Speculations Perception vs Reality in One Piece and why its important


When were you under the impression this game is..
I mean his thread also talks about his numerous Ls but I have no issue if you think he is current strongest. I just don't think his hype is as undisputed as Mihawk's or Whitebeard's though in fairness its not as irrelevant as Katakuri's hype either.
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Well its just a matter of how many battles did he truly take short cuts in, because issue is unlike Mihawk, he is not above taking a short cut despite showing frustration later on lmao.
Luffy took multiple Ls yet he will become the strongest, Showing his defeats is to show his journey imo, to where he became yonko. And Considered the WSC.

We'll get to his backstory soon anyways.
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Agree but with a note. Kaido's title is not "the strongest creature", if we want to go there we have to report the whole statement: "people say in a 1 vs 1 fight always bet on Kaido because on earth, sea and air he is said to be the strongest creature", his real title (even if it is more correct to say nickname) is "king of the beasts" and that fits just fine cause he has the strongest zoan df, is the stringest zoan user and has a crew entirely made of zoan users while the strongest ceeature one is already full of holes.
He has two titles, one official as it was in his intro and the other which is peoples perception of him and its the world's strongest creature( or living thing if you go by the japanese meaning)
You have a very good point Shishi, but ultimately most of these things stem from the fact that Oda has to set up these characters in the story. The "titles" serve to give a fast impression on what kind of antagonists they might be, because readers need to be hyped up and excited over the crash.

Now, with Kaido and Mihawk it has been done pretty well, since they're known for it everywhere and by everyone. If Kaido had an unfair win, doesn't mean he isn't the strongest creature etc. Mihawk not destroying Vista also doesn't mean he's not the best. These things do not cancel each other out. WSS and WSC doesn't mean undefeatable, by any means.

Katakuri on the other hand was a clear wild card that Oda had to showcase because Luffy needed a stepping stone arc opponent. His family knowing he's undefeated serves that very purpose to give us a perception of fear for Luffy once they crash. But as someone mentioned above, being undefeated is as important a fact as who your alleged opponents were.

I'm undefeated in Uno, because I played only against my nieces.

Ultimately it's all part of storytelling, sometimes it's done well, sometimes not. He can't write everyone flawlessly.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Good analysis. But it should be noted that Kaido didn't exactly intentionally use underhanded tactic. It just happened.

If the Old Hag didn't interfere. Kaido would've possibly perish. But that doesn't indicate that Kaido is a specialist in underhanded tactics. It only indicates that Kaido was probably not as strong as Oden.
I disagree there hard, they were shown clashing/fighting in the castle about equally, while oden was bloodlusted that his wife got shot by orochi. He even turned his back on orochi and was facing kaido. Thats how much fo a threat he considered him.

Kaido being an arrogant man and getting injured in his dragon form, the same form luffy was ragdolling in g3. Is no measure to say he was weaker.

He wouldve been at a serious disatvantage tho as if when he would start the fight in human form, he would be severely wounded, as was shown. And yet he still had the strength to cover a lot of ground and hit oden in the split second it took oden to turn around and walk a few steps, and take him out.
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I'm undefeated in Uno, because I played only against my nieces.

Ultimately it's all part of storytelling, sometimes it's done well, sometimes not. He can't write everyone flawlessly.
Typical mafia scum.
Story telling wise, Mihawk completely is living up to his reputation or I would say he is even better than the hype surrounding him.

Unlike most villainous figures, he was able to to see that Zoro was no ordinary fighter (despite his own title) and saw the strength of his courage and loyalty to his dream and Luffy. He sees what people can become and not what they are in the present. Zoro reminds him of a younger version of himself (Both started their adventure at 19, and love to nap) Mihawk is not just a cool looking guy with a swords... He is a handsome lad with a code of honor and a motivator. That's why he is worthy to be the endgame boss for Zoro.

