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Point is:
- I never insulted you, you are lying about it.
- I was never banned for "racial sensitivity", you are lying about it
- I do no call myself anything but a simple leftist, you are lying about it

You are trying to find a way to make the reality match with the biases you have about me, but it can't work, sorry.
You insulted me and everyone in the thread who didn't agree with you and we all know it.

You're coping about the reason for the ban, telling yourself it was for fighting back against the man. In reality, you said calling minks animals on worstgen was as bad as real life racism against black people, and when a black user told you that was offensive, you called him racist. You got reported and threadbanned.

Also I don't care about your politics, you're the one who wrote a 10000 word essay about it and then insulted me for not reading it.
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It somehow fits her really well, right?

You're coping about the reason for the ban, telling yourself it was for fighting back against the man. In reality, you said calling minks animals on worstgen was as bad as real life racism against black people, and when a black user told you that was offensive, you called him racist. You got reported and threadbanned.

I would just like to point out Logiko is in their 30s. Nothing anybody says, no matter how many olive branches you or I or anyone else extends for them, they are beyond intervention and help. If they were ~12-15 years old I'd say keep trying to get through to them to explain why they're being a jackass, but there's no point because they're old enough to know what they're doing and how they impact and annoy other users. Just ignore.
You insulted me and everyone in the thread who didn't agree with you and we all know it.

You're coping about the reason for the ban, telling yourself it was for fighting back against the man. In reality, you said calling minks animals on worstgen was as bad as real life racism against black people, and when a black user told you that was offensive, you called him racist. You got reported and threadbanned.

Also I don't care about your politics, you're the one who wrote a 10000 page essay about it and then insulted me for not reading it.
Tf? Minks are animals. They literally are.
Carrot= rabbit, she hops around and eats carrots and she's all cuddly with her friends and people close to her like rabbits are
Wanda= dog, dogs likes to lick people
Tf? Minks are animals. They literally are.
Carrot= rabbit, she hops around and eats carrots and she's all cuddly with her friends and people close to her like rabbits are
Wanda= dog, dogs likes to lick people
It's literally not even this deep
they are a FICTIONAL SPECIES THAT DOESN'T ACTUALLY EXIST, we don't even need to point out the animalistic behaviour
to make you realize that
Realize what exactly ? I'm not the first nor the last to spam wall of text for no reason (even if its mostly to debunk bs) here, so realize what exactly ? That writing walls of text is bad and somehow "not what the cool kids do" ?

Let's be honest, In reality there is nothing to realize. Those type of invective are empty of any substance.

Yes in term of storytelling, I can safely say that I know One Piece and the story of Carrot quite literally better than most people here. That's a fact that I deduced from the majority of the post here. From the ignorant affirmations about the writing of the characters to the blindness in front of clear storytelling patterns.

But .. Maybe you are asking me to realize that its not the case perhaps ? hm ??


A case can be made for Vivi though since they symbolically confirmed her to be Nakama at the ending scene of Alabasta with them raising their arms showing the Xs.
Indeed, Vivi is a given. Yamato, Momo and Kinemon are not. Narratively they don't have the same status.

You insulted me and everyone in the thread who didn't agree with you and we all know it.
No. Never. Not even once. Not even when I said that I had the impression of talking with pidgeon (which was not an insult but an actual description of what I was facing in terms of behaviors at the times referencing the quote I wrote earlier). Not a SINGLE time in my ENTIRE presence of this forum have I insulted anyone directly or indirectly..

.. on the other hand.. I've been insulted, harrassed, gaslighted, threatenned, delegitimized multiple and multiple times by a whole lot of people. And its okay, I don't complain, I did not expected much more from this forum to begin with.. but those are the facts.

What I did on the other hand said is : "you don't know" and "you are wrong" a LOT. And if those are the "insult" you are refering to, let me laugh.

You're coping about the reason for the ban
Hmm .. no. No that I recall no.

You are reminding me Van when he tries to twist the history. You are literally trying to invent a story. And I know what you are refering to in fact:

you said calling minks animals on worstgen was as bad as real life racism against black people, and when a black user told you that was offensive, you called him racist. You got reported and threadbanned.
The motif that was explained to me was "stop bringing politic into a discussion that has nothing to do with it"

I was literally threadbanned for making the thread political and talking about racism in the context of the mink tribe. A talk that our dear politically confused Van did not understand like every good apolitical liberal/centrist. Absolutely nothing was "insensitive" in what I was saying.

Let me repeat it again CLEARLY:

They literally are.
Minks are not animals they are PART animals. Minks are humanoids.

