Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Well technically yes it does. But noone is advocating to talk about the Israel/Palestine conflict in the Nakama thread. Politics don't have to be so conflictual or politically charged. Talking about politic means understanding and questionning the values and behavior that are socially acceptable in society.
When I read a One Piece chapter the last thing on my mind is "what is and isn't socially acceptable".
That's just an escuse.
Not an excuse lmao. Holy you're not serious here.

If escapism was the case, there would be no conflict on this forum. And yet, people are engaging in very POLITICAL behaviors even when they don't realize it.
Arguing is political now?

The only reason we have conflict here is because someone dared to challenge another's headcanon lol. It's not that deep.
people (not each individual but in general) will always be religious in some way. It's human nature
I would rather say spiritual. Even me who is extremelly materialist can be very spiritual at time. But rather than finding the research for spiritual awakening in religion or faith or magic stuff, I will rather search it in science, in the unknown and in the potential of humanity for greatness.

When I read a One Piece chapter the last thing on my mind is "what is and isn't socially acceptable".
And yet, this is all that is One Piece. In more ways than most stories in fact, this is precisely why it can be compared sometimes to great forging myth or great mythological tales like The Odyssey.

Not an excuse lmao. Holy you're not serious here.
I am. The escapism is just a false excuse to avoid what is already there. Politics, even if Mods are denying it, are ALL OVER THE PLACE in this forum, they are just ignored and in the shadows. My place is to question them and therefore bring them to the light in order to better the discussion which can result in a better environment, better poster, a better forum and ultimately, a better fanbase.

Politics are the conflict of values. As such, politics always make the world better. Its the absence and the restriction of politization that creates chaos. You can check everywhere in the world. When political discussions are suppressed, the environment is hostile to people. And what can be said for the world, a country or a community, can be said for a simple fanbase or a forum as well.

Arguing is political now?
Yes. Politic is conflict. There is no politic without that principle.

The only reason we have conflict here is because someone dared to challenge another's headcanon lol. It's not that deep.
That's what you think. But in reality, there are deeper reason why there was a battle with two major characters in the story among the fans.

Those reasons are deeper than just the story or the character's journey. The reason are political. Political in the sence that each character has raised a certain number of values in each fanbase, values that went in conflict with each others.

So behind the Carrot VS Yamato war, there was a political conflict at play. The conflict of two sets of values and a battle to see which ones would prevail.

Again. Politics had all its place in this thread.

Red Night

Chise and Joseph
First, no need for a revolution right now, at least not in the west. We just need to reform the institutions and move out liberals, conservative, libertarian and cryptofascist out of power.

We we can't do that with the help of the institution, then we can talk about revolution (Russian and chinese might wanna think about this right now for example)

Second, careful, when you start talking about your party members as your underlings.. its not a good sign for democracy.

This is dictature... let's not do that.
Removing liberals from power and fighting liberal ideas doesn't mean that we should put rightist in jail.

It means that we must fight them politically. I know that rightists think that saying that capitalism is hurtfull is already communism but let's stay calm here...

If we are talking about the freedom of owning guns or to say that trans or people of colors are the problem of society.. well yeah.. I agree with that. Those freedom shouldn't exist in the public space.

If we are talking about normal freedom of speech, and human rights then no. I do not agree.

Not necessaraly, progress can come during the transition. But structures of power will need to be dealt with to go beyond, yes.

No. Not necessaraly. It could indeed go wrong.. like any change of power.. or it could go right if people follow a real progressist and antiliberal mindset: In france there is a party that is trying to create a new way of thinking the institutions, we call it the "sixth republic". It stands on the basis that the executive power (the president and the ministers) have too much power and that we need a better representation of the people and more power to the people.

