One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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1)Scarred by Oden
2) BM is always nerfed for You
3) Teach wasn't above Commanders before eating the Yami Yami.
1- How was he scared? Can you remind me?
2- so you gonna deny she was nerfed ? Really!
3- before Yami DF true, but we don't know where he stood at that point eitherway he gave hell of a fight to Shanks in his younger days... so it's pound for him to be cautious after BB got his fruit as well as not to mention it's been around 15 years post that confrontation!
Bandaged means you are really hurt
My point is Fuji and GB arent close to Akainu.
They are close to Kizaru and Kuzan maybe but not Akainu!
Akainu and sits with emperors: kaido BM
Kuzan Kizaru are slightly below Shanks Teach
Fuji GB are definitely below emperors and logi admirals
Actually, I have always viewed the admirals in 3 tiers:
1- Akainu
2- Aokiji / Kizaru
3- Fujitora and Greenbull

So, I'm not against what you said. Because I do firmly have a belief that the previous original trio of admirals are above the new ones!
But that's just headcanon from me, just an opinion
Happy to see you, after this great chapter(Shanks having 4B is great for someone who is less active in the new world and far younger then the current oldest yonkous).
- Yonko and Kings bounty
- War of the Rox , Greatest war yet
- Strongest crew yet by adding WB , Whiki and john
- high tiers gave 1 admiral damage while they were fighting 2 admirals
- and more

best chapter in one piece history yet
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