One of the most important thing that a lot of people fail to do when it comes to power scaling several One Piece character is fail to look at things such as titles, hype statements, rumors with a certain level of Nuance.

The most obvious example of it is Katakuri who although not many people seem to use the hype he received from his siblings as an argument for his superiority over other first commanders of emperors, I have seem some people like @Admiral Lee Hung use that as a legitimate argument. But perception vs reality is even much more so than Kaido, is evident with Katakuri
Perception of Katakuri's siblings of Katakuri vs Reality of Katakuri
Perception vs Reality was very much evident in whole cake Island with Katakuri's siblings buying the false perception that Katakuri has created with his made up perfectionism and a victory record that is supposed to be legendary rest of the world doesn't care about. A record so irrelevant to the unbiased people of the world that they don't recognize him as king of 1v1 fights, instead they recognize Kaido as one. So much so that Big News Morgan didn't even mention Katakuri's undefeated record while giving Luffy his 1.5 Billion belly bounty, I mean he didn't even specifically name drop Katakuri, instead he was just one of the two sweet commanders that Luffy defeated. Obviously if Big News Morgans bought false perception of Katakuri that his siblings did, his defeat would be one of the main focuses of his new article.
So the false perception isn't necessarily that the record exist, instead the weight that the record holds and the legend of it. While his siblings that buy the false perception that Katakuri has created would consider the record the greatest thing that has ever exist, to the rest of the unbiased world, the record doesn't mean much. Even to someone who was trying to glorify straw hat Luffy's accomplishment and make him look as great as he possible can to annoy Big Mom, the worth of Katakuri's title wasn't enough to give him a name drop in the article.
Another important thing to consider is that it is very hard to believe he has faced likes of King and Marco when Oda made a big deal of the fact that he hit his back to the floor for the very first time when he faced Luffy. I am not willing to take a leap of faith that Katakuri has defeated likes of Marco, Katakuri or even Vista in a low difficulty effort without his back touching the floor even once. So it was just an empty hype statement from people who admire him. Maybe he has undefeated record but undefeated record hardly means anything when you have only faced scrubs. Zoro was also an undefeated and invincible swordsman in East Blue until Mihawk had to show him that he is nothing more than a mere big fish in a tiny sea or rather big frog in a tiny well.
It is one of the most integral nuance of Katakuri's character that he has created false perception of perfectionism around him that only his siblings believe in. It is very important because one of the most important developments Katakuri received during his fight with Luffy was him attempting to escape that perception and express his true self freely after he took off that mask.

The World's Perception of Kaido vs Reality of Kaido
Another example of it is Kaido and all the hype surrounding him. I have seen many people find weird ways to try to dismiss Kaido's hype and all the statements narrator of the story made regarding him during his introduction. I have heard people say things like "Well his title doesn't apply to human beings as humans are not Creatures" which again the idea of humans not being creatures depending on your definition of creature maybe true, the Japanese word Seibutsu directly translates to "Living Organism" which certainly includes all the humans. Another even more ridiculous argument that I have heard is that "Kaido is only physically strongest and not necessarily strongest overall fighter" which is weird because narrator simply said "In 1v1 battle, always bet on Kaido" before giving him that distinction of strongest creature in the world.

But one logical argument that I hardly hear is regarding the perception of him vs reality.
The perception to the world is that Kaido has won his battle with Kozuki Oden, reality is that he won due to taking unfair advantage. He defeated Oden by having an old lady transform into Momonuske, Oden's son which was enough for Oden to loose his focus and look away from Kaido momentarily and Kaido took advantage of that and smacked Oden on the head with his club and incapacitated him

Although the readers saw Kaido defeat him through underhanded tactics, the history would say Oden lost his battle to Kaido. Its very possible that people of Wano neglected the fact that Kaido won his battle due to underhanded tactic of "using a hostage" to his advantage. I don't know if the rest of the world is aware of Kozuki Oden's defeat to Kaido, although its very possible because it is implied Oden had a bounty and it was likely a very high bounty. But that is not necessarily very important to the topic at hand, instead it gives room to an interesting idea. Perhaps Kaido has won majority of his fights through cheating, dirty tactics, hostages etc but world just looked at his victory record and ran with the idea that Kaido is invincible in 1v1 battle.

