General & Others Is One Piece Overrated, Underrated or Fairly Rated

Thoughts on One Piece?

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Based on how people talk about One Piece whether it’s Social Media, IRL, Forums Etc. Is One Piece an Overrated series, Underrated series or Fairly rated series? Personally, I think One Piece is ever so slightly Overrated……. It’s great don’t get me wrong but it’s really bothersome when people say it’s in a league of its own compared to other shonen I’m someone who appreciates longevity hell I’m a Lebron fan and I use Lebron’s longevity and consistency as part of the reason he’s >Jordan but One Piece is not Lebron, it hasn’t been awesome for all 27 years, One Piece coming out the timeskip that 2010-2017 period was factually ROUGH. Now 2018-Current it has picked up but even then I wouldn’t put it leagues above something like Hunter X Hunter, Full Metal or even Naruto. Anyways what are your thoughts?

In my view, Hunter x Hunter is above all other manga.
because you can hardly find flaws in it, except the hiatus.
And One Piece in my opinion, its deserves reputation as one of the greatest manga series of all time. Despite having some flaws, it surpasses other manga when you closely compared.
Between overrated and fairly rated, but closer to fairly rated.

Full Metal(old) > Hiatus X Hiatus(would be one of the best if the budget was larger and there were no breaks of several years) > One Piece > Naruto
I'd say it various from person to person.

There are some people who want to call it "the greatest story ever" and think it'll be studied by scholars in the future. And that feels like they're going too far.

And there are others who dismiss it as a "silly pirate manga", and it's a little bit more than that.

So, between the two, I think it kind of averages out to being fairly rated, more or less. I do think One Piece will go down as one of the shonen manga greats, alongside stuff like Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya. But, I don't think it's going to be elevated to a place where it's considered great "literature" like War and Peace or something.
Based on how people talk about One Piece whether it’s Social Media, IRL, Forums Etc. Is One Piece an Overrated series, Underrated series or Fairly rated series? Personally, I think One Piece is ever so slightly Overrated……. It’s great don’t get me wrong but it’s really bothersome when people say it’s in a league of its own compared to other shonen I’m someone who appreciates longevity hell I’m a Lebron fan and I use Lebron’s longevity and consistency as part of the reason he’s >Jordan but One Piece is not Lebron, it hasn’t been awesome for all 27 years, One Piece coming out the timeskip that 2010-2017 period was factually ROUGH. Now 2018-Current it has picked up but even then I wouldn’t put it leagues above something like Hunter X Hunter, Full Metal or even Naruto. Anyways what are your thoughts?

Definitely underrated.

Even among people who love One Piece to death, people don't seem to actually understand just how much of a narrative explosion and revolution One Piece really is in the storytelling game.
In my view, Hunter x Hunter is above all other manga.
because you can hardly find flaws in it, except the hiatus.
And One Piece in my opinion, its deserves reputation as one of the greatest manga series of all time. Despite having some flaws, it surpasses other manga when you closely compared.
Ye, hardly any flaws.
Like a meandering plots, characters that disappears to never come back.
Oh my Rubber Nen.
Oh my Offscreen powers regenerated.
Oh my sister that grants wishes that we didn't meet when we met ALL my family.
Oh my plot made on the spot.