" Referencing the fact that no matter the number of time you guys were debunked by narrative facts, you would "strut around" like winners without even understanding the point made.

And - lets be honest - this "attribute" was FAAAAAR from coming close to the "quality" of the name calling that EVEN YOU attributed me on way before that sentence. In fact aside from that DRAMATIC pidgeon incident (which was in fact not a direct insult btw, I actually never came close to your level - or other's level - of toxicity. So tone down the purity chase will you ?

Second - and I know that you don't even care to read multiple lines, but I will continue nonetheless - :

No, the obnoxious thing you did was assert yourself as an authority
I know stuff. Stuff that I now know that you don't. Even you with your literature degree. I'm not saying I'm better or that I know everything, I just KNOW STUFF when it come to storytelling and the understanding of Oda's work and this is exactly what we are talking about in those thread.

So yes, I'm exactly the one you need to LISTEN CAREFULLY TO here. I'm not saying that I'm right on everything, I'm saying that I'm rarely wrong when it come to the analysis of the storytelling of One Piece (to not confuse with the theorizing of One Piece)

So when I say "Bonney will most likely not join", you don't have to listen to me. In fact I suggest that you find any kind of way to prove me wrong. But when I say "Bonney is constructed with the pattern of the princes and princesses in One Piece and not with the one of a strawhat.. you better listen because I have a narrative reason to say that.

Third: There is absolutely nothing "obnoxious" with someone saying "I know stuff" when they actually deliver on said stuff like I did. What is obnoxious on the other hand.. is ignoring and laughing childlishly at detailed demonstrations and explanations of foundamental narrative concepts when said explanations are requested and "strutting around" like you know better than the one that just demonstrated to you that you actually don't understand what you are talking about. This flat earther like mindset is INDEED, extremelly obnoxious.

This was for your FIRST sentence. (Brandolini's law, it takes much more time to debunk BS that to deliver it)

And let's not forget the reason you got banned.
I'm not forgetting, like I said. I got THREADbanned for two specific reasons here (explained in the ban signal):
- "Stop calling people toxic" also calling me toxic for calling other people toxic [laughing emoji]
- "Stop bringing politic to a thread that has nothing to do with politic"

Two (obvious fallacious) reasons that are symptomonious of what I'm explaining here:

The reality is that the staff of Worstgen is no different from anyother power structure in the western world. Its completely liberal, has a tiny bit conservative bias and a executive power that doesn't really take a strong side.

- Such a power structure will always tends to limit as much as possible the politization of debates in society to create the illusion of order and will therefore delegitimate any kind of politization of a subject or debate
- Such a power structure thinks that art is just art and a content to be enjoyed and can't accept that art is a political act and therefore can't accept the politization of a debate about a story and will therefore tend do everything to separate politic from art or the debate about political subject and the debate about the political in art in places talking about said art.
- Such a power structure consider toxicity as an individualistic behavior and not representative of a systemic problem. Therefore such a structure consider that it must act as little as possible into a conflict or issue and never question their actual own impact on such conflict or issue.
- Such a power structure are - again - believing that behaviors are individualistics, so they can't understand the systemic origins of oppressions such as racism or sexism and their analysis through the lens of the treatement of a fandom for the characters they read about in their stories.
- Because those power structure can't understand their own impact on the toxic behaviors of others, they will tend to turn against any individuals that questions their legitimacy, structure and (lack of) actions, thus sometimes siding with individual they are meant to stop.
- And most of ALL, such a power structure will prevent itself from having strong opinion or siding too much with people who fight the oppression in society in order to keep the illusion of a diverse and open structure of power.
Etc. Etc.
In fact the irony is that I was threadbanned a THIRD time on the political thread for replying (literally) too much to seth to counter his transphobia that Mods choosed to ignore at the time. The explanation I got was : "It takes two to rumble", thus completely confirming what I'm saying above there, when I say that a liberal and apolitic/centrist structure of power tends to fight bad behavior by completely missunderstanding their own role in the enablings of said behaviors and by extention fighting those who counter said oppression the same way.. thus preventing the circle of oppression from being ever broken.