I think it is by design as I don't think it is a very smart move from an author's perspective to have someone who represents peak of strength in One Piece show his full power in the middle of the story and then get defeated. It also clashes with Whitebeard and his reputation as the King of his era after Gol D Roger's death all the while Kaido has his title. I mean technically Kaido could have been stronger than Whitebeard this entire time but the lore of One Piece favors Whitebeard over Kaido.

World's Perception of Mihawk vs Reality of Mihawk
Now Mihawk seems to be the kind of guy unlike Kaido where the perception might actually be reality just because of the way Mihawk has been presented in the story, his inner conflict, his personality and his role in the story.

Mihawk has not been presented as the the kind of a guy to cheat or take short cuts of any kind instead he has been presented as polar opposite of that to the point where he wouldn't even face a man who is at a disadvantage due to loss of an arm. His approach to Shanks is that he knows Shanks is simply not strong enough to give him a competitive fight due to having only one arm and if the fight happened he would simply win each time. He can take an unfair victory over Shanks due to Shanks being at a disadvantage but that goes directly against his personality of being against taking unfair advantage because he failed to defeat Shanks at the peak of his power when he had both his arms. Its antithesis of how Kaido views his battles where he has no qualms of taking unfair advantage in the midst of battle and smacking someone in the head from behind.

It is even more evident when he didn't show much interest in Vista and "postponing" their duel simply to never try to find him again. In a sense he treated Vista same way he treated Don Krieg because he is aware Vista isn't someone who can give him a proper fight.
It is important as Mihawk is so desperate to get thrill of battle that he would go to ends of hell to find Vista and finish his fight with him if he truly viewed him as someone who can give him a competitive fight. It is same man who traveled from Grand Line to East Blue on a coffin boat just because one ship slipped by him after he cut down 49 ships.

Obviously Mihawk's title is also perception based, the world perceives Mihawk as the strongest swordsman in the world because of feats that Mihawk has pulled, because of people that Mihawk has defeated. Obviously its not a judges contested title where a few strong swordsman might not have recognized. Its simple just like Kaido, world is recognizing Mihawk as the strongest in the world, be it through his big swordsmanship feats, his duel with Shanks or simply the undefeated victory record he has.

The difference with him and Kaido is that he isn't using underhanded tactics to win his battles as that is simply not his personality. He is more than happy to find somebody who is strong enough to defeat him and take his title from him, as a matter of fact he is desperately looking for someone to defeat him.

Another point that Mihawk has going for him is that he has been shown to be end of be all when it comes to swordsmanship due to the black blade he has, him being the ultimate destination of only main character whose character arc revolves around swordsmanship and become stronger in the way of swordsmanship.

Maybe it is the reason why Oda chose to gave Mihwak and Whitebeard introduction boxes with "World's Strongest" in it while with Kaido he simply called it a rumor.

Anyways in conclusion perception and reality can be the same like in case of Mihawk and can be different like in the case of Katakuri. With Kaido its up in the air because we don't know the path he took after his fight with Kozuki Oden.

You had me before Mihawk part, I could seans your fanboyism towards him.


Man vs Myth is a big theme in OP. Oden's exploits really brought that point home. Now Momo is struggling with the idea of filling his father's shoes and people expecting him to be his father. Yamato has bought into the entire myth without even knowing the real story (he thinks the Scabbards are dead).

Oda even trolled us as readers by making Orochi not as scary as we thought he would be. Perhaps Oda is softening Kaido, too.

Not getting into the Mihawk stuff, but whatever he did to become known as WSS must've been a hell of a feat, because everyone seems to have accepted that he's the strongest without question.
Its not just lluffys statement, chinjao who witnessed prime garp said the same thing, to surpass roger is to ''Trounce'' the admirals and yonko.

Mihawk told luffy that his dream is tougher than becoming WSS. Mihawk is my 3rd favorite character behind Enel and (unironically) zoro, but i doubt luffy's subbordinates goal will be the strongest in verse rn. He is definitely top 4 tho.

Primebeard was the strongest man, roger was his equal yet roger couldnt deal with admirals/emperors. So, the chance of mihawk who is obviously weaker than primebeard/roger being there is kinda low.

Esepcially if we take the ace novel where whitebeard who was still close to prime, before ace joined. Was considered to not be the strongest anymore with kaido challenging his seat.
Again I am not disagreeing with it though whether is comes from Chinjao or Luffy, it is true. Luffy has to surpass admirals and Yonko cuz they will thwart his attempt of becoming next pirate king, Admirals because they are greatest Navy has to offer and navy directly opposing pirates and yonkou because they themselves are trying to be pirate kings, some of them have poneglyphs, as pirates they are closest thing to pirate king the world has to currently offer.

Mihawk has no qualms about Luffy becoming pirate king, he doesn't care about Luffy becoming pirate king. I am not necessarily saying Mihawk is top 1 or top 5 but he can be the current strongest character and it doesn't go against story telling.

Zoro being Luffy's subordinate doesn't necessarily hinder Mihawk's placement as we need understand looking at Zoro as just Luffy's subordinate is not the way to go as he has never been portrayed as just a subordinate. He is someone that only joined Luffy because he wanted to pursue his own ambition and Luffy gave him an ultimatum. Obviously on the journey he has come to admire Luffy and values Luffy just as much as his dream, their inner conflict still remains the same. I think Luffy and Zoro's inner conflict suggests that Zoro has to be equal to Luffy at all times otherwise he would just become a regular subordinate following the basic idea of "Captain has to be stronger than his subordinate".

Not sure how Roger and Whitebeard not being able to deal with emperors play a factor here, and are you suggesting Mihawk is weaker than Roger/WB yet other emperors like Kaido, Big Mom are not? How does that work, are you buying Roger/WB's hype or only applying it to Mihawk? And if emperors are indeed weaker than Roger/WB then them not being able to "deal" with them is irrelevant. Mihawk obviously can't barge into an emperor's territory and kill them and decimate their entire crew and fleet on top of it lmao.
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You had me before Mihawk part, I could seans your fanboyism towards him.
How am I fanboying over Mihawk?
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There was no "false perception" of Katakuri though. The statements made about him are from accounts of people who witnessed his accomplishments first hand. Those kind of statements hold much more weight than the statements of those made in hearsay. There is no biasness coming from his siblings here, because they have front row seats to the accomplishments. Brulee proved this as she witnessed the entire fight between Luffy and Katakuri. She could have easily went and told everyone that the fight ended in a stalemate, in which Luffy used that opportunity to escape, or even claim that Katakuri won. But she did not do that. She reported exactly what happened, and that is the fact that Katakuri had finally suffered his first defeat.

Things like what Big News Morgan reported is irrelevant to the hype that Katakuri received. It doesn't matter what is reported to the rest of the world. All that matters is what we the readers witnessed first hand, and the accounts of the characters who witnessed these accomplishments first hand.

Look at Gol D. Roger. The information provided surrounding his capture was completely fabricated by the World Government. They reported to the World that they caught him, and in the eyes of the people that makes the Marines look infinitely more powerful. The hype of the Marines because of the World Governments reports raises dramatically to the people of the World, while to the readers who know what really happened, it diminishes. So I am not entirely sure how you reach the conclusion that hearsay is much better hype than first hand accounts, as stories created by word of mouth tend to become more and more embellish the father the rumors spread.
I appreciate the feedback but I am struggling to understand how anything you said goes against what I said.
Like I am not denying Katakuri's record exist, it certainly does, that is not being fabricated. It is the weight of the title that is falsely perceived by his family due to their fanboyism of him.

What Big News Morgan reports is relevant because it shows world's perception of Katakuri is comparison to his siblings. Katakuri's alleged undisputed record is portrayed as irrelevant when it comes to rest of the world, to the point where someone clearly bloating Luffy's accomplishments in his article didn't name drop it. Like isn't breaking an undisputed record another way to bloat somebody in front of the world but Morgan new world doesn't give a shit about Katakuri's record, only his siblings do. That is why I compared Katakuri's reputation in Whole cake Island to Zoro's reputation in East Blue, he is just shown as a big fish in a little pond. Obviously if new world Rookie like Luffy is the first man to have his back touch the floor, he hasn't faced any real challenges in new world.

Now sure how fabrication of Gol D Roger's defeat add anything either. World has false perception of Roger's defeat hence a part of Garp's reputation to the rest of the world is result of false perception. Obviously other part of him defeating Rox Pirates is not though not sure if World knows Roger teamed up with him.
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I'm undefeated in Uno, because I played only against my nieces.
That's prolly the case with Katakuri's "Legendary" record as well.
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When were you under the impression this game is..
Again I am not disagreeing with it though whether is comes from Chinjao or Luffy, it is true. Luffy has to surpass admirals and Yonko cuz they will thwart his attempt of becoming next pirate king, Admirals because they are greatest Navy has to offer and navy directly opposing pirates and yonkou because they themselves are trying to be pirate kings, some of them have poneglyphs, as pirates they are closest thing to pirate king the world has to currently offer.

Mihawk has no qualms about Luffy becoming pirate king, he doesn't care about Luffy becoming pirate king. I am not necessarily saying Mihawk is top 1 or top 5 but he can be the current strongest character and it doesn't go against story telling.

Zoro being Luffy's subordinate doesn't necessarily hinder Mihawk's placement as we need understand looking at Zoro as just Luffy's subordinate is not the way to go as he has never been portrayed as just a subordinate. He is someone that only joined Luffy because he wanted to pursue his own ambition and Luffy gave him an ultimatum. Obviously on the journey he has come to admire Luffy and values Luffy just as much as his dream, their inner conflict still remains the same. I think Luffy and Zoro's inner conflict suggests that Zoro has to be equal to Luffy at all times otherwise he would just become a regular subordinate following the basic idea of "Captain has to be stronger than his subordinate".

Not sure how Roger and Whitebeard not being able to deal with emperors play a factor here, and are you suggesting Mihawk is weaker than Roger/WB yet other emperors like Kaido, Big Mom are not? How does that work, are you buying Roger/WB's hype or only applying it to Mihawk? And if emperors are indeed weaker than Roger/WB then them not being able to "deal" with them is irrelevant. Mihawk obviously can't barge into an emperor's territory and kill them and decimate their entire crew and fleet on top of it lmao.
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How am I fanboying over Mihawk?
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I appreciate the feedback but I am struggling to understand how anything you said goes against what I said.
Like I am not denying Katakuri's record exist, it certainly does, that is not being fabricated. It is the weight of the title that is falsely perceived by his family due to their fanboyism of him.

What Big News Morgan reports is relevant because it shows world's perception of Katakuri is comparison to his siblings. Katakuri's alleged undisputed record is portrayed as irrelevant when it comes to rest of the world, to the point where someone clearly bloating Luffy's accomplishments in his article didn't name drop it. Like isn't breaking an undisputed record another way to bloat somebody in front of the world but Morgan new world doesn't give a shit about Katakuri's record, only his siblings do. That is why I compared Katakuri's reputation in Whole cake Island to Zoro's reputation in East Blue, he is just shown as a big fish in a little pond. Obviously if new world Rookie like Luffy is the first man to have his back touch the floor, he hasn't faced any real challenges in new world.

Now sure how fabrication of Gol D Roger's defeat add anything either. World has false perception of Roger's defeat hence a part of Garp's reputation to the rest of the world is result of false perception. Obviously other part of him defeating Rox Pirates is not though not sure if World knows Roger teamed up with him.
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That's prolly the case with Katakuri's "Legendary" record as well.
Never said primebeard/roger were weaker than emeperos, just that they preffered not to fight them as evidenced by roger with prime rayleigh in his crew mind you, decided to avoid fighting a big mom who was constantly pregnant and had a younger/weaker crew.
Im saying that if to surpass roger you gotta do that, then the claim for mihawk being n1 is kinda unfounded. Doesnt help that the man had weird showings in marineford.
Never said primebeard/roger were weaker than emeperos, just that they preffered not to fight them as evidenced by roger with prime rayleigh in his crew mind you, decided to avoid fighting a big mom who was constantly pregnant and had a younger/weaker crew.
Im saying that if to surpass roger you gotta do that, then the claim for mihawk being n1 is kinda unfounded. Doesnt help that the man had weird showings in marineford.
I mean Roger did but Roger's journey is weird, dude took a lot of short cuts, storm saved him from Shiki, never defeated Garp or Whitebeard, got poneglyph reader in Oden, but Luffy seems to have more of a "Go head first and surpass everyone" approach. I mean So Roger avoiding Big Mom simply could be him avoiding the hassle and taking the short cut.
"Weird showings" that doesn't contradict his character? Did he have weird showing against Don Krieg a well? If so how much is that relevant? Was anyone able to overpower Mihawk in MF? Or show limits of his power? Or even do damage to him? Or do anything to contradicts his hype?
I feel like its intellectual dishonestly to use Marine Ford to determine Mihawk's strength when it was an inconclusive mess that amounts to nothing. Does Mihawk playing with Vista for two minutes really mean anything? By that logic is Fujitora not putting down one sword Zoro in their clash weird showing for Fujitora?


World's Strongest Swordsman
Never said primebeard/roger were weaker than emeperos, just that they preffered not to fight them as evidenced by roger with prime rayleigh in his crew mind you, decided to avoid fighting a big mom who was constantly pregnant and had a younger/weaker crew.
Im saying that if to surpass roger you gotta do that, then the claim for mihawk being n1 is kinda unfounded. Doesnt help that the man had weird showings in marineford.
Lets not chat shit now bro.
We have seen roger become pirate king on panel
Mihawk chinjao and luffy dont have a clue what they are saying.

Roger stole a copy from meme begged his rival for his crew member and everything else fell in his lap beating no one on the way to becoming king.

He didnt beat meme shikki garp wb sengoku etc

And as soon as they were targeted as pk crew he disbanded.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Lets not chat shit now bro.
We have seen roger become pirate king on panel
Mihawk chinjao and luffy dont have a clue what they are saying.

Roger stole a copy from meme begged his rival for his crew member and everything else fell in his lap beating no one on the way to becoming king.

He didnt beat meme shikki garp wb sengoku etc

And as soon as they were targeted as pk crew he disbanded.
Im not chatting shit my friend, its clear that its what oda is trying to portray. Chinjao fought prime garp too so he knows whats up.
Yeah thats what im saying, and yet he was primebeard the wsm equal, meaning he was the strongest.
Im not chatting shit my friend, its clear that its what oda is trying to portray. Chinjao fought prime garp too so he knows whats up.
Yeah thats what im saying, and yet he was primebeard the wsm equal, meaning he was the strongest.
Roger being strongest of his era alongside Whitebeard is a safe bet but it could be another case of false perception due to all the short cuts Roger took.

Though Roger seem to have thrill of battle and specifically singled out Oden a samurai. He could be World's Strongest Swordsman of his era


World's Strongest Swordsman
Im not chatting shit my friend, its clear that its what oda is trying to portray. Chinjao fought prime garp too so he knows whats up.
Yeah thats what im saying, and yet he was primebeard the wsm equal, meaning he was the strongest.
The point is they were wrong. You dont have to beat anyone to be pirate king.
Roger didnt. All he did was steal a copy from meme just like brook.


