I want to describe, what I think of the current situation: The fight between Zoro and Lucci started, because Lucci attacked Vegapunk and Stussy shielded the Stellar with her body.
As I said before, I think that Stussy is on the WG’s side and only shielded the Stellar, because Punk Records would die, if he died – and the WG wants it to be kept safe at all costs. Lucci knew that she was on the WG’s side and wanted her out of the way, because he is on the SHP’s/Vegapunk’s side and wants them to be able to leave the island. Lucci banked on her needing to interfere, if he was to attack the Stellar – and she did do so. This way, Lucci could get her out of the way.
But with this move, he also did bank on something else: He wants the SHPs to see him as an enemy. The reason why he wants this is, because he knows what Kizaru is capable of and knows that if they all wanted to flee, the admiral could bridge the distance quite easily using his DF-power as seen in chapter 1992 and 1093 . This means that someone needs to stay back and stall Kizaru as long as the Sunny needs to get away (it’s not done with only one or two kms between Kizaru and the Sunny.).
However, Luffy and the others would not allow anyone of them to stay back and sacrifice himself so the others could flee. Everyone would wait until they can flee together as a group. The CP0 agent even commented in chapter 1107 on it saying, that the SHPs are unable to cut off one limb to safe the body – Lucci knows this very well and considers this in his plan – the SHPs are unable to make sacrifices.
And her it gets interesting because the characters of Lucci and Kizaru both consider sacrifices necessary. And both are ok with making sacrifices (Kizaru sacrificed his friends – Vegapunk, Bonney, etc. because of his mission and Lucci was sacrificing Robin for his mission as well). Now Lucci needs the SHPs to see him as an enemy, for him to be able to stay on the island and stall Kizaru for everyone to be able to flee. They would not wait for an enemy after all - because this time, he is going to act as the ultimate sacrafice.
This is also, why Oda did not lay so much focus on the fight between Zoro and Lucci and why many found it to be boring. It was a stalling fight with an unsatisfying ending.
Important is that Zoro was the only character, who was able to stall Lucci. Not because of his strength, but because he gets lost so easily. With everyone else, Lucci could have somehow fled the fight or broken it up – not with Zoro though. If he had broken up the fight with Zoro, that latter would have gotten lost and it would have maybe been a long time until they would have found him again. So, Lucci had to keep Zoro with him in one place – for someone to come and get Zoro. This is why the fight ended right as Jinbe came. Now, Lucci could be certain that Jinbe would lead Zoro back to the Sunny and he could end the fight the moment he noticed Jinbe. Take a look at chapter 1107, in which Zoro says that Lucci sound like he decides how long this fight will last – and indeed the agent did determine how long they fought, because Lucci did determine when he wanted to loose – when Jinbe arrived to take Zoro with him, he let Zoro win.
(Oda needed this stalling for Bonney and Kuma’s story to have space to be able to develop and breath. Now that it is over, we will see the other main-plot of the arc coming into focus. And here, Lucci is heavily involved.)
Now Lucci has successfully separated himself from the rest and is now able to follow his extended agenda - facing the WG and Kizaru.
In the next few chapters, we will have him going against the WG. If it happens in chapter 1111 it would be even better, because of the numerical reference to the 11th crew member. But here we have to wait.
You see, I still think that Lucci is going to betray the WG and will fight Kizaru – I’m as strongly convinced as never before.
And I somehow can’t wait anymore – Oda is drawing it out. 😣
As I said before, I think that Stussy is on the WG’s side and only shielded the Stellar, because Punk Records would die, if he died – and the WG wants it to be kept safe at all costs. Lucci knew that she was on the WG’s side and wanted her out of the way, because he is on the SHP’s/Vegapunk’s side and wants them to be able to leave the island. Lucci banked on her needing to interfere, if he was to attack the Stellar – and she did do so. This way, Lucci could get her out of the way.
But with this move, he also did bank on something else: He wants the SHPs to see him as an enemy. The reason why he wants this is, because he knows what Kizaru is capable of and knows that if they all wanted to flee, the admiral could bridge the distance quite easily using his DF-power as seen in chapter 1992 and 1093 . This means that someone needs to stay back and stall Kizaru as long as the Sunny needs to get away (it’s not done with only one or two kms between Kizaru and the Sunny.).
However, Luffy and the others would not allow anyone of them to stay back and sacrifice himself so the others could flee. Everyone would wait until they can flee together as a group. The CP0 agent even commented in chapter 1107 on it saying, that the SHPs are unable to cut off one limb to safe the body – Lucci knows this very well and considers this in his plan – the SHPs are unable to make sacrifices.
And her it gets interesting because the characters of Lucci and Kizaru both consider sacrifices necessary. And both are ok with making sacrifices (Kizaru sacrificed his friends – Vegapunk, Bonney, etc. because of his mission and Lucci was sacrificing Robin for his mission as well). Now Lucci needs the SHPs to see him as an enemy, for him to be able to stay on the island and stall Kizaru for everyone to be able to flee. They would not wait for an enemy after all - because this time, he is going to act as the ultimate sacrafice.
This is also, why Oda did not lay so much focus on the fight between Zoro and Lucci and why many found it to be boring. It was a stalling fight with an unsatisfying ending.
Important is that Zoro was the only character, who was able to stall Lucci. Not because of his strength, but because he gets lost so easily. With everyone else, Lucci could have somehow fled the fight or broken it up – not with Zoro though. If he had broken up the fight with Zoro, that latter would have gotten lost and it would have maybe been a long time until they would have found him again. So, Lucci had to keep Zoro with him in one place – for someone to come and get Zoro. This is why the fight ended right as Jinbe came. Now, Lucci could be certain that Jinbe would lead Zoro back to the Sunny and he could end the fight the moment he noticed Jinbe. Take a look at chapter 1107, in which Zoro says that Lucci sound like he decides how long this fight will last – and indeed the agent did determine how long they fought, because Lucci did determine when he wanted to loose – when Jinbe arrived to take Zoro with him, he let Zoro win.
(Oda needed this stalling for Bonney and Kuma’s story to have space to be able to develop and breath. Now that it is over, we will see the other main-plot of the arc coming into focus. And here, Lucci is heavily involved.)
Now Lucci has successfully separated himself from the rest and is now able to follow his extended agenda - facing the WG and Kizaru.
In the next few chapters, we will have him going against the WG. If it happens in chapter 1111 it would be even better, because of the numerical reference to the 11th crew member. But here we have to wait.
You see, I still think that Lucci is going to betray the WG and will fight Kizaru – I’m as strongly convinced as never before.
And I somehow can’t wait anymore – Oda is drawing it out. 😣