Your most dishonest post of all time? I think so. At least the most dishonest post of yours that I’ve ever seen. Lol
Even in the legendary clusterfuck profile war we at first agreed at spearman supremacy and I even was willing to push whether current Shin could beat Earl or not, but then you jumped on the infamous Renpa~Bananji~ Kaishibou~ Gyou’Un train and then doubled down by putting Ji Aga above Renpa lmao.
At that point it was over. Fuck that incest loving weirdo Earl Bum Shi.
Well I commend you for adopting the correct take, but you can’t blame me for missing you state that in that clusterfuck of a profile war lmfao. I don’t remember much of anything serious that was said there.
Oh no you didn't you actually started arguing whether Renpa might even be weaker lmao.
I have never once. Not once. Argued that Renpa was weaker than Kaishibou. Not sure if this is what you meant lol. Prime Gyou Un > Renpa martially is fact obviously but I never argued he was weaker than Kaishibou.
This debate happened during your also legendary Ji Aga = Moubu run, in those weeks you were really obsessed with those comparison statements but I guess we have our answer.
And this is the point that I knew you were just straight up lying, because I never said Jiaga = Moubu, and if you weren’t so damn hysterical over the Jiaga situation you might recognize that.
All you screaming pussies took my words out of context because you were irrationally butthurt over Jiaga not living up to whatever arbitrary standards you decided he would need to live up to in order to “live up to the hype”. It’s amazing how I can articulate exactly what I was saying about Moubu > Jiaga and you butthurt children still don’t get the fucking point anyway. I’m not repeating myself. The Shiryou thread made it extremely obvious what I think about Jiaga vs Moubu and when you clowns calm the fuck down we can have a rational discussion on this topic.
There’s a reason everyone on TKC all laugh at WorstGen crybabies in unison, all those guys can tell the obvious, which is that Jiaga belongs above guys like Shukai Gyou’Un, Shukai Bananji, and Ranbihaku, but yall aren’t ready to have a serious convo on that topic and won’t be for some time, it seems.
As far as I can tell this entire debate was created by Lee's statement fetish and the fact that he couldn't cope with Bananji being able to block full power Ouhon's spear thrusts when they were stated to be similar to Bum Shi's.
Jesus fucking Christ dude. I’ll be nice because me and you are usually cool but I don’t even know where to begin addressing the lies in this comment.