Levitation- Stormbringer is able to levitate by itself, and can be called from afar to fly into its wielder's hands.
Free Will- Stormbringer has a will of its own and will not always follow the wishes of its wielder.
Moonbeam Portal- Stormbringer, under certain circumstances, is capable of cleaving the fabric of space, opening a portal to the Moonbeam Roads.
Soul Devour- Stormbringer will feed on the soul of any being it slays, passing some of the energy on to its wielder.
Grant Super Strength- If Stormbringer's wielder manages to slay enough foes, the soul-energy they receive from the blade will boost their strength to superhuman levels.
Absorb Law- Stormbringer, though naturally an artifact of Chaos, can absorb Lawful energy, turning the blade bright silver and altering its effects.
Godslaying- Stormbringer is fully capable of killing gods, even Chaos Lords and Lords of Law, and is greatly feared because of this. Though it is said that this does not truly destroy the Lords of the Higher Worlds, it just consumes their current manifestations in that world and ensures they cannot return there.