Reading this post makes me think you are one of three things: Either Lying, Ignorant or Stupid. For your sake, I hope you are ignorant.
You seem confused here, the Palestinians are the ones facing genocide by the Israelis and not the Iranians. Iranians and Palestinians are two completely different people with different languages, religious views and geographical location with over a thousand kilometers between them. Iranians aren't worried about Israel genociding them, much less Iranians who want to topple the current regime.
Its simple geopolitics, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Iranian monarchists are the enemy of the current regime, Israel is the enemy of the current regime. Its easy to see why Iranian diaspora would support Israel.
This is an outright lie. The ICJ takes years to process cases, yet even it said that Israel is "possibly" commiting genocide and ordered Israel to stop any activity that incites genocide.
Read the news before making shit up.
Its funny you say shit like this when you made fun of C4N for doing the same thing
I take back what I said earlier, you might not be ignorant after all, just stupid