Who will be the next SH?

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I really wish Oda had gone into more detail about what Stussy is, even in a simple introductory box. We'll prob be forced to wait until the eventual SBS post or 200 chapters for a vague allusion.

Like are she and Miss Bukkin vampires or succubi? Is it because of a devil fruit, Vegapunk modification or are they a race that was driven to extinction by the CD? Probably a bit excessive but I personally hope its the latter since too many things in OP lately have been explained away as tech modifications rather than being natural parts of the world.
There is a lot of stuff about her.
I think we gonna discover her power with Buckin in the next Rocks flashback.

But I'm more intrigued by how Oda will develop her final plot in the arc "the final mission". I hope he brings up again the issue of her not accepting herself as a normal person.

I'm thinking in make a character analysis thread about her and others intringuing and underrated characters (like Kuzan)
My mind is ruined by Tiktok memes on YouTube
This is how China recruits their people - congratulations for becoming a sleeper agent. :myman:
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What would you say was the point then? :sus:
The outcome of the fight is very unusual: Jinbe is breaking it up, with Zoro and Lucci still standing. Both are able to act and have an impact to the overall plot. Now, with Zoro almost arriving where the group around Nami is, without it having an overall impact to his side. We need to look at Lucci, as we have two very important things the fight has established:
1. Lucci is now seen as the bad guy again. This is important to him, since he said in his fight with Zoro regarding the behaviour of the SHPs: "Those fools will never make it if they can't cut off the arm to save the body!!" - and exactly this is why Lucci wants to be seen by everyone as the enemy again - he wants to help them escape. And he knows that for this, he has to stay back. But the SHPs would never leave an ally behind, if he were to suggest such a plan. So, Lucci needed to be seen as evil again - to be able to sacrafice himself.
2. Lucci is able to act independently now. He needs that to do two very important things: You know what I think about Stussy - I do not think, she will press the power-button of the Dome anytime soon. So, someone has to make sure that button is pressed. Kizaru is the second person, who could pose a thread after the SHPs have made their way out to sea. The admiral is able to bridge very long distances within mere moments with his DF-power. Someone or something has to hold him off.
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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
If Carrot joins, those who voted against her have to make art/use AI to generate their own Fursona and make it their Avi for a month.

If Carrot doesn't join, those who voted for her have to wear an Avi of their least favorite character low diffing their favorite character for a month

No matter which occur, I will change my Avi in solidarity to a Fursona, since CARROT IS JOINING THE CREW WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

If you voted for the third option, you have no commitment whatsoever and are just here to clown around.

Funny Bunny by the Pillows:


CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
A long time ago when asked to make a fursona I just drew a blue wool sock with glasses and said here you go. I don't think that's in keeping with the spirit of the thing though so I'll have a think about what to do if she does end up joining.
We'll make an exception just for you, I want to see a sock with glasses. Maybe a bubble pipe.