DeHUMANIZING and trying to deligitimize minks by calling them "animals" or "stupid" or insulting because of their condition is - in the context of their oppression and creation - RACIST rethoric. (its literally the tools used by a specific gov right now to justify atrocities). Its legitimizing the process of the oppression happening in the story against different races like Minks and Fishmen and its revealing of a lack of understanding of the oppression happening in the real world that those races are DIRECTLY referencing.

Which makes the reality of the "insensitive" quote on the side of those who criticized this talk INCLUDING people of color or others that said things like:

- Roo's : "anyways these are cartoons, who gives a fuck if people hate fishmen or minks"
- Van :"So let me get this straight: you compared black people to animals, and call black people racist for feeling offended by your comments, and you believe that's fine or is too dense to notice?"

Yes those are cartoons, but this does not mean that we must overlook the way we interact and consider characters in a story because that treatment is revealing of the way we treat actual people in real life.

Again, dehumanizing a race that is PURPUSEFULLY created to be humanized and a parrallel to real life struggle of people of color is:

RACIST (no matter your color)

And refusing to politicize a debate or aknowledging the critic of an oppression in a discussion about a story talking about the subject is allowing said oppression and toxic behavior to be repeated again. Its a pure liberal choice.

And I'm the political enemy of liberals.

That's what "woke" really means : Being aware of the nature and the forms that take the oppressions in society. Even when those oppressions take the form of people trashing characters of a story because of the identities of those characters.

they are a FICTIONAL SPECIES THAT DOESN'T ACTUALLY EXIST, we don't even need to point out the animalistic behaviour
And yet... this animalistic side was used by Carrot hater to deligitimize her and criticize her.

And the point I wanted to make about Carrot is that she is not only hated because she is a feminine girl but ALSO because she is a mink. Its a double jeopardy that falls upon her and.. you guessed it (not really) ... on the FANS that talk a bit "too much about her" as well.

Because yes.. what do Carrot haters call a Carrot fan ? ... A furry. And not in the good way, in the dehumanizing, psychophobic and creepy bad way. This means that its almost impossible to appreciate her character without being insulted or dehumanized once you start having a opinion about her story. And its showed here...

Carrot would be a mermaid it would be the same.. The behavior that consist in essentializing a person or character to what they are is inherently toxic. Sexism and racism would also be used to deligitimize her and her fans in that context.

Also I don't care about your politics, you're the one who wrote a 10000 page essay about it and then insulted me for not reading it.
If you don't care, do not reply mate..


And no. Noone insulted you once again. You are inventing things.
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The sad part is that I know that most of what I'm saying here will fall on deaf ears.. The majority of people here are liberals/apolitics and conservative who don't understand why someone can politicize a debate about a story when said story is literally meant to be highly political.

Talking about systemic oppressions through the lens of character treatment with liberals is really a waste of time.. But hey.. I'm optimistic..

Maybe one of you might wake up.

Realize what exactly ? I'm not the first nor the last to spam wall of text for no reason (even if its mostly to debunk bs) here, so realize what exactly ? That writing walls of text is bad and somehow "not what the cool kids do" ?

Let's be honest, In reality there is nothing to realize. Those type of invective are empty of any substance.

Yes in term of storytelling, I can safely say that I know One Piece and the story of Carrot quite literally better than most people here. That's a fact that I deduced from the majority of the post here. From the ignorant affirmations about the writing of the characters to the blindness in front of clear storytelling patterns.

But .. Maybe you are asking me to realize that its not the case perhaps ? hm ??


Indeed, Vivi is a given. Yamato, Momo and Kinemon are not. Narratively they don't have the same status.

No. Never. Not even once. Not even when I said that I had the impression of talking with pidgeon (which was not an insult but an actual description of what I was facing in terms of behaviors at the times referencing the quote I wrote earlier). Not a SINGLE time in my ENTIRE presence of this forum have I insulted anyone directly or indirectly..

.. on the other hand.. I've been insulted, harrassed, gaslighted, threatenned, delegitimized multiple and multiple times by a whole lot of people. And its okay, I don't complain, I did not expected much more from this forum to begin with.. but those are the facts.

What I did on the other hand said is : "you don't know" and "you are wrong" a LOT. And if those are the "insult" you are refering to, let me laugh.

Hmm .. no. No that I recall no.

You are reminding me Van when he tries to twist the history. You are literally trying to invent a story. And I know what you are refering to in fact:

The motif that was explained to me was "stop bringing politic into a discussion that has nothing to do with it"

I was literally threadbanned for making the thread political and talking about racism in the context of the mink tribe. A talk that our dear politically confused Van did not understand like every good apolitical liberal/centrist. Absolutely nothing was "insensitive" in what I was saying.

