General & Others Why do some people believe Zoro is stronger then his own captain when this is a shounen manga?



Zoro always fought weaker opponents

Got raped by enel

Destroyed by kizaru

Couldn't do a damn thing against moria

Lost to yeti cool jobbers

Couldn't break the birdcage

One shot by kaido despite using ACoC asura

Needed enma + Deus ex machina mink medicine + ACoA and ACoC KoH to beat non awakened non conqueror non advanced haki user one trick pony flame gimmick reliant ancient zoan mid high tier king

Needed KoH YET AGAIN to beat non conqueror regular zoan lucci

Zoro was NEVER equal to luffy, let alone stronger
Zoro always fought weaker opponents

Got raped by enel

Destroyed by kizaru

Couldn't do a damn thing against moria

Lost to yeti cool jobbers

Couldn't break the birdcage

One shot by kaido despite using ACoC asura

Needed enma + Deus ex machina mink medicine + ACoA and ACoC KoH to be non awakened non conqueror non advanced haki one trick pony gimmick reliant ancient zoan mid high tier king

Needed KoH YET AGAIN to beat non conqueror regular zoan lucci

Zoro was NEVER equal to luffy, let alone stronger
Got raped multiples times by Crocodile

Destroyed by Sentomaru

Got hurt by Hody

Got raped by Monet

Couldn't defeat Doffy without help

Got defeated by Apoo

Couldn't defeat Kaido without others including Yamashit, PIS and plot armor.

Needed G5 to beat a non conqueror regular zoan lucci.


Got raped multiples times by Crocodile
Lost to the MAIN VILLAIN logia before defeating him without neither haki nor DF
Destroyed by Sentomaru
Sneak attacked by sentomaru when he was worried about his crew
Sneak attack again
Got raped by Monet
Falling ground saved monet
Couldn't defeat Doffy without help
Did 99% of the damage to doflamingo as he did to kaido
Got defeated by Apoo
As did zoro and killer, apoo is underrated
Couldn't defeat Kaido without others including Yamashit, PIS and plot armor.
Again, did 99% of the damage to kaido and also the last hit
Needed G5 to beat a non conqueror regular zoan lucci
Only reason he used G5 was for vegapunk to look at it and realize he is the chosen one, luffy was about to use G2 vs lucci prior to the cat asking for g5 to absolutely NEG him
Why not do a comparison
Same opponents
Same Power Level
Lets see how both fare
Kaido fought both of them yet he didn't single out Zoro. Kaido always believed Luffy was the only one that could challenge him.
This was before he got sent down.

Same with Lucci.
Zoro used AdvCoC attack (KoH) which resulted in big gashes across Lucci's body. But he didn't lose consciousness and he still took subsequent attack from Jinbei. The fight took ages to finish where as Luffy was done and had already finished off Kizaru and was fighting Gorosei. Luffy didn't even use any Conqueror's haki attacks in that fight.

Same people here would have you believe Cutting attacks are superior. Yet both instances of Zoro using AdvCoC attacks against Kaido and Lucci never resulted in anything other than big cuts.


Holy Simp
Im just trying to understand why some Zoro fans think this way?
To understand this you need to understand the origin of this train of thoughts.

Luffy was notoriously shown to deflect bullets and canon balls with his rubber powers. Seemingly cutting attacks are the most effective against rubber, out of all physical attack types it is.

So people started scaling Luffy and Zoro based on a "RPS system" where Zoro could always kill Luffy if his strongest cutting attacks were to directly hit Luffy.

And this powerscaling theory has since then been propelled into whatever directions it can be done.
To understand this you need to understand the origin of this train of thoughts.

Luffy was notoriously shown to deflect bullets and canon balls with his rubber powers. Seemingly cutting attacks are the most effective against rubber, out of all physical attack types it is.

So people started scaling Luffy and Zoro based on a "RPS system" where Zoro could always kill Luffy if his strongest cutting attacks were to directly hit Luffy.

And this powerscaling theory has since then been propelled into whatever directions it can be done.
Idk why my fellow Zoro bros still go by that. Luffy has Armament.
Plus he can just dodge with FS
Zoro always fought weaker opponents

Got raped by enel

Destroyed by kizaru

Couldn't do a damn thing against moria

Lost to yeti cool jobbers

Couldn't break the birdcage

One shot by kaido despite using ACoC asura

Needed enma + Deus ex machina mink medicine + ACoA and ACoC KoH to beat non awakened non conqueror non advanced haki user one trick pony flame gimmick reliant ancient zoan mid high tier king

Needed KoH YET AGAIN to beat non conqueror regular zoan lucci

Zoro was NEVER equal to luffy, let alone stronger
Enel who had a Logia when Zoro could only use Haki with his Iai attacks?
Destroyed by Kizaru? You mean yet another Logia user? One who snuck him after he was exhausted from beating up a pacifista and Marines?
Moria was trash lol. Oars was the main problem and Zoro put in work against him.
Never lost to the yeti bros
Issho couldn't break the cage either. It was plot.
One shot by Kaido? You mean after he ate a Tenjin from Zeus without defending himself, then took some of Hakai?
Lucci is dying and Zoro only used CoA