Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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Kingdom 791 Spoilers


Chapter Title: Other People’s Wars

**Summary by Saemoon**

Kan Saro reports that Ji Aga has died. Shibashou apologizes to Kan Saro, but Kan Saro asks him why he’s apologizing. He says it’s because he’s the one that brought Riboku to them, but Kan Saro responds that coming to this battle was Seika’s decision.
Flashback) Before the discussion between Riboku and Seika even starts, Shibashou opens by saying that it might not be possible for Riboku to stay at Seika for an extended period of time. Kan Saro asks for them to not be upset and explains that Seika has been built up from nothing by the people living here. They truly want to assist Riboku, but they can’t do so at the risk of Seika collapsing. Riboku says he know Seika’s past and how it started as a simple village founded by refugees that has grown into virtually its own independent nation. When Seika repelled Ordo by themselves, Riboku was surprised at how the city of Seika had matured and thought that Seika must be at the point where they need to decide their path. Riboku states that “coming to Seika wasn’t fate, he’s here to ask him to decide…” but Shibashou cuts him off saying he is neither a king nor a dictator. If he wants to ask about Seika’s path, then he needs to ask the people of Seika.

Riboku opens his speech by stating his loss to Qin at Shukai Plains, how Gyou was taken, how he lost during the rebellion at the capital, and how he is being pursued by the armies of Kantan. The people of Seika respond by pouring their hearts out to Riboku. In northern Zhao, there isn’t a single people who thinks poorly of Riboku, and Seika has many people from the north. They beg him to stay at Seika and live with them under the protection of Shibashou. Riboku is honored that they think so highly of him, but he didn’t come here to become a resident of Seika. He came to borrow Seika’s strength to restore the capital to its former strength and, when the Qin army attacks again, for Seika to become to main force during that war. The people of Seika immediately turn on Riboku telling him to fuck off. They’ve escaped wars and other hardships to finally have a safe place to live, so why should they have to become involved in other people’s wars. They call Riboku selfish for trying to drag them into his affairs just so he can become prime minister again. Kaine jumps in to defend Riboku with her usual prattle, but the people of Seika turn on her, too. Riboku explains that if they do nothing, Qin’s blades will make their way to Seika and Ganmon, but Riboku and his retainers are fighting so that doesn’t happen. However, the Qin army won’t stop at Seika and Ganmon, they’ll continue killing and taking cities as far as they can.

Riboku explains he has to return to power to take command of the armies to prevent those other people from dying. Riboku understands that they’ve built a peaceful land here and asking them to join the war is a harsh request. He says Qin won’t reach Seika for a while, so if they want to consider this coming war as “someone else’s war” then that’s fine, but while they enjoy their blissful days at Seika, other people are screaming out in pain. Are they fine with that being the essence of Seika? Do they want to keep living thinking only of themselves and ignoring everything around them? Shibashou explains to his generals that Seika ignored the outside world to build themselves up, but that time has passed. If they want to continue enjoy these peaceful times even in this world full of war, they have to decide their what their spirit is, what their path is.

Riboku continues by explaining that joining the war means Seika’s blood will be spilled, their men will lose their lives, and the tears of the families left behind will fill Seika. However, that tragedy is currently playing out in the outside world. Averting their eyes to that reality while holding the power to stop it is a cold decision. If they intend to continue this path, then they will lose their relations with everyone, be respected by no one, and should just quietly enjoy their peace until they vapidly collapse into nothingness. However, if they open their gates and risk their lives in war to stop this tragedy, then the spirit of Seika will shine brilliantly and will be known throughout all China. The people of Seika will be known throughout all China. That will become the “pride of Seika” that they can pass down through the generations. Riboku says if they lend him their strength, they can win against Qin and put an end to their invasions. They can achieve victory together!

@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @MarineHQ @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @FutureWarrior123 @RayanOO @Rumble @Greenbeard @Dark Admiral @Jailer @Peroroncino @Monet @Topi Jerami @Shanks @Cichy @Bullet @mmd @Yo Tan Wa @𝓓𝓡 . 𝕋𝒆ñ𝐦𝐚
My boy Riboku, simply the GOAT :finally:

To all of those who are wondering who Shibashou fought, this very well may be your answer. He may have fought the Xiongnu themselves which would absolutely count as top tier experience…

Is this why Bananji and Riboku were already familiar with Shibashou? @MarineHQ
I was thinking about that too. Shibasou and his generals being that powerful despite never participating in the war with anyone around seika was strange. But if they are from north and have fought Xiongnu armies then their overwhelming strength really makes sense.
Riboku speech was peak. My man has peak intelligence, leadership and diplomatic skills. Truly the greatest heaven of all time.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
what do you think the first real "statement" about Shibashou's power will be? All we've gotten so far from Ousen is that it "exceeds his expectations"
I suspect the first quantifiable hype statement we hear about him will be from Riboku. As to what that hype statement will be, I have absolutely no idea. Lol

Some guesses though:

-Bananji was already said to have killed many Xiongnu commanders, so I would assume if Shibashou has fought the Xiongnu his hype would have to be even greater. So maybe he hasn’t just killed Xiongnu commanders, maybe he’s outright repelled Xiongnu attacks? Idk. Really hard to say what his hype against them could be aside from bodying their commanders lol

-Shin will claim Shibashou’s blow is the heaviest he’s ever felt

-Another hype statement could really be Riboku claiming Seika will never fall to invaders while he is alive, which would kind of mirror the hype around Riboku claiming Zhao would never fall. Idfk, very hard to say.
t's possible that he did accomplish some victories against the other states, but I think it's more likely his achievements were either against the Xiongnu, or against a state "inside" of Zhao like the Quanrong.

It seems like Wei and China as a whole only knew him after Ordo attacked, Gouhoumei mentioned him after Juuko
Remember, Chou Sou didn't know who Tou was, even though he was active in Zhao during the golden years of the Warring States Era, and Ou Ki hadn't retired from front line duties that long. He thought Ou Ki had kept him hidden.

12 years removed from their last battle, Gaku'Ei didn't know who Gyou'un and Chou Ga Ryuu were either.

Memories fade quick in a land where states rise and fall (Zhao is only on its 10th monarch), men of talent come and go, and word travels mostly by mouth.

I don't doubt that SBS fought steppe tribes in his time, but given his approximate age, he would've been called to duty in the wars against the other states.
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Nice speech, Riboku. I hope next chapter stops with the flashbacks and the Seika guys finally start getting serious feats, because so far it's been a pretty embarrassing performance from them.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
The Xiognu are one of the groups I'm most interested. We've been hearing about them forever.

If SBS fought them too I wonder if they called him a demon too.
They are a threat to all China, literally a threat rivaling a major state lol. It would make sense for Riboku to see Shibashou in action against them and nominate him from there.

Bananji’s hype against the Xiongnu was always so huge lol. I’ll be interested to see how Shbashou compares to he and Riboku if that’s really where the big boi is from.
They are a threat to all China, literally a threat rivaling a major state lol. It would make sense for Riboku to see Shibashou in action against them and nominate him from there.

Bananji’s hype against the Xiongnu was always so huge lol. I’ll be interested to see how Shbashou compares to he and Riboku if that’s really where the big boi is from.
I mean RBK must've seen this man fight somewhere right ?

I like this theory.
The Xiognu are one of the groups I'm most interested. We've been hearing about them forever.
They are a threat to all China, literally a threat rivaling a major state lol.
Riboku's feat of one sidedly exterminating a 100k strong Xiongnu army was deemed as shocking by Yotanwa.

Until that point of Bayou, we had been reading on Ouki's incredible strenght who had everyone in the Zhao dancing to his tune, the sheer hype surrouding the last member of the Qin Six waging battle.

Then Hara hits us with this and the manga goes like "what the actual f is going on here...".
I wonder if the Xiongnu will ever be fleshed out by Hara or if they'll just remain as a background threat to hype other characters. Hara has also made them related to the Quanrong even though historically that is incorrect, I wonder if that's a plot point and some Xiongnu will join YTW down the line through her Quanrong subordinates or if it was just a brainfart on Hara's part.
I wonder if the Xiongnu will ever be fleshed out by Hara or if they'll just remain as a background threat to hype other characters. Hara has also made them related to the Quanrong even though historically that is incorrect, I wonder if that's a plot point and some Xiongnu will join YTW down the line through her Quanrong subordinates or if it was just a brainfart on Hara's part.
I vaguely remember that the Xiognu may have been an enemy after China was unified and since Hara confirmed he'll take the manga past unification it's actually possible they're like one of the last arcs.
Hara said he wanted to take the manga past unification but at the pace things are going it's getting hard to believe, manga's been going on for 18 years already
We're easily looking at another decade imo. Zhao still not done but I'm convinced Han, Yan and Wei won't even be remotely as hard to take down as Zhao. Only Chu will take like another 3-5 years lol


Lazy is the way
They are a threat to all China, literally a threat rivaling a major state lol. It would make sense for Riboku to see Shibashou in action against them and nominate him from there.

Bananji’s hype against the Xiongnu was always so huge lol. I’ll be interested to see how Shbashou compares to he and Riboku if that’s really where the big boi is from.
They look like the White Walkers lol

the far away threat in the north that endanger the whole kingdom that only a few brave men are aware of
I vaguely remember that the Xiognu may have been an enemy after China was unified and since Hara confirmed he'll take the manga past unification it's actually possible they're like one of the last arcs.
Unless Hara increases the pace considerably the manga is going to last 20+ more years if he wants to go past unification lol.

The Xiongnu clowned and defeated the founder of the Han dynasty and the chinese had to pay heavy tribute to them for many decades until they finally managed to defeat them. Mouten's main feats are against the Xiongnu also, he defeated a supposedly 300k big army of them and drove them away further north.