Its not perfect, but its already better than every other propositions. In France, it would look like that:

1- You elect a president that will call a specific type of assembly "the constituante" composed by elected people and people chosen at random
2- "The constituante" will right a new constitution with new added foundamental rights. (right for abortion for example). it will be a process of back and forth between this assembly and the work of the people.
3- The president holds a referedum to make the population approve or disprove of the text. If its approved, we move to the next step, if its not, the "constituante" rewrite the text. And it goes on until the population approves of the text and create the contitution of the 6th republic. Every modification of said constitution will be held with a referundum.
3Bis - In fact, every group of citizen who manage to get a significant number of signature will be able to invocate the holding of a new referundum to delete a law, revocate a treaty or add something in the constitution.

The structure of power would therefore be created and regulated by this new constitution. So you can expect a new type of political structure, much more representative and close to the needs of the people with actions like:

- A minimum wage of 1400€
- A maximum wage authorized in the business (the maximum wage must not grow over 20 times the minimum wage in the same business)
- Financial help (around 1060€) for young people that are alone to pay for their studies and housing
- The green rule with an ecological planification (Listing of ressources we take from the earth), it consist in not taking more in nature that what nature can create.
- Taxation of big inheritances
- Refound the Police
- A progressive taxation based on the income of the population

So you can expect a more representative type of power structure that we have now and therefore something far more equal, equitable and close to the needs of the people. If every country start to do that.. we might see the end of capitalism and neo liberalism.

That's for part one. For part two we might even see the world drift into new form of system.. Maybe something communist ? An anarchy perhaps ? Something new ? We don't know... but as long as people don't believe in the myth of single heroes saving the world.. we should be safe from despote taking over the power and creating apocalyptic societies.

Yup... I think we should be very careful about this type of content. It can quickly escalate into cultism.
How can you be pro-european and support LFI? They are sovereignists and for some nationalists.
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Removing liberals from power and fighting liberal ideas doesn't mean that we should put rightist in jail.

It means that we must fight them politically. I know that rightists think that saying that capitalism is hurtfull is already communism but let's stay calm here...

If we are talking about the freedom of owning guns or to say that trans or people of colors are the problem of society.. well yeah.. I agree with that. Those freedom shouldn't exist in the public space.

If we are talking about normal freedom of speech, and human rights then no. I do not agree.

Not necessaraly, progress can come during the transition. But structures of power will need to be dealt with to go beyond, yes.
There are good people among liberals, anyway noone should be put in Jail because of their political beliefs.

How can you be pro-european and support LFI?
I'm not. Not as Europe is right now.
I'm for the CONCEPT of Europe and the possibility of a strong potential super nation that could emerge because of the common history of the people. Something that could evolve further into an even bigger common international nation that we would call humanity.

But sadly, we went a little bit too fast with our current Europe, so we might need to rethink that system a bit (for now). We are not ready as a specie for that type of supersystem just yet, we are bound to make too many mistakes and creates a really bad system.

So i'm on the same line as LFI right now. Even if I hope that someday we can create something better together in Europe.


I know that rightists think that saying that capitalism is hurtfull is already communism but let's stay calm here...
Because it is.

If we are talking about the freedom of owning guns or to say that trans or people of colors are the problem of society.. well yeah.. I agree with that. Those freedom shouldn't exist in the public space.
Like we thought. Communist. Except that communist actually kill alphabet and people from other race.

If we are talking about normal freedom of speech, and human rights then no. I do not agree.
You already killed freedom on the paragraph above.

people chosen at random

The structure of power would therefore be created and regulated by this new constitution. So you can expect a new type of political structure, much more representative and close to the needs of the people with actions like:
It looks interesting but I really doubt it would practically work. People has their own lives to take care instead of focusing too much on politics like we do.

- A minimum wage of 1400€
- A maximum wage authorized in the business (the maximum wage must not grow over 20 times the minimum wage in the same business)
- Financial help (around 1060€) for young people that are alone to pay for their studies and housing
- The green rule with an ecological planification (Listing of ressources we take from the earth), it consist in not taking more in nature that what nature can create.
- Taxation of big inheritances
- Refound the Police
- A progressive taxation based on the income of the population
That's exactly why it wouldn't work this society it would collapse because I see the majority naive of people voting for shit like that which looks good on paper without understanding a shit about economics and how this would ruin the country.

Minimal wage only purpose is to create unemployment. It was made right after abolition of slavery to prevent blacks from taking the jobs of whites by being less paid. What raises the salary of an employer is his productivity, his skills making him a valuable asset of the company and a rare employee to get, and the demand/offert that this employee have. If we only had known teacher in USA for example this teacher would be the richest person in the world because everyone would be in need of a teacher and then the person can higher the value of work a lot.

And what you even mean with refound the police? The people who are wiling to work as police is pretty much there already. Such a thing would just higher the chance of criminals getting inside it earlier and climbing the positions to the top easier.

That's for part one. For part two we might even see the world drift into new form of system.. Maybe something communist ? An anarchy perhaps ? Something new ? We don't know... but as long as people don't believe in the myth of single heroes saving the world.. we should be safe from despote taking over the power and creating apocalyptic societies.
Like you denied and I said earlier. You are a communist.

And yet pretty much many if not all State structures around the world can't be saved by a single hero. But enough of them to composite the powers of executive, legislative and of course judgment(not sure if this is the right word) which is the most difficult(at least in my country).

Red Night

Chise and Joseph
Because it is.

Like we thought. Communist. Except that communist actually kill alphabet and people from other race.

You already killed freedom on the paragraph above.


It looks interesting but I really doubt it would practically work. People has their own lives to take care instead of focusing too much on politics like we do.

That's exactly why it wouldn't work this society it would collapse because I see the majority naive of people voting for shit like that which looks good on paper without understanding a shit about economics and how this would ruin the country.

Minimal wage only purpose is to create unemployment. It was made right after abolition of slavery to prevent blacks from taking the jobs of whites by being less paid. What raises the salary of an employer is his productivity, his skills making him a valuable asset of the company and a rare employee to get, and the demand/offert that this employee have. If we only had known teacher in USA for example this teacher would be the richest person in the world because everyone would be in need of a teacher and then the person can higher the value of work a lot.

And what you even mean with refound the police? The people who are wiling to work as police is pretty much there already. Such a thing would just higher the chance of criminals getting inside it earlier and climbing the positions to the top easier.

Like you denied and I said earlier. You are a communist.

And yet pretty much many if not all State structures around the world can't be saved by a single hero. But enough of them to composite the powers of executive, legislative and of course judgment(not sure if this is the right word) which is the most difficult(at least in my country).
I'm receving messages now because I misquoted the post.
Post automatically merged:

There are good people among liberals, anyway noone should be put in Jail because of their political beliefs.

I'm not. Not as Europe is right now.
I'm for the CONCEPT of Europe and the possibility of a strong potential super nation that could emerge because of the common history of the people. Something that could evolve further into an even bigger common international nation that we would call humanity.

But sadly, we went a little bit too fast with our current Europe, so we might need to rethink that system a bit (for now). We are not ready as a specie for that type of supersystem just yet, we are bound to make too many mistakes and creates a really bad system.

So i'm on the same line as LFI right now. Even if I hope that someday we can create something better together in Europe.
I'm pretty sure most of LFI are against a supernation.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Because it is.

Like we thought. Communist. Except that communist actually kill alphabet and people from other race.

You already killed freedom on the paragraph above.


It looks interesting but I really doubt it would practically work. People has their own lives to take care instead of focusing too much on politics like we do.

That's exactly why it wouldn't work this society it would collapse because I see the majority naive of people voting for shit like that which looks good on paper without understanding a shit about economics and how this would ruin the country.

Minimal wage only purpose is to create unemployment. It was made right after abolition of slavery to prevent blacks from taking the jobs of whites by being less paid. What raises the salary of an employer is his productivity, his skills making him a valuable asset of the company and a rare employee to get, and the demand/offert that this employee have. If we only had known teacher in USA for example this teacher would be the richest person in the world because everyone would be in need of a teacher and then the person can higher the value of work a lot.

