If you genuinely believe there is nothing to fear from unbridled, unregulated immigration, then you're a fool, Logiko.
No, I'm simply looking at reality as it is and no how my biases or potential fear is telling me it is. I HAVE been afraid of immigration before. This is not the case anymore.
The only thing that I can give you is the fear of not having enough ressources to welcome people. Aside from that, nothing. But as we know, immigration is not a problem because of a lack of ressources, we have plenty to welcome people, what we lack is determination.
If your fear is based on any other reason that that then its problematic.
Hear the testimonies from the poorest neighbourhoods and then let's talk
The problem is not immigration, the problem is rascism mate. Do you think minorities and immigrant are ending up in poor neightboorhood by choice ?
No. They are SYSTEMATICALLY pushed that way by society.
The problem is NEVER and will NEVER be immigration. The problems is:
1 - Capitalism
2 - Systemic racism
Those two things combined created a concentration of racialiazed and marginalized population that have nothing. This creates crimes, this creates communautarism and this creates violences.
Those population are NOT at fault, the SYSTEM is.
Bring wealth to those people and you will see insecurity go down in a heartbeat. But as long as systemic racism, meritocracy and ultra liberalism will be a things, it won't happen.
It's all a social issue - and we - the original inhabitants of the country are being bigoted, but you're wrong.
No. Mate. This is a sociological fact.
And its not necessarily "us" the problem. The problem are the institutions that allow said systemic racism to exist, the problem is capitalism and meritocracy that keeps most the wealth in the pocket of the 1%.
I don't ask you to change. I ask you to understand the system and try to change it with me.
There are immigrants who cause no issues, but there are also immigrants who DO.
Yeah, just like there are good people and bad people. So what ? If you ask me to stop immigration because you are afraid of 1% of bad apples, then sorry but I'm not the fool.
you seem to believe that everyone should be free to live anywhere
and that we should all exist not as sovereign nations, but economic zones devoid of the original culture that made the nation thrive
That's why I'm more of an anarchist than a communist.
I want a world without borders.
I'm tired of those who live nowhere NEAR ghettos, those who cannot even go outside their house, let alone go into a no-go zone, say "there is nothing to fear."
This is a fallacy.
You are invoking a sentimental bias here to explains that it is impossible to understand the situation of zone without living in it. Without even mentionning the fact that you don't know where I live, your reasonning here is absolutely not based on reality. Its based on fear alone.
No, I don't need to live in a ghettos to understand what is happening there. I will not "feel" what its like to be there, but I will understand how it works if said zone is documented enough. And you are not lucky, the reality of the poor neighborhood is something that is highly documented. Anyone with a bit of understanding of social sciences can understand the reality of those zone and the fact that violences and crimes there, is not related to the color of skin or the origin or the religion, but related to the marginalization of the population by the institution.
A marginalization so insidious and so powerfull that it forces some to resort to anger and violence to survive for those who can simply afford to be violent, because some are literally in the streets.
The reality is that you are afraid of something that is created by what you are promoting : the system.
Ultimately Logiko, you believe in the conglomerated mass of humanity as an umbrella, when societies do not work that way, culture... does not work that way. I hate using this terminology, but you've essentially fallen for American Imperalism where all nations must be a "melting pot" like America.
All nations WILL be a melting pot of different cultures. Its UNavoidable in an international and connected world
You can resist.
But it will happen.