Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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True but even then he got his lick back
indeed, well Lucci is definitly someone that Loda didnt want to mess him around to much
To popular for that shit.......maybe some old memory of lucci vs timeskip luffy were super touching to Loda. So worst case scenario for this character is getting the G5 and Zoro treatment losing but still having some class left!!
in any functional brain that can understand images

panel 1 - ryokugyu in logia form is going to stab momonosuke
panel 2 - the haki covers the sky
panel 3 - haki hits ryokugyu and he starts reverting to human form
panel 4 - he is asking who is he source of the haki
panel 5 - he realizes the source and his body os now all human
panel 8 - ryokugyu is frozen and shaking

why ryokugyu would decide to turn human when he was going to kill momonosuke ? he did not even know who was sending the haki yet
or shanks haki nullified his powers or made him so scared he could not keep the transformation I do not now which is worse
This means nothing, you are just headcanoning something that never happened.
Oda just wanted Aramaki to react in his human form because reacting in tree form would be awkward and difficult to draw. He wants to show Aramaki raising his hands that he doesn't mean harm anymore.

According to you, act 1 Luffy forced Kaido out of transformation.
Luffy punched Kaido --> Kaido is out of his dragon form from act 1 Luffy's haki punch
You'd by now people would get it through their heads and understand Oda doesn't care about powerscaling... like at all :saden:
Amen. You'd think that, but no. You still have mofos trying to make mathematical calculations about how something a character did once totally means he is above this other character and analyzing every little panel for meaning or purpose like if it were a real life boxing match when its just the drawings of a 49 year old manga artist who is just trying to make a funny fight manga about Nika.

Feats and power don't matter to Oda, all that matters is if a fight can move the plot forward and get amused or disgusted reactions out of readers.


⚓𝒫𝒾𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒮𝑒𝓃𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓊⚓
Those are all stretches.

- "1111" were just random hopes based on his birthday. It's at most a shame the fans didn't get more, but it doesn't diminish Zoro or what we got. Same for "Nasujuro clash", and on that note...
- "Nasujuro clash" only made sense for a week, when they were being summoned. Last week we already saw Nasujuro was not even going to Labophase. I don't think anybody seriously expected him to teleport to Zoro this week? If anyone seriously did then they deserve the L, Zoro fans or not.
- "Lucci standing" is still defeated. That's already better for Zoro fans than what Luffy fans got the week Luffy beat him. This is just smaller L for Luffy fans. If Lucci was "dead" after one hit compared to how he looked when Luffy walked away from him that would be too big an L. Now he's just defeated, which is still better in favor of Zoro.

Nothing significant has changed from last week. I'm happy for Lucci and for Zoro both. He saved some face after last week.
I mean if you're satisfied ok. I don't see the hype in Zoro defeating Lucci after Luffy did already and then went on do fight several gorosei and kizaru, especially since we're escaping egghead. Beating Lucci might be the only thing zoro does this arc, so if you're satisfied with that and think that that makes him have a w this arc compared to Luffy, then i won't argue against you.

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