Three threadbans, three completely political reasons. Reasons being : "stop being so political".

to bait Yamato fans into being toxuc so you could report them and get them banned.
Hm no.. again, you are inventing and lying. I did said that I would be glad if people with toxic behavior were banned because of me, but I baited absolutely noone into being toxic, what I did is simply made myself visible enough. Again, there was two reasons :
- Understand the behavior and origin of the toxicity while taking the punches (as I usually learn a lot that way)
- Taking the punches for potential new Carrot fans entering in (which gladly never really happened)

People (and the staff) are responsible for the toxicity on the forum. Its time for you guys to take responsibility for your actions. If you were awfull persons - and in some way, still are - its not my fault mate. Respect yourself and stop the gaslight.

Also your other ban was for racial insensitivity
LMAO WTF ? No. Never. lol


You are again inventing complete BS as always, tho this one is still surprising omg. I wonder where you get that from..

If you want to know why I got banned, the three reasons are listed above. (of course I don't have the proof, but I'm sure you can find back what I said if you look well enough in the research bar)

so stop pretending to be this great social justice evangalist
I'm not pretending to be anything. You guys are giving me this title lmao. I keep repeating that I'm not a saint and that I'm a simple leftist who just wants to change things a bit. I'm not even calling myself a feminist.. But you guys love your labels.. and since I keep labelling you, I don't see why you shouldn't do the same for me


You call me a bully, but anyone who was there in the old thread will tell you that I was the only one who had patience with you
Pretty much until the moment I started to call BS on your understanding of the words of Truby about the concept of shared goal between protagonist and antagonist. Following that, I started to sence a lack of patience indeed.. as much as any other person who are questionned in their own beliefs and refusing to admit that they made an error.

That added to other similar incidents led you to have the exact same behavior as the others. But in reality, you were no different. It just took you longer to try to debunk me because you have actual knowledge on the subject and you could see that I do to. You just couldn't accept me explaining having studied the subject without trying to show off. Which you failed miserably.

(And yes, if you didn't notice by now, I stopped in this post being nice with you. Because despite what you believe, its not you who had a lot of patience with me, its me who had a LOT of patience with you specifically. The reason being that I still believe to this day that you are capable of understanding reason on storytelling facts and logic. But since you are attacking me when I'm not even targetting anyone.. well... have fun.

I started treating you like the troll you are after being called a pidgeon brain one too many times.
Which - again, let's not forget - never happened. You can check, type "pidgeon brain" on the research bar or even try to research any moment of me calling you directly a pidgeon or even insinuating that you have a pidgeon brain.. (third lie and counting..)

The brain and its biases...... You really are unlucky that I'm always being very careful of my words...

And you're only continuing to display the same arrogance that made you a pariah in the first place.
I don't remember manifesting any kind of arrogance in this thread. I don't despise you guys, I just think that you are sometimes toxic. I don't even take those attacks personnaly mate.

But there sure was arrogance on your guys's side against me for sure. I think you are trying to pin me with one of your own flaws here...

Maybe you don't mean "arrogant" but "condescending" which I admit I sometime have as a tone.. its hard to keep a serious face and straight tone when you keep being laughed by people who don't even understand what you are talking about...

it must be because I'm too stupid to read that much
Dude.. you are on a forum discussing about deep storytelling subject. You can ignore me if you want, but if you don't and still reply to me, the minimum respect I expect from you is to read what I say as I do with you. If you don't care to have a conversation, you can't have it both way and ask for an "easy" one.. I come in full package my big bro.

New rule. Respond to me in a maximum of 5 sentences or I'm just going to ignore you
Welp.. now I'm sure that you ignored me. Too bad for you...


First, we find back here the reason and infamous technique why you guys - despite your number - will never appear credible in front of an objective observer : the lie.

