Fuck you set me up I didn't wanted to reply to him
No its not. Changing capitalism doesn't mean that we aim toward communism. It can be something else.
Except that communist actually kill alphabet and people from other race.
Communism never existed and no communism wants to kill people based on their identities or color. You are projecting.
You already killed freedom on the paragraph above.
Preveventing people from saying things that hurt others is not killing freedom of speech.
Which is a real proposal, there would be actually 20 to 25 % of people choosed at random in such assembly. This would help the diverty of opinions.
It looks interesting but I really doubt it would practically work. People has their own lives to take care instead of focusing too much on politics like we do.
This applies to France as I was saying which is a coutnry where people actually care about the politic of their country to a strong degree. In France it would work very well. There would need to be a way to adapt it to other country but in theory it would work for anyone. If you give the choice to people to create a good system, they will take it.
That's exactly why it wouldn't work this society it would collapse because I see the majority naive of people voting for shit like that which looks good on paper without understanding a shit about economics and how this would ruin the country.
Oh but it would work. And in fact, it was financially demonstrated during the compaign of the party that proposed those mesure.
And what you can see here is really not something extreme. Its actually pretty reasonnable and completely feasible. At least for France. other countries would need some adaptations but this would be basically the same.
We have labor regulations in France and the country did not fall because of that. Paying people and treating people well is a choice.
Minimal wage only purpose is to create unemployment.
Which is completely false. Anyone with a minimum wage would make you understand that you can't live with it and anyone would need more. You are falling for capitalist traps.
It was made right after abolition of slavery to prevent blacks from taking the jobs of whites by being less paid
No lol
What raises the salary of an employer is his productivity
In apocalyptic society yes. Not in a progressive world.
his skills making him a valuable asset of the company and a rare employee to get
BS. ALL employees are assets as long as you give them enough credit, considerations and enough pay. Without employee, there is no compagny. Remember that.
If we only had known teacher in USA for example this teacher would be the richest person in the world
Not even close. There are a lot of people who are skilled but are stomped by society. Put that in your head once and for all :
Meritocracy doesn't exist in our world.
And what you even mean with refound the police?
It means:
- Reshape the police structurally
- Make big changes in the education of the police
- Stop putting them into stressfull situations when its not needed
- Stop telling showing them that they are above the law
- Get rid of the bad apples
Like you denied and I said earlier. You are a communist.
Still nop. if I was, I would be much more radical.
And yet pretty much many if not all State structures around the world can't be saved by a single hero.
That's the point, Single heroes don't exist. Merit is a lie.
But enough of them to composite the powers of executive, legislative and of course judgment
Those must not in ANY case be considered heroes but citizen. Its the first step in creating a power system that can't be corrupted or corrupt itself.
I'm pretty sure most of LFI are against a supernation.
I'm looking at things a bit farther than LFI, I'm wondering about the situation after they are able to restructure the country correctly. After many decades, maybe a century.. What happens then ? Frontiere will most likely become relics of the past and if that's the case, Europe or somethings else will become a supernation.
I didn't wanted to reply to him