Lmao, I was trying to avoid this topic and the other related to CGR

Bro dragged me right into one.
Shoumou is betta, but the way Hara does his martial shit can confuse the fuck outta people. CGR vs Shin technically is a better martial feat than Shoumou's showcasing, but that's also because Shoumou didn't get any proper 1on1, and was meant to be used as hype tool to hype up Ouki's "strength that has no limits".
It's similar to Shiryou vs Jiaga, we're told how Shiryou + elites can't deal with Jiaga. But then a fucked up Shiryou is able to kill a fully healthy Jiaga. Like we know Jiaga better, but you idk wtf do you say when somebody pulls up "then how did a fucked up Shiryou kill him?"
Man crushes skulls with bare hands and easily can lift up humans with singular hand while swinging that big ass axe blade or w.e it is with the other.