Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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If Mars really failed to go through the barrier last week that's a HUGE letdown for the Gorosei hype. Sure, they're likely not all equals and Nasujuro so far is eating very good, but Luffy went forth and back the barrier at the beginning of his fight with Kizaru as if it was literally nothing.
If Mars really failed to go through the barrier last week that's a HUGE letdown for the Gorosei hype. Sure, they're likely not all equals and Nasujuro so far is eating very good, but Luffy went forth and back the barrier at the beginning of his fight with Kizaru as if it was literally nothing.
Mars could ask kizaru kick him into the barrier. It work with luffy.
Strongest :kobeha: that is a mutton shot equivent, its a mid~low tier move used to finish combos
It's a new finisher in Sanji's strongest mode, ergo, it is Sanji's strongest attack until we are shown otherwise lmao. Any Ifrit Jambe attack Sanji is a high-end, just like any KOH 3 Dragon Style attack from Zoro is a high-end.


Bald Spoiler Provider
It only became a "fight not concluded" to the illiterates on here. Don't tell me you've joined their numbers now?
what you mean i am not bias when it comes to this stuff i will never chose a side only use facts from the manga itself

last week it was a mid diff fight after this new info dropped it changeas everythig
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