Shoumou vs Chou Ga Ryu

No. Doesn’t change the fact that Shin was relative to them. Shin killed Houken and fight Gyou’Un somewhat equally, at Shukai Plains he was already pushing Renpa and Ouki to high diff.
Shin's performance against Houken wasn't his regular, because he had the revenge weight. He was fighting the man who killed his two mentors and nearly killed the love of his life Kyoukai. Even then this fight ended in him loosing his life. It's a similar situation as with Mougou vs Renpa where one was far below other, but could still fight back due to their common past.

Even when we take all that into account Shin still didn't perform against Houken as well as Ouki.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Shin's performance against Houken wasn't his regular, because he had the revenge weight
So did Ouki, he had his revenge weight for Kyou. Which Duke Hyou did not have when he fought Houken.

Ouki’s performance against Houken was a tier above what he was otherwise capable of. Comparing the Ouki who fought Houken to a theoretical Ouki who would face Gakuhaku Kou or Gyou’Un is wrong because Ouki wouldn’t have revenge weight against them.

He likes to talk about overriding manga statements when he's literally ignoring chapter 3 of the fucking story lol.

In what way am I ignoring this page? What does this have to do with Shoumou or Renpa or Rinko? Or Chougaryuu?
Lmao, I was trying to avoid this topic and the other related to CGR
Bro dragged me right into one.

Shoumou is betta, but the way Hara does his martial shit can confuse the fuck outta people. CGR vs Shin technically is a better martial feat than Shoumou's showcasing, but that's also because Shoumou didn't get any proper 1on1, and was meant to be used as hype tool to hype up Ouki's "strength that has no limits".

It's similar to Shiryou vs Jiaga, we're told how Shiryou + elites can't deal with Jiaga. But then a fucked up Shiryou is able to kill a fully healthy Jiaga. Like we know Jiaga better, but you idk wtf do you say when somebody pulls up "then how did a fucked up Shiryou kill him?"

Man crushes skulls with bare hands and easily can lift up humans with singular hand while swinging that big ass axe blade or w.e it is with the other.



Shin's performance against Houken wasn't his regular, because he had the revenge weight.
That, and Shin seems to have an ability exclusive to a few other characters in the cast (Kyou Kai increasing her abilities that invover her breathing technique) where depending on how critical the situation is for him during a fight, his combat ability somehow skyrockets.

You can call it revenge weight, but the phenomenon seems to only happen for Shin (and almost never for Ouhon, who had to win duels through figuring out weaknesses in the opponent's defenses and/or flaws in their technique).
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