Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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Kaido and no
All ikoku, hakoku, and hakai are is just them unleashing all their physical might into one point to release a blast of pure force
You couldn't be more wrong.

Ikoku and Hakoku are pretty much the same technique (solo or duo) and they're CLEARLY slashing techniques, that's why they make perfect circular cuts into whatever they hit (how do you think they got the Going Merry out of the fish? Just like they got Luffy out of the worm just now). That's also why they have only been performed with bladed weapons.

Hakai is a completely different technique even if you go for the name having a similar theme (and yet being clearly distinct from ikoku and hakoku). Kaido never performed Ikoku or Hakoku, why? Because they're slashing techniques.


When were you under the impression this game is..
An interesting post made by Silver from Fanverse:

Egghead Panel time (1058-1110):
1. Bonney: 456
2. Kuma: 427
3. Luffy: 402
4. Vegapunk: 328
5. Jaygarcia Saturn: 214
6. Franky: 174
7. Sanji: 168
8. Kizaru: 158
9. Usopp: 154
10. Nami: 147
11. Lucci: 143
12. Chopper: 135
13. Zoro: 121
14. V. Shaka: 113
15. Jinbei: 111
16. Robin: 107
17. V. Atlas: 100
18. V. Lilith: 100
19. Sentomaru: 90
20. Garp: 86
21. Kaku: 85
22. Koby: 83
23. Stuccy: 70
24. Sabo: 67
25. S-Snake: 66
26. Dragon: 63
27. Blackbeard: 62
28. Ginny: 59
29. Ivankok: 56
30. S-Shark: 54
31. S-Hawk: 52
32. Kuzan: 50
33. Buggy: 49
34. Cobra: 48
35. V. York: 48
36. Brook: 48
37. V. Edison: 46
38. Sheperd Ju Peter: 44
39. Ethanbaron V. Nasujuro: 43
40. V. Pythagoras: 42
41. S-Bear: 42
42. Topman Valkyrie: 37
43. Marcus Mars: 37
44. Shanks: 34
45. Imu: 31
46. Helmeppo: 29
47. Crocodile: 29
48. Law: 27
49. Mihawk: 27
50. Pizzaro: 26​
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