Passive ability:
Targeting a player with a beneficial ability will be healed.
Active abilities:
Give double action
Upgrade player's next action
Protect 3 random players from harmful abilities - 2 shot and can only be used day 3 or after
Day 1 gave Naomi double action
Day 2 refilled Naomi, gave prof double action and healed him from rolecrush, upgraded yo tan next action to restore a destroyed ability he claimed
Day 3 gave sallu double action
Day 4 refilled flower and I think it got sent to cal when he used lighting rod
Day 5 refilled flower
Day 6 refilled flower and upgraded her next action
Targeting a player with a beneficial ability will be healed.
Active abilities:
Give double action
Upgrade player's next action
Protect 3 random players from harmful abilities - 2 shot and can only be used day 3 or after
Day 1 gave Naomi double action
Day 2 refilled Naomi, gave prof double action and healed him from rolecrush, upgraded yo tan next action to restore a destroyed ability he claimed
Day 3 gave sallu double action
Day 4 refilled flower and I think it got sent to cal when he used lighting rod
Day 5 refilled flower
Day 6 refilled flower and upgraded her next action