Let me repeat it again CLEARLY:

Minks are not animals they are PART animals. Minks are humanoids.

DeHUMANIZING and trying to deligitimize minks by calling them "animals" or "stupid" or insulting because of their condition is - in the context of their oppression and creation - RACIST rethoric. (its literally the tools used by a specific gov right now to justify atrocities). Its legitimizing the process of the oppression happening in the story against different races like Minks and Fishmen and its revealing of a lack of understanding of the oppression happening in the real world that those races are DIRECTLY referencing.

Which makes the reality of the "insensitive" quote on the side of those who criticized this talk INCLUDING people of color or others that said things like:

- Roo's : "anyways these are cartoons, who gives a fuck if people hate fishmen or minks"
- Van :"So let me get this straight: you compared black people to animals, and call black people racist for feeling offended by your comments, and you believe that's fine or is too dense to notice?"

Yes those are cartoons, but this does not mean that we must overlook the way we interact and consider characters in a story because that treatment is revealing of the way we treat actual people in real life.

Again, dehumanizing a race that is PURPUSEFULLY created to be humanized and a parrallel to real life struggle of people of color is:

RACIST (no matter your color)

And refusing to politicize a debate or aknowledging the critic of an oppression in a discussion about a story talking about the subject is allowing said oppression and toxic behavior to be repeated again. Its a pure liberal choice.

And I'm the political enemy of liberals.

That's what "woke" really means : Being aware of the nature and the forms that take the oppressions in society. Even when those oppressions take the form of people trashing characters of a story because of the identities of those characters.

And yet... this animalistic side was used by Carrot hater to deligitimize her and criticize her.

And the point I wanted to make about Carrot is that she is not only hated because she is a feminine girl but ALSO because she is a mink. Its a double jeopardy that falls upon her and.. you guessed it (not really) ... on the FANS that talk a bit "too much about her" as well.

Because yes.. what do Carrot haters call a Carrot fan ? ... A furry. And not in the good way, in the dehumanizing, psychophobic and creepy bad way. This means that its almost impossible to appreciate her character without being insulted or dehumanized once you start having a opinion about her story. And its showed here...

Carrot would be a mermaid it would be the same.. The behavior that consist in essentializing a person or character to what they are is inherently toxic. Sexism and racism would also be used to deligitimize her and her fans in that context.

If you don't care, do not reply mate..


And no. Noone insulted you once again. You are inventing things.
Post too long
Let's be honest, In reality there is nothing to realize. Those type of invective are empty of any substance.
The substance is you do walls of text unsollicited i though i made that clear, and yes you are unique in that and yes you sound obnoxious.

You have too much of an ego to understand your opinions aren't relevant to others
Post automatically merged:

The sad part is that I know that most of what I'm saying here will fall on deaf ears.. The majority of people here are liberals/apolitics and conservative who don't understand why someone can politicize a debate about a story when said story is literally meant to be highly political.

Talking about systemic oppressions through the lens of character treatment with liberals is really a waste of time.. But hey.. I'm optimistic..

Maybe one of you might wake up.

France has trully fallen

Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
You are reminding me Van when he tries to twist the history. You are literally trying to invent a story.
Nice try. I was literally there too. That's exactly what happened :milaugh:

DeHUMANIZING and trying to deligitimize minks by calling them "animals" or "stupid" or insulting because of their condition is - in the context of their oppression and creation - RACIST rethoric. (its literally the tools used by a specific gov right now to justify atrocities). Its legitimizing the process of the oppression happening in the story against different races like Minks and Fishmen and its revealing of a lack of understanding of the oppression happening in the real world that those races are DIRECTLY referencing.
Holy fucking shit they are literally not real bruh :shame:

Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
The sad part is that I know that most of what I'm saying here will fall on deaf ears.. The majority of people here are liberals/apolitics and conservative who don't understand why someone can politicize a debate about a story when said story is literally meant to be highly political.
Story is literally written for 10 year old Japanese children lmao.

It's nowhere near as deep as you think it is :ihaha:


You insulted me and everyone in the thread who didn't agree with you and we all know it.

You're coping about the reason for the ban, telling yourself it was for fighting back against the man. In reality, you said calling minks animals on worstgen was as bad as real life racism against black people, and when a black user told you that was offensive, you called him racist. You got reported and threadbanned.

Also I don't care about your politics, you're the one who wrote a 10000 page essay about it and then insulted me for not reading it.
he said it's racist to call animals, animals?:ihaha: