Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

Should we open the chapter discussion thread for the iffy translation?

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World's Strongest Swordsman
Once you reach top tier levels of AP you don't need to hit your opponent thousands of times before you knock them out

If Akainu landed a clean hit on Shanks what would happen? He would be dead or knocked out

Everyone in the OP verse isn't Big Mom or Kaido
Lucci is fine after what luffy did in gear 5
You think he gonna be up at the end of this chapter after one zoro hit ?
I think 10 mins is too less to defeat all 5 Gorosei . Mind you these are end game opponents or are they ? RAID arc rings a bell ?? Bird cage ??

Oda might do 4d chess and make 5 Goroseis actually lose it also opens Pandora box this will be open invite to invade Mariejoa if all Goroseis go down . Again it depends what Vegapunk will reveal .

Will he expose Imu ? Ancient weapon ??

Also Luffy won’t last in his Nika form for long . So I suppose AR +Elbaf giant will be used to hype Goroseis .

Also I am certain Oda is planning to kill off Dory and Broggy . They don’t serve much to plot eitherway . It can also be used to hype Hajruddin who will take steer of New age of Giant Pirates .
I think a low diff is a crazy take if I'm being honest

A number of skirmishes/clashes/fights began and ended over the course of Zoro vs Lucci. This isn't like Zoro vs Apoo where Apoo's goal was to run away instead of standing his ground and fighting

Lucci and Zoro were actively going at it for a pretty long time with Zoro utilizing various tools in his arsenal to put him down. He even whipped out the green smoke for him at one point

It doesn't make sense to call it a low diff if you're exerting this level of effort against an opponent

If this is considered a low diff then you'd have to give me examples of low, mid, high, and extreme diff fights in One Piece

Cause based on my personal criteria it would be at least a mid diff
I agree, Lucci at the very least pushed him to mid diff, we’ll see what the raws have in store
A serious No. lucci still=no named attack base g5 luffy+haki and can solo the crew bar luffy and zoro. if you truly believe the rest have a shot at lucci then you dont get the whole point of zoro treating lucci like appo. The implication is that zoro is far far far stronger rather than lucci being weak.
I don't agree with you my zoro boys in this one :)

But I can understand your povs.
For me Jimbei can take Lucci very well. He mid diffed Who's Who someone comparable to Lucci and had a better haki and df. Lucci masterized his DF so he awakened his powers. But remember from where he came from (got defeated by g3 luffy at EL so before many events).

In two years, it's impossible that guy jumped from being there to be on King or katakuri's lvl so having a progression like Zoro and Luffy who nearly died to beat them and had to train with Rayleigh or mihawk the bests of the world to become stronger.

I'm pretty sure Devil Robin and Franky have a shot against him (extreme diff).
Lucci isn't a 1billion dude. Pretty sure Jozu, Doflamingo destroy him.

He is just a recycled opponent.
Assuming the spoilers are true, IMO the truth is somewhere in the middle of what you both are saying.

Yeah, Lucci had some scratches here and there, but it was just Oda stalling for the plot.
The minor injuries were from these clashes.
There is no reason Hyozo, Apoo etc should've lasted long against Zoro either, but they did until Oda wanted plot to progress where he wanted it to be.

But one named attack and Lucci is out. Things will get cleared up when raws drop, but what likely happened is that most of the damage Lucci took probably came from the one named attack that landed.

In which case it isn't a one shot, but quite close to it. Lucci probably went from like 70% to 0 with that hit. Different from Luffy vs Kaido, Kata, Doffy etc. Where the damage was truly accumulating over time.

If spoilers are true, this is a low-mid diff for Zoro. Straight up low diff if no advanced Conqueror's.
lucci was already at 40% after losing to luffy and stussy
Then fought zoro for an hour,

Zoro defeated 20% Lucci
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