Quick reminder in Dragon Ball(not Z but just DB) episode 15 or like that Moten Roshi said that Goku and Kurillin need to break human limits and became superhumans to be a masters.
Goku and Kurilin already became superhumans before episode 20, when he was 12 years old.
Goku and Kurilin already became superhumans before episode 20, when he was 12 years old.
Unlimitted potential in growth is always depends. Imagine this from Goku or hmm Lina Inverse perspective who is litteraly avatar of god who created Universe. Like for her Saitama is mere insect. For Goku Saitama is probably fighter with potential to rise.
Right now I can say that Freeza is stronger then Saitama, that Magin Boo is stronger then Saitama.
Goku became that strong not because he was able one shot everything, but because he has crazy strong will and desire became stronger. Saitama didn't have anything like that. Saitama is not even Freeza. He just fight because he needs to fight. Totally different point from Goku,
Lina Inverse is more similar to Saitama, but she also fights not because she has to, but because she is crazy and greedy LOL. But she can use power that created universe and can destroy universe.