And what you even mean with refound the police? The people who are wiling to work as police is pretty much there already. Such a thing would just higher the chance of criminals getting inside it earlier and climbing the positions to the top easier.

Like you denied and I said earlier. You are a communist.

And yet pretty much many if not all State structures around the world can't be saved by a single hero. But enough of them to composite the powers of executive, legislative and of course judgment(not sure if this is the right word) which is the most difficult(at least in my country).
That was C4N you're replying to, not Night.

I'm receving messages now because I misquoted the post.
He already had a lingering "QUOTE" in that post which messed you up.
Fuck you set me up I didn't wanted to reply to him

No its not. Changing capitalism doesn't mean that we aim toward communism. It can be something else.

Except that communist actually kill alphabet and people from other race.
Communism never existed and no communism wants to kill people based on their identities or color. You are projecting.

You already killed freedom on the paragraph above.
Preveventing people from saying things that hurt others is not killing freedom of speech.

Which is a real proposal, there would be actually 20 to 25 % of people choosed at random in such assembly. This would help the diverty of opinions.

It looks interesting but I really doubt it would practically work. People has their own lives to take care instead of focusing too much on politics like we do.

This applies to France as I was saying which is a coutnry where people actually care about the politic of their country to a strong degree. In France it would work very well. There would need to be a way to adapt it to other country but in theory it would work for anyone. If you give the choice to people to create a good system, they will take it.

That's exactly why it wouldn't work this society it would collapse because I see the majority naive of people voting for shit like that which looks good on paper without understanding a shit about economics and how this would ruin the country.
Oh but it would work. And in fact, it was financially demonstrated during the compaign of the party that proposed those mesure.

And what you can see here is really not something extreme. Its actually pretty reasonnable and completely feasible. At least for France. other countries would need some adaptations but this would be basically the same.

We have labor regulations in France and the country did not fall because of that. Paying people and treating people well is a choice.

Minimal wage only purpose is to create unemployment.
Which is completely false. Anyone with a minimum wage would make you understand that you can't live with it and anyone would need more. You are falling for capitalist traps.

It was made right after abolition of slavery to prevent blacks from taking the jobs of whites by being less paid
No lol

What raises the salary of an employer is his productivity
In apocalyptic society yes. Not in a progressive world.

his skills making him a valuable asset of the company and a rare employee to get
BS. ALL employees are assets as long as you give them enough credit, considerations and enough pay. Without employee, there is no compagny. Remember that.

If we only had known teacher in USA for example this teacher would be the richest person in the world
Not even close. There are a lot of people who are skilled but are stomped by society. Put that in your head once and for all :

Meritocracy doesn't exist in our world.

And what you even mean with refound the police?
It means:
- Reshape the police structurally
- Make big changes in the education of the police
- Stop putting them into stressfull situations when its not needed
- Stop telling showing them that they are above the law
- Get rid of the bad apples

Like you denied and I said earlier. You are a communist.
Still nop. if I was, I would be much more radical.

And yet pretty much many if not all State structures around the world can't be saved by a single hero.
That's the point, Single heroes don't exist. Merit is a lie.

But enough of them to composite the powers of executive, legislative and of course judgment
Those must not in ANY case be considered heroes but citizen. Its the first step in creating a power system that can't be corrupted or corrupt itself.

I'm pretty sure most of LFI are against a supernation.
I'm looking at things a bit farther than LFI, I'm wondering about the situation after they are able to restructure the country correctly. After many decades, maybe a century.. What happens then ? Frontiere will most likely become relics of the past and if that's the case, Europe or somethings else will become a supernation.

I didn't wanted to reply to him


As someone with employees, I can promise you they aren't all assets. They cost more money with their carelessness than they provide productivity.
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This man who rents a shop from us. He closed his business last week because his employees racked up so many driving infractions he can't get big truck insurance.