Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

Should we open the chapter discussion thread for the iffy translation?

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No, that's not true. You determine the fight as it goes with their power level at that level. You don't scale the character there; you scale the fight. If X character holds back and fights with someone like that and goes extreme diff or high diff with that state, then it was a high diff fight. You dont go around and create headcanons about it would be low diff if he used other powers he was holding back even if that would be the case. because you don't scale the character; you scale the fight over there.

Again, you literally do not understand. "Majority" of the time doesn't exist because you only have 4 panels of zoro. He used his 3 swords, and Zoro switched up his sword style during the fights a lot and fought like that. means Zoro was using both 3-2-1 against Lucci because thats literally how he fights.

You say Zoro fought the cat brothers with two, then one shot them with three, but Zoro already used 3 swords; why didn't he one-shot Lucci this time? Your statement literally contradicts how the fight got. With your idea, Zoro should've already one shot Lucci when he used 3 swords but didn't. Your statement would be true if we never saw Zoro using 3 swords.

AGAIN, Zoro already used 3 swords. He switches up a lot in fights; this statement holds if Zoro never used 3 swords and only fought with 2 swords, but he already used them.

I already told you that Zoro can reach his peak with 3 swords only. I'm not trying to argue with that, as you can clearly read (you can right?). The problem is that you guys act like Zoro never fought Lucci with 3 swords and only used 2, which is braindead and literally false. Zoro is switching his sword numbers when fighting, and he was already using 3 swords.

Bro, can you read (yeah no you cant)? You couldn't even understand why I made that point, wtf? I already said it wouldn't change anything, and you're literally here saying the same thing as me. I directly wrote about how that didn't matter and it would end the same way. It was an example, bro, the fuck.

None of those characters made Zoro huff or made him tell them how though they were in a fair 1v1. Your argument isn't an argument.

When Zoro can hurt someone and has the speed to hit them, it will end with just 1-3 hits, bro. Not everyone is as tanky as Kaido, Big Mom, or other top tiers that have insane durability.

Zoro used 3 sword already bro wtf. He is literally using it right there. Just because he changed his sword (which he does a lot), that doesn't mean he is only fighting with 2.

You guys keep saying "2 sword" while he was already fighting with 3 in the beginning, and because he changed now, its suddenly "only 2."

Nvm bro why even I'm trying to talk to you while you literally can't understand what I wrote and repeat the same thing I said in my previous comment. This is literally my fault. Go on, bro.
I've already countered your post twice. You are refusing to accept the truth.

Stop using Zoro switch swords all the time excuse. It's not about whether he switches swords. It's about the sword number he use6 the majority of the time, how much power and or technique he uses with it. That's what we have to go by to determine the difficulty of the battle.

There's a difference between Zoro using 2 swords majority of the time and performing one sword style technique than Zoro using 3 swords majority of the time and switching sword number to perform a few different sword style techniques.

Look at what Zoro has used against Lucci in this battle. Zoro went for 2 swords, 3 swords, back to 2 swords. He hasn't used a single sword style technique until the end when he defeated Lucci. I'm giving you the benefit of doubt and assuming Zoro beat Lucci with a sword style technique.

I keep talking about Zoro using 2 swords because that's what he have used majority time. He went back to 2 swords after using 3 swords short period. If he needed to use 3 swords to handle or keep up with Lucci he would have.
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