Who will be the next SH?

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Copy ability is reserved for villain, final villain, or minor side character, its the fast and uncreative way to make nobody become powerful/threat and not belong in manga protagonist group. Dont say i dont warn you guys bonney4nakamas.

We know now that her fruit work/copy better if she know how someone that she try to copy really work in reality.

Here are the possible power she probably already unlock by now:
1.) I want the nika-est future.
Become second nika

2.) I want the gorosei-est future.
Become sixth gorosei or amalgam of five of em later

3.) I want the giant future
Become as big and strong as giant.

4.) I want the black beard future
Have yami ability

5.) I want the most strawhat future
Can copy every sh ability, maybe even fuse them together.

The list can go on and on but you get the point, its fun for Oc or non canon character, but as a strawhat? I doubt it
If Bonney does end up joining the strawhats, that might actually make her the best opponent for Devon, assuming Devon's power is more advanced than Mr. 2's and let's her copy some abilities, like that non-manga Kopi Kopi fruit used in a Universal Studios show in Japan.

And you are doing it again.


Being "the most obnoxious person on the whole forum" would mean that at one point I did worse than most people did on those threads meaning that I:
- Insulted people directly
- Harrassed people
- Threatened people
- Said multiple bigoted remarks
- Trashed any character in the story
- Trash any fan because they love a character

And I did, let me do the counting.......

NONE of that!

So... in what way was I "the most obnoxious person on the whole forum" exactly ?

Or maybe you consider that saying:

"You are wrong because [Bunch of text] and [Bunch of text] oh and [Trollysentence + Funny Emoji] and [Bunch of text]. Here another reason [Bunch of text] and [Bunch of text]. I know about [Bunch of text] and [Bunch of text] and therefore Carrot is [Bunch of text] and [Bunch of text][Trollysentence + Funny Emoji]"


"You are acting like a [label that you can't accept] because [Bunch of text] and [Bunch of text] which makes you a [label that you can't accept]"

Are.... "the most obnoxious things on the whole forum" ?


"Not gaslighting" AT ALL....


Keep going... it sure helps your argument and not mine..... at all...


[Funny Emoji]

Nop. I'm not only writing for you, I'm writing for everyone else as well so that an objective observer can see how much BS you deliver.

[Serious emoji face]

I'm sorry, I thought you were capable of reading more than 10 lines.

Because the mental process is important.

Its the only thing that can make you understand, as long as you read the lines with an open mind and not the mind biased by the ambiant toxicity of the forum.

Notice how, from what I was explaining about the harrasment faced by Carrot fans and myself on internet by Carrot haters and Yamato fans unilateraly... Sigran moved the blame directly on me, because.... "reasons" I guess ?

Imagine at school, a teacher explaining to kid that because he thinks that most people are wrong about his favourite subject, that he deserves the bullying he is facing and that he shouldn't call the other kids "toxic".....

I mean... lets just imagine...

Did this guy eat the Ego Ego no Mi or something?
If Bonney does end up joining the strawhats, that might actually make her the best opponent for Devon, assuming Devon's power is more advanced than Mr. 2's and let's her copy some abilities, like that non-manga Kopi Kopi fruit used in a Universal Studios show in Japan.

Did this guy eat the Ego Ego no Mi or something?
I'm sorry but this image of Bonney going to gear 4 would actually make me quit OP, wtf am i looking at.
And you are doing it again.


Being "the most obnoxious person on the whole forum" would mean that at one point I did worse than most people did on those threads meaning that I:
- Insulted people directly
- Harrassed people
- Threatened people
- Said multiple bigoted remarks
- Trashed any character in the story
- Trash any fan because they love a character

And I did, let me do the counting.......

NONE of that!

So... in what way was I "the most obnoxious person on the whole forum" exactly ?

Or maybe you consider that saying:

"You are wrong because [Bunch of text] and [Bunch of text] oh and [Trollysentence + Funny Emoji] and [Bunch of text]. Here another reason [Bunch of text] and [Bunch of text]. I know about [Bunch of text] and [Bunch of text] and therefore Carrot is [Bunch of text] and [Bunch of text][Trollysentence + Funny Emoji]"


"You are acting like a [label that you can't accept] because [Bunch of text] and [Bunch of text] which makes you a [label that you can't accept]"

Are.... "the most obnoxious things on the whole forum" ?


"Not gaslighting" AT ALL....


Keep going... it sure helps your argument and not mine..... at all...


[Funny Emoji]

Nop. I'm not only writing for you, I'm writing for everyone else as well so that an objective observer can see how much BS you deliver.

[Serious emoji face]

I'm sorry, I thought you were capable of reading more than 10 lines.

Because the mental process is important.

Its the only thing that can make you understand, as long as you read the lines with an open mind and not the mind biased by the ambiant toxicity of the forum.

Notice how, from what I was explaining about the harrasment faced by Carrot fans and myself on internet by Carrot haters and Yamato fans unilateraly... Sigran moved the blame directly on me, because.... "reasons" I guess ?

Imagine at school, a teacher explaining to kid that because he thinks that most people are wrong about his favourite subject, that he deserves the bullying he is facing and that he shouldn't call the other kids "toxic".....

I mean... lets just imagine...
No, the obnoxious thing you did was assert yourself as an authority and call anyone who didn't agree with you a "pidgeon brain". And let's not forget the reason you got banned. It wasn't some oppressive power structure. You literally admitted you were only there to bait Yamato fans into being toxic so you could report them and get them banned. Also your other ban was for racial insensitivity, so stop pretending to be this great social justice evangalist.

You call me a bully, but anyone who was there in the old thread will tell you that I was the only one who had patience with you. You were the toxic one, intentionally trying to get people banned as you admitted, and I started treating you like the troll you are after being called a pidgeon brain one too many times.

And you're only continuing to display the same arrogance that made you a pariah in the first place. You write a giant essay about your journey as a Carrot fan, and when I don't care enough to sit down and read it, it must be because I'm too stupid to read that much, not because literally no one cares about your story.

New rule. Respond to me in a maximum of 5 sentences or I'm just going to ignore you. Unlike you, I have things going on in my life and don't have time for all these pointless essays. This is the last time I'm going to fully respond to your nonsense. 5 sentences is the rule.
Yeah I'm not reading all that. It's not gaslighting because you're not a victim. You were the most obnoxious person on the whole forum and all the blowback against you was warrented. It's also your fault that Carrot fans have such a bad name because you were being an absolute ass wipe in her name for two years when all the other carrot fans had already given up. Please stop responding to me with giant ass essays, because I don't have time to read them, and I don't care enough about your opinion to do so even if I had the time. Keep it short if you want a real conversation.
Logiko trying to explain why they were the victim:
