Not just kick his ass. Straight up overwhelmingly destroy him.
Ouki vs Shoumou, Gekishin vs Houken, Yo Tan Wa vs Goba etc. When you fight a monster even if you are good yourself you can be neg diffed.
‘Let’s see Rinbunkun vs Tou (and Tou isn’t a smasher) : it was what a low / mid diff ? Mid diff if we are really really really generous.
‘Imagine Kanmei or Moubu instead of Tou. A straight up low diff at the very best for them and I can see a neg.
See this is why I don’t like the “diff” terms lol. If Ouki one shot Shoumou with a full-power serious blow, people would call it a neg even though Ouki used his full strength lol
What Shibashou did to wounded Akou here, was legit treating him like he was any other fodder. One shot him with a single arm and didn’t look too serious while doing it.
I think healthy Akou does better than that, but I still think if Shibashou was serious this is a one shot. Like a two-handed serious Shibashou one shots any version of Akou. A serious healthy Akou isn’t this much of a fodder to Shibashou.
That word gets thrown around a lot but I can’t stress that Shibashou literally just
fodderized Akou. Which I’m not sure he could do if Akou was fresh lol.