One Piece 1117:Mo-

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The biggest reveal of this chapter is probably that Gin is alive and that the Don Krieg pirates are on Hachinosu. I really need to pay closer attention to backgrounds, I guess, because I completely missed that the first time I read it. (The very first panel of the story, under the "Pirate Island" location caption, if you missed it like I did.)

And Smoker's finally HERE! That...kind of ruins a theory I had about him, but oh well. It's good to see him again after nearly a decade being gone. And he seems to be towing something behind him. Could that be a Poneglyph? It's impossible to tell for sure, but maybe?

That does seem to eliminate another person who could have given Luffy the food on Egghead, though. Feels like we're running out of characters it could be. Hopefully, Oda explains that at some point.

It was kind of neat to see Doll get to go all out.

The Venus/Zoro clash was interesting for a few reasons.

The "Mo", I have no idea about. I was thinking maybe it could be for "Moon" or "Mu", but I don't know if that works with the actual Japanese wording. I'm assuming the "Mo" is a important part of the message, given it's also the title of the chapter, but it's hard to speculate too much without knowing any Japanese.
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Foul Legacy

Guys what are the chances , ancient robot couldn't do anything because liffy switched back from G5 and no source for him to run anymore. :hope:
Very nice chapter and the main reason was zoro clashing with Venus.
Smoker looks so badash but he will get beaten by whom next?
Jinbe throwing and catching zoro was a nice team up.
And let's talk about zoro now....
I mean how many feats a guy can have ?
It's not like zoro is as strong as Venus or anything but this haki clash was an amazing feat.
The first time that Venus looked serious.
I hope we have something more before they escape

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Something like Koby x Alvida :myman::myman::myman::myman:
Alvida is a masochist, and, based on what we've seen, hasn't really been fighting recently.

Here she is aroused that Luffy punched her:

If Koby punches Alvida, and it damages her because he has Haki...

You can do it, Koby. Make Alvida your S&M Pirate Queen/Wife

Alvida joining the Marines to try and steal Koby from Hibari would be freaking hilarious
Alvida is a masochist, and, based on what we've seen, hasn't really been fighting recently.

Here she is aroused that Luffy punched her:

If Koby punches Alvida, and it damages her because he has Haki...

You can do it, Koby. Make Alvida your S&M Pirate Queen/Wife

Alvida joining the Marines to try and steal Koby from Hibari would be freaking hilarious
Hancock and Kaido are frauds... The strongest and prettiest are Don krieg and alvida

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Hancock and Kaido are frauds... The strongest and prettiest are Don krieg and alvida
Don Krieg, Alvida, Buggy, and Luffy:

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Around 2 weeks later and Drake still wounded. Oda shows once again how ancient Zoan don't have increased regen but people still on their headcannon about this fact.

Drake got in another fight after Wano ended. It's possible.
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Was really hoping we'd see Hawkins whenever we saw Drake again. Really hoping this doesn't mean he's actually dead..
If we was in the Marine hospital I'd imagine they separate Pirates from Marines. So, Hawkins might be there, in the Prisoner section.

Makes no sense to let recovering pirates near recovering Marines
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If we power scaling Zoro did a name attack and elder just use a normal sword attack and hit back Zoro .
If we go by WG logic on here sometimes this bad for Zoro LMAO .
Name attack scaling lmao.. that is typical of zorotards when reasoning Zoro > everyone..
Then eat their own words :gokulaugh:
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Remember When Zoro deflected Kaidos attack, scarred him and made him bleed multiple time? Sanji stans ashured us this didnt matter because Kaido wasn't knocked over. Knocking over your opponent is more impressive then making them bleed. Now Zoro has over powered Nusjuro and sent him flying. Now Sanji stans are saying, despite Gorosei not having the defense that Kaido had, that "actualy giving him a blood nose is more impressive then sending him flying".

Gota respect the agenda.
Are we really reading the same thing?
Zorotards can not see that Zoro who was sent flying and Jinbei catch him (Nami worried). Later Zoro said he want to run away :suresure:

But Zorotards as always, Zoro > everyone
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