When were you under the impression this game is..
The point is they were wrong. You dont have to beat anyone to be pirate king.
Roger didnt. All he did was steal a copy from meme just like brook.
Except luffy/chinjao were talking about surpassing roger, thats what im saying. To surpass the man who was equal to primebeard he would have to beat all yonko/admirals. Thats a huge feat.


Zoro Worshipper
We know Luffy is covered in sacred plot armor however the fact he beat up Katakuri remains

Katakuri was all but invincible, the Old Ray would have taken him out without breaking too much of a sweat and he is quite past his prime

Prime Ray himself wasn't quite the strongest of all
I appreciate the feedback but I am struggling to understand how anything you said goes against what I said.
Like I am not denying Katakuri's record exist, it certainly does, that is not being fabricated. It is the weight of the title that is falsely perceived by his family due to their fanboyism of him.

What Big News Morgan reports is relevant because it shows world's perception of Katakuri is comparison to his siblings. Katakuri's alleged undisputed record is portrayed as irrelevant when it comes to rest of the world, to the point where someone clearly bloating Luffy's accomplishments in his article didn't name drop it. Like isn't breaking an undisputed record another way to bloat somebody in front of the world but Morgan new world doesn't give a shit about Katakuri's record, only his siblings do. That is why I compared Katakuri's reputation in Whole cake Island to Zoro's reputation in East Blue, he is just shown as a big fish in a little pond. Obviously if new world Rookie like Luffy is the first man to have his back touch the floor, he hasn't faced any real challenges in new world.

Now sure how fabrication of Gol D Roger's defeat add anything either. World has false perception of Roger's defeat hence a part of Garp's reputation to the rest of the world is result of false perception. Obviously other part of him defeating Rox Pirates is not though not sure if World knows Roger teamed up with him.
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That's prolly the case with Katakuri's "Legendary" record as well.
Here's the thing. The accomplishments of the underlings are typically always overshadowed in comparison to that of the accomplishments of the Captain. This is why the news reports are riddled with headlines like "Luffy and Law take down Doflamingo", or "Luffy invades Big Mom's territory and leave it in shambles." Therefore the perception of those characters to the rest of the World are never going to be as great. Kaido, Big Mom, Shanks, Blackbeard, Whitebeard etc.. will always have that spotlight in the newspaper.

Oda himself is the one who hyped Katakuri to this degree, through the eyes of first hand accounts from his crewmates/siblings. We are not given any reason to believe otherwise. He never once showcased any of Big Mom's children to be bias. Brulee had no qualms diverging information that Snack was defeated by Urouge, and no qualms about reporting that their "Invincible Big Brother" was defeated by Luffy. This is something that would have never reached the outside World, had Brulee never opened her mouth. Even someone like Bege who was playing the Big Mom pirates from the offset was the very first person to hype Katakuri. Revealing that he has one of the rarest abilities in the World. This was further hyped through statements made by Rayleigh, by reaffirming how rare it is.

We know for a fact that the Yonkos have been clashing with each other for years. So to assume that Katakuri has never fought anyone noteworthy is pretty shallow, as we would have to assume that everytime Katakuri went with Big Mom to fight with one of the Yonko's, they didn't bring their own commanders for some odd reason. From a narrative standpoint, that makes no sense. "Yeah, he's undefeated, but that's because he only fought scrubs." If that was the author's intent for the readers to reach that conclusion, then he would have done a much better job in highlighting that fact. His siblings would not have such a hard time believing that someone like Luffy took down Katakuri if in reality they knew their brother really only ever fought and defeated low level characters. To them it was inconceivable that Katakuri lost. That stems from a genuine and honest belief through first hand accounts that their brother is just that strong.