Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

Should we open the chapter discussion thread for the iffy translation?

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You calling any one delusional is as ironic as a serial killer calling someone who stole a bag of chips from walmart..evil.

That in itself is a form of delusion.
Every single fanbase of every character collectively thinks you are delusional.

I hope you are aware of that
If not than that's another delusion.
Yet Zoro fans are making an argument on the same level as Zoro not having AdCoC when they say that Zoro didn't use KoH against Lucci.. It's all visual evidenced based.. You acknowledge the KoH Black Lightning somewhat similar to AdCoC Lightning.. But when it comes to visual KoH similarities you don't.. Green Smoke + Black Lightning being KoH.. In one instance you accept the visual parallel and the other not, which proves that you're biased.. You're not linear with your line of thought..
Yet Zoro fans are making an argument on the same level as Zoro not having AdCoC when they say that Zoro didn't use KoH against Lucci.. It's all visual evidenced based.. You acknowledge the KoH Black Lightning somewhat similar to AdCoC Lightning.. But when it comes to visual KoH similarities you don't.. Green Smoke + Black Lightning being KoH.. In one instance you accept the visual parallel and the other not, which proves that you're biased.. You're linear with your line of thought..
King of Hell = Huge AdvCoC Lightning and Zoro saying "King of Hell"


I don't wanna hear anything else from you
It’s not a repeat? It’s a continuation of the war that’s already begun. It’s like Dressrosa being the continuation Punk Hazard. The difference is that the Straw Hats aren’t the aggressors, but the targets
Repeating the role of the FA needing to be present for Gorosei whom are all now not clearly needing protection is kind of silly dont you think lol?

It worked prior to Saturn's exposion, now it makes less sense. Im not seeing how any Admiral lasts beyond Akainu, they should be present with him, not after him.
Van Auger is a pis fight for usopp
Especially considering he has a warp fruit

I can see it already "Van Auger can't warp so and so times because of how taxing the fruit is to use"
Eventually Usopp needs to actually move towards his goal as a brave warrior. He’s not going to be as pathetic as chopper forever.
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