Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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- shown concern for Bonney and Sentomaru
- Literally called out for his emotional state
- kizaru says he should've brought sunglasses to cover his eyes
-says it's good that Bonney's death would be quick and painless
-closes his eyes when he thinks he's gonna kill Bonney
- can't look at Vegapunk when he stabs him
- gets entire body turned into a cymbal, but is only covering his eyes

But people can only bring in their power level agendas to say Kizaru is mentally fine lol
Most know of all of this .
The power agenda aspect work both ways .
That why you had some saying he not trying when man try many times to kill people and final did or he give luffy food etc etc .
Like you have to be blind to see he did not have emotional issues with the order.
But you also would have been blind not to see he was fully trying to carry out his orders because he said he was a cog .

1) intangibility can beat the goroseis, Vegapunks knows this, a combination of Luffy laughs, happiness, love and Kuma thing can form an perfect attack of light against them

2) only AdCOC attacks hurts them


ACoC has nothing to do with the way the attack works. It freezes it target without using ice or cold.

Yes, Yamato has a magical fruit that give her power that people out the magic food can't normally do. That's the point to eating a magical fruit I mean DF.

It wasn't ACoC attack. Jinbe didn't say anything about CoC haki.
Lol, we are past the point of characters saying an attack is coated with conquerors or not, we can see through the drawing, lightinings and flames.

ACoC attack + jinbe new attack and lucci was STILL PERFECTLY CONSCIOUS.
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