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no just apart of the Worst Generation - the Supernovas are exclusively rookeis with bounties over 100m

Teach wasnt a rookie nor did he even have a bounty

what makes nika trash?

& what exactly has bonney recreated that makes it trash?

"Extend the stroy" you mean continue the overall stroy as 1000 year Quest was originally discussed and apart of the overall story with Gildarts and Natsu already interested in the quest itself? i think you need to rethink what some of the terms you use actualy mean...

so a nothing really special manga with a trash ending and decent fights got it.... its better than Ft cause the auther "extended the story" got it thanks...

a garbage manga/anime that just tried to hard copy bleach... ok, so what makes FT a shitfest?

MHA who was half decent up until like the 3rd or 4th arc and just went to shit and never actually progressed its storyline, which you also stopped reading cause it was boring...

what about the beginning of FT isnt interesting?

& how far did you actually get in FT?

you're not saying much for someone who talks alot
I have no fucking idea who Gildarts even is, cant remenber, and i dont even care to google it, i didnt finish fairy tail either because everything about that manga is irredemable garbage, the fights are retarded, specialy the MC ones. Asspull powerups everyfuckingwhere, the execution of the concept of guilds is shit, the character designs are boring and unninteresting, some even straight up copied 1:1 from other manga.

Theres not a single good thing about that manga, not the beggining, not the middle and i wonder if theres anyone sane enough to find out if the ending is at least decent. I wonder how good at sucking dick the author of that manga is, because theres no other way that hack managed to keep that shit going for as long as he did.


I have no fucking idea who Gildarts even is, cant remenber, and i dont even care to google it, i didnt finish fairy tail either because everything about that manga is irredemable garbage, the fights are retarded, specialy the MC ones. Asspull powerups everyfuckingwhere, the execution of the concept of guilds is shit, the character designs are boring and unninteresting, some even straight up copied 1:1 from other manga.

Theres not a single good thing about that manga, not the beggining, not the middle and i wonder if theres anyone sane enough to find out if the ending is at least decent. I wonder how good at sucking dick the author of that manga is, because theres no other way that hack managed to keep that shit going for as long as he did.
youre an angry little man.


Expectations are so low at this point that I can't even complain about the chapter

Just standard post ts one piece
Things are moving along I guess...........Im ngl the pacing is kindaaaa draggyyyy also Bonney Becoming Nika.......... It feels like Oda is just doing random shit with devil fruits honestly and it works sometimes, but idk.... Im interested in the design tho.

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