So no, I never called anyone that disagreed with me a "pidgeon brain". In fact I never used the words "pidgeon" and "brain" together. What I said on the contrary, is the fact that I "had the impression of sometimes talking with pidgeon". Which was indeed the most toxic thing I said on this forum and I apologized directly upon saying that (contrary to you guys *wink* *wink*). In reality, this "attribute was an obviously too subtle reference to the famous quote "Never play chess with a pigeon, even when you check mate them, they just knock over the pieces, sh*t on the table and strut around like they've won" Referencing the fact that no matter the number of time you guys were debunked by narrative facts, you would "strut around" like winners without even understanding the point made.

And - lets be honest - this "attribute" was FAAAAAR from coming close to the "quality" of the name calling that EVEN YOU attributed me on way before that sentence. In fact aside from that DRAMATIC pidgeon incident (which was in fact not a direct insult btw, I actually never came close to your level - or other's level - of toxicity. So tone down the purity chase will you ?

Second - and I know that you don't even care to read multiple lines, but I will continue nonetheless - :

I know stuff. Stuff that I now know that you don't. Even you with your literature degree. I'm not saying I'm better or that I know everything, I just KNOW STUFF when it come to storytelling and the understanding of Oda's work and this is exactly what we are talking about in those thread.

So yes, I'm exactly the one you need to LISTEN CAREFULLY TO here. I'm not saying that I'm right on everything, I'm saying that I'm rarely wrong when it come to the analysis of the storytelling of One Piece (to not confuse with the theorizing of One Piece)

So when I say "Bonney will most likely not join", you don't have to listen to me. In fact I suggest that you find any kind of way to prove me wrong. But when I say "Bonney is constructed with the pattern of the princes and princesses in One Piece and not with the one of a strawhat.. you better listen because I have a narrative reason to say that.

Third: There is absolutely nothing "obnoxious" with someone saying "I know stuff" when they actually deliver on said stuff like I did. What is obnoxious on the other hand.. is ignoring and laughing childlishly at detailed demonstrations and explanations of foundamental narrative concepts when said explanations are requested and "strutting around" like you know better than the one that just demonstrated to you that you actually don't understand what you are talking about. This flat earther like mindset is INDEED, extremelly obnoxious.

This was for your FIRST sentence. (Brandolini's law, it takes much more time to debunk BS that to deliver it)

I'm not forgetting, like I said. I got THREADbanned for two specific reasons here (explained in the ban signal):
- "Stop calling people toxic" also calling me toxic for calling other people toxic [laughing emoji]
- "Stop bringing politic to a thread that has nothing to do with politic"

Two (obvious fallacious) reasons that are symptomonious of what I'm explaining here:

In fact the irony is that I was threadbanned a THIRD time on the political thread for replying (literally) too much to seth to counter his transphobia that Mods choosed to ignore at the time. The explanation I got was : "It takes two to rumble", thus completely confirming what I'm saying above there, when I say that a liberal and apolitic/centrist structure of power tends to fight bad behavior by completely missunderstanding their own role in the enablings of said behaviors and by extention fighting those who counter said oppression the same way.. thus preventing the circle of oppression from being ever broken.

Three threadbans, three completely political reasons. Reasons being : "stop being so political".

Hm no.. again, you are inventing and lying. I did said that I would be glad if people with toxic behavior were banned because of me, but I baited absolutely noone into being toxic, what I did is simply made myself visible enough. Again, there was two reasons :
- Understand the behavior and origin of the toxicity while taking the punches (as I usually learn a lot that way)
- Taking the punches for potential new Carrot fans entering in (which gladly never really happened)

People (and the staff) are responsible for the toxicity on the forum. Its time for you guys to take responsibility for your actions. If you were awfull persons - and in some way, still are - its not my fault mate. Respect yourself and stop the gaslight.

LMAO WTF ? No. Never. lol


You are again inventing complete BS as always, tho this one is still surprising omg. I wonder where you get that from..

