Theory The original Nika couldn’t stretch

Okay. It's real simple, though.

People's dreams turn into Devil Fruits.
- Why can't the Giant's dream of Sun God Nika become a Devil Fruit?

I'm open to any objections you might have.
Because the sun god had a known form and ability set. The idea that the entire giant people would dream up the white warrior who laughs and stretches as if his body were rubber without the myth having any base just doesn’t make sense.

Like the existence of the Nika fruit without there first existing Nika does not make much sense
Because the sun god had a known form and ability set. The idea that the entire giant people would dream up the white warrior who laughs and stretches as if his body were rubber without the myth having any base just doesn’t make sense.
We shouldn't take myth as fact. We don't know anybody who has ever seen Nika before Joyboy. Do we?
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Ah! I see. I think I may understand why this is a troublesome subject.

That is a slippery slope to go down.
- If we start believing that Nika really existed, then we have to assume that ALL mythological beings likely originally existed. They were real.

I'm not sure I want to go down that slope just yet. I'm still sticking to the idea that none of them existed, and they were all originally just ideas in people's heads. Dreams.
Yes but a huge theme of One Piece is the idea that dreams are real and never truly die. As such I feel like Nika, a dream, of countless people being a lie kinda counters that theme.

And I do believe that all these mythical zoans existed, or at least the origin of these stories existed. As I mentioned in the original post, the story can be exaggerated but the stories these myths are based on have a kernel of truth. Like this case. Nika was just a mere man who used island clouds to fight

I will give weight to the kernel of truth. It is possible.

The origin of the myth may have begun with *some guy* named Nika who sparked the imagination of the Giants.

That would give the Giants some reason for having that belief in the first place, wouldn't it?
Nika was simply a deity worshipped by giants (not real) and due to this the nika DF manifested. Joyboy or maybe someone before joyboy could be the first user of nika DF

If nika was a real being then the DF won't be named nika nika no mi.

I will give weight to the kernel of truth. It is possible.

The origin of the myth may have begun with *some guy* named Nika who sparked the imagination of the Giants.

That would give the Giants some reason for having that belief in the first place, wouldn't it?
Exactly the thought. That there did exist a man named Nika who the giants eventually worshipped like a god because he rescued them from slavery.
Yes because that’s what the story of one piece is about, dreams not being real.

I mean Sengoku’s Buddha isn’t real

Katarina Devon’s Kitzuna isn’t real

Even Kaido’s Shenlong Dragon isn’t real

Also Orochi’s Orochi isn’t real

Marco’s pheonix isn’t real either

mythical Zoans are not real… They are FOLK TALES… We have VERY MANY EXAMPLES of now of these Zoans being real

I will give weight to the kernel of truth. It is possible.

The origin of the myth may have begun with *some guy* named Nika who sparked the imagination of the Giants.

That would give the Giants some reason for having that belief in the first place, wouldn't it?
"God" Usopp will be going to Elbaf to spread his lies and creates more folk lores, it's truly next level plot.


"God" Usopp will be going to Elbaf to spread his lies and creates more folk lores, it's truly next level plot.
It's even more next level than that when you remember that Skypeia told us that the souls of the dead inhabit trees + the fact that Elbaf has the tallest trees in the series + the at-times-forgotten fact that Usopp uses plants/seeds in his arsenal. He will spread lies to grow myths :finally:
It's even more next level than that when you remember that Skypeia told us that the souls of the dead inhabit trees + the fact that Elbaf has the tallest trees in the series + the at-times-forgotten fact that Usopp uses plants/seeds in his arsenal. He will spread lies to grow myths :finally:
So that's how Devil Fruit come to be, growing from Nika's trees and his lies?


So that's how Devil Fruit come to be, growing from Nika's trees and his lies?
I think DFs predate Nika.
God, I hope so.
I'd hate it for Joy Boy to be the first pirate and for the Nika Nika to be the first DF as well. Too much.


Stretching or otherwise, the manga already showed us that Nika was not awakened (and likely not the effect of a DF at all):

Stretching or otherwise, the manga already showed us that Nika was not awakened (and likely not the effect of a DF at all):

I think this is also because Nika could have just been a normal man. The cloud scarf is something that gods wear so it makes sense a normal man wouldn’t have it.