It's really funny to me that we have this scene, and the scene in enies lobby where Lucci tells Spandam that he didn't kill Chimney and her cat because he only kills who he's been ordered to, and goes on to explain that even with Robin captured and the Pluton documents retrieved his job isn't over, because when cipher pol gets called in it's for assassination, and people still don't want to believe the government was after Luffy.
Sabaody should be enough, right? Luffy gets reported and Kuma sends them off. The timeskip happens, 2 full years go by with no word of Luffy, and the RUMOR of them being back on sabaody, literally a witness to demaro black, thats enough to call a fleet of Marine warships, a fleet of pacifistas, sentomaru, and kizaru.
Since alabasta the WG response has been excessive and disproportionate to any other pirate the amount of resources that get put into trying to take out Luffy without anyone else noticing why. It's always like one step more than anyone else gets. It's always been this way. If anything, Oda is retconning the reason for why they're doing this into something plot related instead of just him being the main character so he gets the main character action. But instead, the illiterate haters go "why weren't they trying to kill him" they've been doing that for a thousand chapters asshole lol

This is why I love Lucci: dude just wants to fight. Lucci has no interest in killing weak people, he wants a bloody battle. Lucci will kill... but only if he believes it's necessary. One of the deepest characters in One Piece, IMO.
Great post, reading it refueled my sanity, lol. Oda retconning certain aspects is possible, the idea that he retconned the entire story is such nonsense.
The moment the WG realized Luffy was a true threat they put a ton of effort into killing him. And they failed.
That's what really makes me go "why are you reading this manga?", the people who outright want Luffy to fail. No shit Luffy is going to win and become the Pirate King. Why would you be reading this if you don't want that?
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Powerscaler fanbase still doesn't want to accept Shanks could possibly be doing anything wrong here. The 5 guys who shit talk Akainu to his face, kill children, and treat humans like insects, act all friendly and deferential to Shanks and let him walk in whenever he wants, making time specially for him even when they're already busy "because it's you."
He's the moral center of the series! The perfect nice guy! Shanks was probably threatening them to stay away, yeah, that's it....

He's the moral center of the series! The perfect nice guy! Shanks was probably threatening them to stay away, yeah, that's it....