If you want to know why I got banned, the three reasons are listed above. (of course I don't have the proof, but I'm sure you can find back what I said if you look well enough in the research bar)

I'm not pretending to be anything. You guys are giving me this title lmao. I keep repeating that I'm not a saint and that I'm a simple leftist who just wants to change things a bit. I'm not even calling myself a feminist.. But you guys love your labels.. and since I keep labelling you, I don't see why you shouldn't do the same for me


Pretty much until the moment I started to call BS on your understanding of the words of Truby about the concept of shared goal between protagonist and antagonist. Following that, I started to sence a lack of patience indeed.. as much as any other person who are questionned in their own beliefs and refusing to admit that they made an error.

That added to other similar incidents led you to have the exact same behavior as the others. But in reality, you were no different. It just took you longer to try to debunk me because you have actual knowledge on the subject and you could see that I do to. You just couldn't accept me explaining having studied the subject without trying to show off. Which you failed miserably.

(And yes, if you didn't notice by now, I stopped in this post being nice with you. Because despite what you believe, its not you who had a lot of patience with me, its me who had a LOT of patience with you specifically. The reason being that I still believe to this day that you are capable of understanding reason on storytelling facts and logic. But since you are attacking me when I'm not even targetting anyone.. well... have fun.

Which - again, let's not forget - never happened. You can check, type "pidgeon brain" on the research bar or even try to research any moment of me calling you directly a pidgeon or even insinuating that you have a pidgeon brain.. (third lie and counting..)

The brain and its biases...... You really are unlucky that I'm always being very careful of my words...

I don't remember manifesting any kind of arrogance in this thread. I don't despise you guys, I just think that you are sometimes toxic. I don't even take those attacks personnaly mate.

But there sure was arrogance on your guys's side against me for sure. I think you are trying to pin me with one of your own flaws here...

Maybe you don't mean "arrogant" but "condescending" which I admit I sometime have as a tone.. its hard to keep a serious face and straight tone when you keep being laughed by people who don't even understand what you are talking about...

Dude.. you are on a forum discussing about deep storytelling subject. You can ignore me if you want, but if you don't and still reply to me, the minimum respect I expect from you is to read what I say as I do with you. If you don't care to have a conversation, you can't have it both way and ask for an "easy" one.. I come in full package my big bro.

Welp.. now I'm sure that you ignored me. Too bad for you...
Carrotfornakama trying to reinvent history like it wasn't 70% of the same people there when it happened:milaugh:

I read 5 sentences per our agreement. You need some help man, my post was already too long at 4 short paragraphs.
Carrotfornakama trying to reinvent history like it wasn't 70% of the same people there when it happened:milaugh:

I read 5 sentences per our agreement. You need some help man, my post was already too long at 4 short paragraphs.
You took your biases, some memories of me mentionning the word pigeon in discussions with others, remembered that I talked with you about storytelling and your lack of comprehension and mixed all of that to created a lie of me calling you a "pidgeon brain" and you are doing this for multiple things as well ...

Dude... anyone with a keyboard can verify that all of the things you said earlier are false... why do you lie ?
You took your biases, some memories of me mentionning the word pigeon in discussions with others, remembered that I talked with you about storytelling and your lack of comprehension and mixed all of that to created a lie of me calling you a "pidgeon brain" and you are doing this for multiple things as well ...

Dude... anyone with a keyboard can verify that all of the things you said earlier are false... why do you lie ?
Pidgeon or pidgeon brain, who cares? It's the same thing. You really wrote a 5000 word essay to object to that?
Pidgeon or pidgeon brain, who cares? It's the same thing.
Point is:
- I never insulted you, you are lying about it.
- I was never banned for "racial sensitivity", you are lying about it
- I do no call myself anything but a simple leftist, you are lying about it

You are trying to find a way to make the reality match with the biases you have about me, but it can't work, sorry.
Are you seriously asking me this?

Because you have spent the last 2 years spamming unsolicited walls texts about how you understand OP better than anyone and you involve Carrot in them?

People have said this to you hundreds of times, (70% of those were Sigran), i don't think it's going to be me in 8th of March of 2024 on attempt 426th that's going to make you realize that