General & Others One Piece General Discussion

About three things I am hyped in Wano(Hope that Oda will deliver):

-Seeing Kaido in action against everybody that gangs on him(something like Bullet vs everybody,but better).

-SNs going all out

-Hope to see Rocks and his crew(especially Shiki,John,Silver Axe,Ochoku.....) in Kaido's flashback.Give me at least a chapter or two of Kaido spending his time on that ship.


Elbaf is going to be Shanks's territory.
this saga is gonna end with kaido's defeat . Wano is the culmination and end of this Saga. There is no way this saga is gonna extend beyond this. It's already a lengthy one. Besides, it is a perfect time to start a new arc after a huge war.

Yonko might not exist after Wano.

If we carry the same logic that we are still in the Yonko Saga as long as they are yonko around, the whole post timeskip after fishman island until the final showdown with BB will be the yonko saga.


Lead them to paradise.
I hope big mom is finished in this Saga.

She has been in the majority of two huge arcs already. She is boring and I've had enough of her stupid antics.
Don't drag her to elbaf , Oda.
She's only ''boring'' because oda put her against people she shouldnt be fighting so oda had to dumb/clown her down. She will become less boring once the war truly starts and the marines/bb show up.